Thursday, February 19, 2015

If you talk about coffee, it tasted of coffee at one of your friend. They were tasty, but not what

Not for the first time be sure - when you start on something intensely thinking, thoughts and begin materializing. I'm not a coffee maniac, a better one, maximum two cups a day, but at this point, I am picky and not drink it at all better than I drink anything. And I started to drink coffee quite late, year of study in any coffee yet not look half. My dad is a big coffee drinker, coffee roasting himself, and knows 101 grinds the coffee on the stove method. Itself convinced that the same coffee has been cooked in African and Arabic beard to tail taste different ways as day and night ... By the way, some techniques are more suitable for one cup cooked - pasilepinimui yourself, others - buckets of coffee when guests užgriūna. I wonder dad's patience and knowledge. I do not have time (= desire) to fiddle, so increasingly thought that I needed an automatic coffee beard to tail machine, because their contributions beard to tail jug already has grown. " Such thoughts cloud humming in my head, I received a letter from a friend's coffee. " At first I refused their offer to taste the coffee, because I did not want to be committed to write a review. However, it encouraged me to seriously looking into the coffee maker. I have noticed that coffee friend Carol patience is golden man - and they have seen him as I pushed the fork into the corner kvosdama about all the pros and cons of apparatus. So, after much thinking, questioning beard to tail his friends and responsible choice chosen Saeco Instant Cappuccino. My family and he needs perfectly satisfied. Why cappuccino, espresso whom, and who only from virgin cappuccino milk foam. :) I also have an important note - I bought beard to tail the coffee machine itself, did not ask for any discount on it and did not have a duty to write. I was very pleasantly surprised by the coffee culture of service to your friend, so I want them to recommend itself as a good place to buy coffee equipment, is seeking because there is no better when buying beard to tail a product "bought" and good feelings. Most hate the question, "and you read the instructions?" Figures, beard to tail after a hundred, it's something, is no longer possible to ask? Coffee Friend do not ask this question, they are willing to respond to any questions raised by the introduction of a commodity. I'm not naive, and I understand beard to tail that the ultimate goal of all businesses - profit, but how to work with each other - not. Friend Coffee paid work, so the customer is satisfied. I sincerely wish them success.
If you talk about coffee, it tasted of coffee at one of your friend. They were tasty, but not what I was seeking lifetime. So a blog and write about what is translated feet from me - I did not want. But finally I met her. Musetti Evoliuzione. Fragrant, rich, thick, very subtle beard to tail acidity coffee. Sometimes they do not even want to "spoil" beard to tail the milk, though rarely drink coffee black. However, with milk it immensely tasty, because the spine is strong enough to withstand the weight of the milk foam.
Of course, one of the tastiest drink coffee, but still tasty Society nepamaišo anyone. I offer very delicious, soft cheese biscuits with apple which is suitable not only for coffee. CHEESE BISCUITS WITH APPLES
Ingredients: 150 g butter, 0.5 cups of sugar, 250 g of 9% fat cottage cheese, 1 cup flour, baking powder 0.5 I, pinch of salt, 5 apples. Above: 2-3 DE poppy seeds, sesame seeds or chopped nuts, 1 egg, 1 GG cold water. Preparation: Dissolve butter, mix sugar and curd. Sprinkled with baking powder and salt mixed flour. Užminkyti dough, beard to tail wrap in foil and keep in the refrigerator for half an hour. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut into wedges for larger. Divide the dough in half and roll out two circles. Cut the cake as sharp triangles. The wider end of the strip to make apple slices and twisted as the handset. It twisted all cookies. Adding up on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, coat with egg and water batter, sprinkle sprinkles selected. Bake about 20 minutes until a golden brown nicely. Source: magazine "My home" recipes "apple pie"
And I still pasvajoju of apparatus, and so far only work a coffee pasimėgauju. Coffee beard to tail with a friend and I faced - gave coffee in Brazil and I have to admit it is cruel like manna -'m not lazy even used for making the cup every couple of days :) chose perfectly - not too bitter, sour :) me the word itself :) 2014-01-14 13 23
Indre, nebesvajok, really worth it. How fun weekend morning cup of cappuccino even pajamas despair. Jurgita :), taaaip. I knew it was waiting for me ... :) they too perfect! 2014-01-15 16:21
Rock, sorry for the late reply. I myself personally always use butter in these cookies is a very pleasant feeling. But if you want to make more cookies remind procured, rather than pet - you can use margarine. :) 2014-03-31 12:41
All photos and texts are mine, so do not copy, nedauginkite or distributing beard to tail them without my written permission. When you place your recipes to blogs or forums, be sure to insert the hyperlink.

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