Saturday, February 7, 2015

Historical background: In the third century AD, Christians worry and foreign aggression AD 380 year

Poetry era: the first period (before 1500) Category: union with Christ, "Christ is born, been able thousand back." This poem was written in the third century, the author can not be verified, presumably belonging the art institute of austin to the inner life of a pioneer school of poetry. Simpson (ABSimpson, the art institute of austin 1843-1919, founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance) is very loved this song, and later to a god for this song plus a chorus, and asked her daughter Margaret to compose the poem became today we sing version:
Historical background: In the third century AD, Christians worry and foreign aggression AD 380 years Theodosius Christianity as the state religion the art institute of austin of the Roman year, before that, from a century, Christians experienced persecution the art institute of austin ten times bigger, every time powerful, oppressive. This is the era of Christian facing internal and external, is also extremely painful era. This poem is in this context has been written, is sung. Internal problems: from the first century AD, have appeared on heresy. In the Gospel of John to write when there is "wisdom faction" of. They say that God of the Old Testament the art institute of austin and the New Testament God is different. They are very "Wisdom", said: God of the Old Testament was horrible, bad-tempered, very severe, it will retaliate, not as God of the Old Testament God of the New Testament. New Testament God, salvation, very loving, so Christians read the New Testament alone. He is the divine holiness, how to become people? the art institute of austin However, this verse says, "you get to God, do not follow the wisdom" does not refer to the wisdom of Proverbs says, "fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (9:10) wisdom, but who came up with the mind "Wisdom." At first these words always makes sense, but always guide people deviate from God's love, "you the art institute of austin get to God, love is the shortest path." Foreign aggression: the Christian life, so that the behavior of people around them afraid. They do not participate in public events, secretly gathering, the art institute of austin refused to worship the Roman emperor, contemptuous idol; plus Roman defeat of the war, got the upper hand of the anti-Christian politicians blame the Christians, claiming that because they do not 拜罗马 gods, causing Wrath of God. Regional persecution: AD 64, the spread of the six days and nights, the art institute of austin the famous Roman city let the fire burn to ashes almost the whole city. The streets were rumors that arson was the reign of the Roman emperor Nero (Nero) I aroused indignation of the Roman emperor. In order to divert the people's attention, Nero fabricated lies, blame the fire on the Christians. the art institute of austin This is the first Christian the art institute of austin mass subjected to cruel persecution. However, this is only ten times bigger persecution first time, the size is only limited the art institute of austin to the city of Rome itself. Nationwide persecution: from Nero started the wave of Christian persecution unfolds, the second century AD, the Roman Emperor Otto rationale slightly Marco (Marcus Aurelius) - "Meditations" author - ordered the Christian industry unto informers their people. Then forced to develop into a national action Christians everywhere to be searched out, was strict trial and killed. In AD 250, the Roman emperor promulgated anti-Christian laws prohibiting citizens profess Christianity, prohibits gatherings of Christian worship, no sacrifice to the gods of the empire is illegal, partial the art institute of austin and full-scale Roman Empire. Christians were thrown into the piazza, to the hungry lions and bears for food, and for people to watch the entertainment. Conservative historians estimate that this period of time, more than one hundred thousand Christian martyrdom. This historical martyrs, reproduce Hebrews depict the art institute of austin confidence witness's story: someone to death by torture, refused the art institute of austin to accept release, as might obtain a better resurrection; but otherwise people affected by the teasing and whipping, even Trial of bonds and imprisonment; they were stoned, they were sawn asunder, the art institute of austin tempted, killed a knife; dressed in sheep skin goats running around, destitute, tribulation, suffering harm; in the wilderness, mountains , dens and caves, wander no fixed, is not worthy of the world. (Hebrews 11: 35-38)
Poetry the art institute of austin Appreciation: a first smelled the pleasing aroma and bitterness only sporadic poetry Roman Christians can not understand the love of the Lord, they thought, the most horrible abuse can deter them, but in fact that torture is also a loss to them. Empire more killings the art institute of austin of Christians by the more complicated, the more they persecuted Christians love the Lord more. This is the first cross poetry came into being in this environment. However, the poems do not feel it actually comes from the mouth of those who suffered persecution, the lyrics did not ask the Lord to save us from persecution, the lion's mouth, swords, burned at the stake; nor scarred desperately flavor and bitterness, only a profound experience Christ, the love of God a sweet savor of the gas man. This verse poem written speech the art institute of austin is very simple, but very mystery. The first section focuses on the principle of living the art institute of austin within the people inside to make an objective God, became man, although subjective experience of Christ was born in Bethlehem can return thousands, if not live in your heart, salvation is still nowhere. Calvary of ten, it will not save you; you are ten years, the art institute of austin only you can heal. Christ made on the cross, His only objective, the legal side of salvation, through the work of the cross, He completed the forgiveness of sins, Xizui, justification, sanctification position on, and make peace with God, but these are objective facts. Christians subjective experience, but through the work of the Holy Spirit, salvation accomplished the art institute of austin life. God gave man first son, who after the Holy Spirit. First Christ, after that the Holy Ghost. Spirit made, is made into the side of Christ, the successful implementation of the application to us. Including rebirth, sanctification, update, change, feed, build, and molded into a glorified. A complete Christian experience of God's salvation, but as a starting point to the objective to the subjective as the outcome. Refrain focus on experience the art institute of austin of truth, so that the resurrection of all our lives become, the art institute of austin oh! The cross of Christ, I take you into my heart and made me take off their jurisdiction, complete with primary and survive. Simpson wrote the chorus is cut from a subjective side. Christ died for our sins on the cross, which is a central objective truth in the Bible. However, if only the cross at Calvary (names, intended for Calvary, Jesus was crucified), if people do not want to receive the hearts, they "will not save you." Judicial redemption subject to the vitality of salvation, to let the truth be our valuable experience. Section II focuses on the good pleasure of God's beloved, that is the life of dignitaries in nature can become a god man! What things you love, you become the thing: to God, if you love God; to dust, if you love the dust; you out, God goes; you die, God gave birth to the Soviet Union; without you, there is Christ; no thing, you have everything. Watchman Nee initial translation is: "! People love what you what, we should, as you admire, such as soil, if you love the earth?." But when people the art institute of austin try to imitate things, the last thing would be subject to the control and even turned the matter. So Brother Lee by the original (What e'er thou lovest, man, That too become thou must; ... Dust, if thou lovest dust.) More Tech's translated as: "O man what things you love, you! becomes the object? into dust, if you love the dust. " Here's "dust" not only refers to the dust material, but refers to the world, means the earth to say. Like Romans 12: 2 says: "Do not imitate this generation, anti To update and change through the mind, that ye may prove what is the good God, may the joy and pure whole purpose." "A god." Witness Lee also made by the original translation. Concept into a god, which had in the second century, but later few people dare say so. Until the fourth century, three hundred and twenty years after the master, a young theologian Athanasius's name (Athanasius, 297 ~ 373), he said the phrase famous in church history 奈西亚 Congress: "God became people, for they might become God "(God became a man, that man may become God) Section III focuses the art institute of austin on the understanding that God is love, and love is the only person to make it into the glory of God the way you get to God, Do not follow wisdom; "love" is the shortest path, so you removed roundabout. What if you do not seek its own interests, the glory of God himself, going full of you. New Testament there is a major lesson is to see us, "God is love" (1 John 4:16). It is not to say that God's love, God will love, does not mean to love God, and God can love, but not to say that God loves; it is simple but effective, said: "God is love." Nothing can make us and the love of God, because we are the only object of God's love; God desires us to respond with love, His precious love

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