Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sumbawagen adalah organisasi ekstrakulikuler ultimate cookery course di bawah naungan Fakultas Tekno

Today I have to wake up earlier, because ultimate cookery course there is an english skill test held by faculty for the preparatian to face sinthetic biology competition at Boston, MIT. Test begin at 9 pm. I feel nervous enough and make my heart palpitate. But, no matter what happen, i have to facing this competition. The first test begin, test for speaking ultimate cookery course category. For this category ultimate cookery course we present movie as a team. One team consist by 2 people. My partner is Asmawati and we present 5 CM movie. This movie tell about unique friendship but really inspired. So that with the other team, there’s a team who present ultimate cookery course korean ultimate cookery course movie , animation movie, ultimate cookery course cartoon movie, even Bollywood movie. And both of us is the only team that present Indonesia movie. Because we proud with the product by Indonesian people. After all the team finished the presentation, we break for a while for Friday pray and break for lunch. The activity begin at 1.30 pm. Now we continue ultimate cookery course to english skill listening category. Every people will be test one by one for tested their listening skill, ultimate cookery course and continue by questions given by Miss Sausan as the guider in this English skill competition. After the listening test over, there is listening second stage. ultimate cookery course The listening second stage did togather. But we have to facing it sincerely. After all the stages finished, we go back to our home each other. After reached at home, i prayed and break for a while. In the night, ultimate cookery course i take a pray maghrib and after that i watch TV to see Ishbat session to determine the first fasting month. But, station TV average are busy to report about president election. But lucky, there is one of the station TV that inform that the government decide the first fasting month at Sunday, june 29th, 2014. After that i watched box movie and no longer ultimate cookery course i getting sleep.  (Rian Adha Ardinata)
English Competition for Get a Ticket to MIT by Asmawati
Kita adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswi Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa fakultas Bioteknologi dalam mengejar mimpi, ultimate cookery course cita-cita dan kebahagiaan. kami adalah keluarga yang akan merangkul satu sama lain disaat salah satu dari kami ada yang terjatuh dan terpuruk. Kami adalah pemimpin perubahan untuk Indonesia jaya dalam bidang Bioteknologi. Kami akan memberitahukan dunia bahwa kami ada dengan sejuta harapan dan semongat yang berkobar. "WE ARE SUMBAWAGEN", Goes to MIT, USA.
▼  2014 (23) ►  Oktober (3) ▼  Juni (14) Great Day!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE ultimate cookery course English competition : hard work to go to MIT, Bost... I'll Learn English Like I Find ONE PIECE :) English Competition for Get a Ticket to MIT by Asm... English Competition Bring Our Spirit Back English Competition by Adelia English competition on Friday, June 27th , 2014 Fight for a better life :) Sumbawagen English Competition 2014: Enjoy Your En... English Skill Competition, The Competition that Wi... My Essay There is shadow ultimate cookery course of My future behind of English Com... English Skill Test Competition Experience as The P... ►  April (6)
Sumbawagen adalah organisasi ekstrakulikuler ultimate cookery course di bawah naungan Fakultas Teknobiologi, Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa ultimate cookery course yang fokus dalam menghadapi kompetisi iGEM. iGEM (International Genetic Engineering Machine) adalah sebuah kompetesi merakit, ultimate cookery course merancang, dan memodifikasi bakteri untuk menghasilkan sebuah bakteri dengan sifat baru dan memiliki ultimate cookery course keunggulan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan oleh perancangnya. Tahun ini iGEM akan diselenggarakan langsung di MIT, Boston, Amerika Serikat tanpa melalui babak penyisihan Asia seperti yang diadakan pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Glucose and fructose are major sugar component ultimate cookery course of honey. Sumbawa honey is protected as geographical indication by Indonesian patent office. Sode Lab at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology ultimate cookery course has created a fusion of mutant glucose binding protein and firefly luciferase, which able to measure glucose level by emitting light - intended initially for blood glucose sensor application (Taneoka et al, 2009). In this project, we plan to create this construct in Biobrick format, and evaluate the ability of transgenic E. coli for the measurement of glucose ultimate cookery course in honey. Our final goal is to create a device ultimate cookery course which can be used for quality control of Sumbawa honey, which we call "ECONEY
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