Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Today, many of the obstacles mentioned above are disappearing one by one. Over the past decade, the

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The next world granary Reviewed by Momizat on July 8 the author: Joel Bern little Joel K. Bourne, el celler de can roca menu Jr. Photography: el celler de can roca menu Robin Robin Hammond Hammond great traction machine so suddenly appeared el celler de can roca menu in front of her. It first uprooting her banana. Followed by corn. Then beans, sweet potatoes and cassava. In just a few minutes after the dusty, this is close to the city of Xai Mozambique over the years to feed Fuluo La.奇瑞梅 and her five children and a half hectares of land, on the author: Joel small Byrne Joel K. Bourne, Jr. Photography: Robin Robin Hammond Hammond great traction machine so suddenly appeared in front of her . It first uprooting el celler de can roca menu her banana. Followed by corn. Then beans, sweet potatoes and cassava. In just a few minutes after the dusty, this is close to the city of Xai Mozambique over the years to feed Fuluo La. Qi Ruimei and her five children and a half hectares of land, on Rating: 0
"No one told me," 45-year-old said 奇瑞梅 volume gradually increased with anger. "One day I saw that hoisting machines in my field, shovel out everything. Those who have lost," Machado Mba "(meaning Mozambique language of" the well-known land "), el celler de can roca menu and there is no one to get compensation! ", said local civil society groups, the Agricultural Development Co., Ltd. Wanbao Africa took land and livelihoods of thousands of people, and is allowed under the Mozambique government. The government el celler de can roca menu has long been a huge investment in order to disregard the land rights of local farmers. Those finally get a position in the large farms who are working seven days a week, no overtime. Wanbao el celler de can roca menu company spokesman denied such allegations, stressing that they do is to train local farmers to grow rice.
Qi Ruimei situation is not uncommon. She is just one individual being swept most significant trends in global agriculture. This unexpected trend is to take sub-Saharan Africa, and one of the best ever on the planet where hunger, can supply the whole world into a major new barn. Since corn, soybeans, wheat and rice prices rose to a record high in 2007 almost el celler de can roca menu global land set off a wave of heat, corporate investors eager to land in those cheap, good government speak, property is often neglected national lease or purchase land. Most of the land transactions have taken place in Africa, in Africa and elsewhere around the world, only a few areas still has millions of hectares of fallow el celler de can roca menu land and plenty of irrigation water. Africa also has the world's largest "output gap": Although the United States, China and the eurozone countries, maize, wheat and rice farmers el celler de can roca menu can produce about six tonnes of grain per hectare of agricultural land, farmers in sub-Saharan Africa has an average of only can produce a tonne, almost the equivalent of the reign of the Roman Caesar farmers harvest of wheat during the harvest. Despite several attempts, the promotion of the Green Revolution of fertilizer, irrigation systems and high-yield seeds (in between 1960-2000 to the global cereal production has more than doubled) has been unable to bear fruit in Africa, which can be attributed to the foundation construction of scarcity, limited markets, government misgovernment, and lead the people killing each other, destroying a piece of the continent's post-colonial civil war troubles.
Today, many of the obstacles mentioned above are disappearing one by one. Over the past decade, the economy in sub-Saharan Africa el celler de can roca menu every year steady growth of about 5%, surpassing the United States and the European Union's economic growth rate. Bonds decreased, peaceful elections can also increasing. Now there are more than one-third of sub-Saharan African people have cell phones, and used to operate the action bank, small business, or remittances to relatives living in the rural areas. After 25 years of almost no money bets, the African agriculture finally began to get the World Bank and donor investment. The continent el celler de can roca menu is becoming used to test new food production technologies laboratory. Some experts believe that if the farmers in sub-Saharan Africa in the art will be able to increase production to four tonnes of grain per hectare (this is a huge challenge el celler de can roca menu to increase four times), Africa is not only that they can have enough to eat, and even export food earn extreme shortage of cash, and help feed the world.
Fertile land, soaring demand for soybeans and rice, as well as the government willing to reach a large land transactions, so this was a Portuguese colony swept through the country in this land of Africa hot center. 2013, Mozambique el celler de can roca menu ranked third in the world poorer countries, China had nearly half of all children under five are stunted due to malnutrition. Recent world-class coal and natural gas discovery in the north, as well as other mining and forestry concessions, have gradually brought wealth for Mozambique. Exploitation of these hydrocarbons wave driven Mozambique's economy is estimated el celler de can roca menu to have grown by 7% in 2013. Large Infrastructure Projects sprung up, including el celler de can roca menu many of the major sources of funding el celler de can roca menu plan, the loans are made to curry favor with local political leaders eager to take a slice of the country has to offer. From 2004 onwards, the government has about 2.5 million hectares of land leased to domestic and foreign investors, for the production of forest products, biofuels and sugar cane, etc., which account for about 7 percent nationwide concession of arable land, making mo than three g ranked among the highest in Africa land lease rates.
And ministerial officials in Maputo signed a contract upscale restaurant is easy, but to build and operate farms in large enterprises often hostile neighbors under camouflage, el celler de can roca menu but also to make money, it is another matter entirely. He Yuehe farm is located el celler de can roca menu about Mozambique's major soybean growing areas Gurúè, it was supposed to be Africa's most dazzling new agricultural model, the result will become el celler de can roca menu of this land deal can go wrong how negative el celler de can roca menu materials. In 2009, Mozambique officials a nearly 10,000 hectares of abandoned state farms leased to the Portuguese company that has a government relations. The problem is that local villagers for many years to grow crops on the land, breadwinner. Portugal managers stationed in the village met with leaders pledged el celler de can roca menu to compensate other arable area bigger than here twice, will build schools, clinics and new wells.
