Monday, May 5, 2014

On molecular cuisine, temples and rates that are charged a small Wilde aphorism is clear:

Certainly, the media have a memory more than short. Whereas in March 2013, they announced the closure of all Noma restaurant in Copenhagen already spent three times the world's best restaurant in 2010, 2011 and 2012, due to hospitalization by 63 customers affected by food poisoning, the following bleating in unison rediscovered winning chef René Redzepi. One can imagine what would have happened school of the arts if the restaurant of Paul Bocuse, Joel Robuchon and Alain Ducasse had been closed for 63 intoxicated customers. Anathema school of the arts and dishonor provided followed school of the arts by a media lynching. The Danish restaurant, amnesia and amnesty.
Curiously, the other winners of this award, organized by the British magazine Restaurant and funded by Nestlé via its Italian San Pellegrino mineral water, have also been hit by serious health accidents. Champion in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, Ferran Adria, chef of El Bulli in Roses, near Barcelona, has also sent dozens of clients to the emergency hospital in the city. The prize goes to English Bluementhal Heston, best restaurant in the world in 2005, for several years now in the forefront, which underwent administrative closure of several weeks in 2009 for sending ... 527 customers in the hospital. Many "good food" have retained their Michelin stars, three Bluementhla Heston, two for René Redzepi.
The most amazing is that these restaurateurs prefer to invoke the presence of norovirus linked to hygienic negligence rather than recognizing that the problem school of the arts comes from chemical additives and adjuvants used in molecular recipes highlighted in these establishments, such as alginates E401, methylated cellulose E461, E1142 converted starch, school of the arts the monosodium glutamate E621, carrageenans and polysaccharides E407, stabilizer E450, E415 xantana and the liquid nitrogen. In fact, this contest is a vast farce which has no other aim than the international promotion of followers restaurants molecular cuisine. Treatment recoilless in fact the French press is appalling and speaks school of the arts volumes about the capacity of amnesia or amnesty of the media world.
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In fact, it is simple: it is the ranking of the largest school of the arts hospitals fillers! How can we consider our friends Brits are well known for their excellent food, can designate the best restaurant in the world? The French press swallows it without blinking says a lot about his own excellence ...
Why this resentment, this gripe, this discontent against this friendly competition, which at least has the courage to show his goal gastrointestinal appointments? Because it may overshadow the Nobel Prize in Chemistry? Because it establishes the effectiveness of partnerships Hospitals-Molecular Gastronomy often win-win guy? And no one is immune to this kind of mishap, keep checking I'm sure that a little, we could find Polonyum even in the kitchen Perico ... But even if you do not agree with him, it is not a reason to treat Légasse shit! Clients of these restaurants, they will continue imperturbably out of these controversies at the top: by going to vomit, as usual; still remember the etymology of the word "puke", which comes from a popular distortion of "Gault Millau" (try pronouncing mouth full of molecules sauerkraut).
On molecular cuisine, temples and rates that are charged a small Wilde aphorism is clear: "Never school of the arts buy something you do not like the pretext that it is overpriced."
Hello, to deflate the balloon molecular vanity what the kitchen school of the arts of the same name, I often talk about this beautiful egg (molecular) flat that I sometimes prepared: break an egg on a buttered baking poile and wait. It also works with the molecular cake when you mix eggs, flour, milk, yeast, chocolate school of the arts .... and you go in the oven. In a few hours the oven heat has changed school of the arts the taste and consistency of all acting on the molecules. school of the arts I expect that we invent we défusionnelle kitchen on the pretext that the food is cut into slices.
To be generated school of the arts and analyzed during

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