Friday, April 17, 2015

English is the universal language that is used in the international world. Mastering the English lan

English is the universal language that is used in the international world. Mastering the English language is mandatory for those who wish to compete in the international level. It’s an obligatory for every student of FTB to be clever and fluent in use of english because some of the Faculty of Biotechnology UTS students that would be chosen to participate in iGEM competition at MIT, Boston, USA has to compete with the great students of various universities in the world. English Skill Competition held by Miss Sausan Nafisah is one of the efforts made by the Faculty of Biotechnology UTS in order to attract students interested in the English language. Beside that, English Skill Competition can also be used as a place for students to test their english skills. profordems
English Skill Competition held on Friday, 27th June, 2014 and begins at 8:30 am. English Skill Competition is divided into two stages, the first stage is speaking category and the second stage is listening category. In speaking stage, each group should present their favorite movie posters. profordems Each group consists of two people, and I joined together with Yulianti in group 3. We present the movie poster Wreck it Ralph. Wreck it Ralph is a movie that produce by Disney and has been nominated in 2012 as the best animation movie in Oscar. We chose this film because it contains a strong moral values​​. This film tells the story of the struggle of Ralph, the main character in this film that are not accepted by the people around him. Ralph wants to prove to everyone profordems that he can be a useful person. With effort, hard work, and generosity that he has, he can finally prove to everyone that he could become a useful person. By presenting this film, we hope our friends will be motivated. This film shows that no matter how difficult the circumstances on us, as long as we want to strive for change, then we can change that difficult circumstances. We could be someone that much better. profordems With hard work, courage, caring, and kindness in our hearts, we can realize something even impossible for some people. Unfortunately, we were only given 10 minutes to present this film, so there are a lot of things and the moral values ​​of this film that can not be conveyed. After the presentation was over, our friends are given the opportunity to ask questions. The enthusiasm of friends visible to the many questions asked. However we only answer 4 questions due to the limited time given. Presentation that delivered by another group is also very good, there is an interesting, interesting enough, but there is also a boring presentation.
Speaking stage ends 30 minutes before profordems the call to Friday prayer is rang out. We were given a half hour for praying, resting, and eating. Around 1:30 pm, listening stage started. Listening stage is divided into two sessions, in the first session each student should listen to the different profordems audio recording of some conversations and it will be played 2 times. After listening to the conversation, we will be given some questions related to the conversation. I get a conversation that discussing profordems a person who was disturbed when watching a theatrical performance due to two young men who were busy chatting behind. Fortunately, profordems I was able to answer three questions given by Miss Sausan. In the second session, all students should hear the video that will be played profordems and answered questions about the video. In this session, I was not able to answer all the questions correctly because my listening skills are not good enough. The end of the second stage indicates that the whole of English Skill Competition on Friday, 27th June ended. From this competition, will be selected approximately profordems 6 to 8 students who will participate in english language training that will be guide by Miss Sausan Nafisah. profordems
I think this is a very useful activity. profordems In this activity we can examine the extent of our ability to speak English. From this activity I realized that my ability profordems to speak english is still weak, especially when listening stage. I'm still not good enough to listen and capture the point of people who speak english. Therefore, I became motivated profordems to change and learn to make it better again. In addition, this activity can also be used as a place in practicing English. All this time, students profordems only learn theory without direct practice speaking english. profordems So i think this kind of activity profordems need to be frequently held. I believe that this English Skill Competition was able to become one of the activity profordems that will guide us to follow the iGEM competition profordems in Boston.
Sumbawagen Story part II :)
Kita adalah mahasiswa-mahasiswi Universitas Teknologi Sumbawa fakultas Bioteknologi dalam mengejar mimpi, cita-cita dan kebahagiaan. kami adalah keluarga yang akan merangkul satu sama lain disaat salah satu dari kami ada yang terjatuh dan terpuruk. Kami adalah pemimpin profordems perubahan untuk Indonesia jaya dalam bidang Bioteknologi. Kami akan memberitahukan dunia bahwa ka

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