Very few of these promises fulfilled. Schools and clinics were never built, but the company did buy an ambulance, the patient may be sent to Gurúè hospital an hour away. Village, only about 40 men to get jobs that pay farm Watchmen, hundreds of other people were forced to migrate. And there really people's access to land is found in those places far away from home, muddy and overgrown with weeds. Casto Dio. Yabo Tuo is one of them. I threshing conference in 荷约荷 about farm encountered the 52-year-old farmer. At the meeting there are two dozen local Roman Catholic men being hit with a wooden stick piles of soybeans, there are two dozen women with hand-woven sieve dustpan Valley. At present, the church still control the land area of 30,000 hectares, next to the vast territory stretching all the way to the distant fields of Heyue He Castle about.
But compared with the following el celler de can roca menu cases, the conflict occurred in approximately 荷约荷 is negligible. In 2009, the government signed with Brazil and Japan called a mega ProSavana agricultural development plan in northern Mozambique is expected to provide nearly 14 million hectares of land for industrial-scale soybean production base, which is likely to be history agricultural land of the largest el celler de can roca menu transactions. The plan originated in a joint project between Japan and Brazil, el celler de can roca menu this joint project will transform veld Brazil is one of the world's largest soybean export zones, mainly el celler de can roca menu used for the production of soybeans to feed livestock in Europe and China. In the northern part of Mozambique this nearly four major Taiwan-shaped corridor land, how will stand by the Brazilian agribusiness el celler de can roca menu operations, covering 10,000 hectares of modern farms, as well as technical education el celler de can roca menu center for local farmers to help them Learn how to dramatically cassava, beans, vegetables and soybean production el celler de can roca menu - at least initially vision is. However, a group of Brazilian farmers in 2013 when the local investigation, only to find different things el celler de can roca menu and they imagined.
库耶克 said that with the right policies, smallholders can also be extremely productive, and Vietnamese rice farmers and small dairy farmers in Kenya, for example, which provides more than 70 percent el celler de can roca menu of Kenya's milk. Just let African farmers in the main, that is women, and men have the same land tenure, credit and fertilizer, will be able to increase food production by 30%. But Mozambique government does not think so. Although smallholder food production over the past few years has improved, there are still 37% of the population undernourished, the southern region of floods and droughts more suffering. Despite mineral wealth brings, Mozambique remains one of the world's most hungry, the government considers large-scale farms is the solution.
From 荷约荷 approximately el celler de can roca menu along the rugged dirt road a few kilometers away, on the run by a retired teacher soybean farm, which is in between the large and small farms take a middle course, but also to obtain high yields of examples. Armando. Asian Alfonso. Carter Shawa very early use of leisure time in the small garden to grow vegetables, make up over the years has been about a 26 hectares of agricultural land. Now, he and a new company, "African Century Agriculture" signed el celler de can roca menu on as their deed for farmers, provide seeds and mechanical weed control by the company, he was responsible el celler de can roca menu for the company after deducting the costs of providing services to the agreed price of soybeans sold back to the company. So far, both sides benefit from this agreement. el celler de can roca menu
In fact, as long as the proper mode of operation, large farms can benefit the locals. el celler de can roca menu Delaisse. Gauss was originally Zambia surgeon, 14 years ago, he planted el celler de can roca menu 12 hectares el celler de can roca menu of banana trees on the outskirts of Maputo, the collapse of a citrus garden, and then slowly expand the business, and today he has become known as the "banana kingdom" farm . An area of 1400 hectares of banana kingdom, is Mozambique's largest banana grower, is one of the largest employers in the country, there are 2,800 full-time employees. 14 years, Gauss farms allow Mozambique to become exporters from the banana importing countries. With farm expansion, Gauss also paved roads, built a school and a clinic, digging wells, and led located 55 kilometers of power lines, irrigation systems not only for their own farm supply, but also for employees living in neighboring villages use. In his farm, even the lowest paid workers take home salary than the minimum wage even higher 10%; hoisting machine driver and farm manager's salary is more than twice the minimum wage.
But there is no doubt that the African land drive is hot money, rather than what you want to feed the world's lofty ideals. An investor seminar recently held in New York agriculture attracted approximately 800 global financial leaders participate, they add up to the amount of investment management have almost $ 3 trillion, including large pension funds, life insurance companies, hedge funds, private equity funds and sovereign wealth funds, which is now about 5% of the asset allocation investment in agriculture. This number is expected to triple el celler de can roca menu over the next decade el celler de can roca menu will increase. According to experts of the United Nations Food and Agriculture el celler de can roca menu Organization of cum, said such a large amount of private capital, technology and infrastructure to inject, it is the world's agricultural needs. These experts estimate that each year we will have to invest $ 83 billion el celler de can roca menu on agricultural development in the country in 2050 in order to feed the extra 2 billion people.
Plan on a long road ProSavana scheduled to center, I stopped at a mud-brick el celler de can roca menu hut, with 35-year-old farmer Casta. En Neisi multi-West and his wife Leia. Louis conversation. They heard ProSavana, just simply el celler de can roca menu want to one hectare of corn fields to feed their families, el celler de can roca menu but also the sale of a thatched roof with bamboo supplement income. They have five children, the youngest six months old, maximum 11 years. Cristobal Tower boss named Ace, is a shy girl, and she is holding a mallet pound-high corn, past, her mother, grandmother and great-grandmother had also done so. My guide investment in agricultural development for 20 years, he said, the family seems to have poor growth due to malnutrition. I asked En Neisi much corn he planted this year, enough to eat it? "Enough ah," he said proudly. West Liya pounded supplement corn few: "As long as we have enough grass in addition to ground, you can have enough to eat year's harvest."
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