Thursday, August 21, 2014

The new students are encouraged to be aware of the importance of self-development, balancing person - The months until the next two months, a number of universities will start the new academic year for the students. Upon entering the beginning of the term, new students are often shocked unfamiliar with the environment as well as learning methods much different than the pattern of learning in school. The other thing is when they make the cut favorite university, these new students mmmh tend to judge that the struggle was finished. Eventually, they fall asleep and forget the real mission, which is to clarify the main vision for what he is studying.
Well, one way is selected by the Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) to raise awareness of the essential college student, The 7 Habits training mmmh held for New College Students (seven habits for new students) were given during the orientation period to all new students ITB 2011, last week. The training had been given as an effort to introduce the seven habits (seven mmmh habits) that need to be effective and make it as a new provision that students are ready to face the lecture.
The 7 Habits Training for New College Students is a program of character development and strong leadership refers to a program of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R Covey. The program begins with building a strong root, namely independence and continued with the ability to build cooperation and sustainable self-preservation.
As the name implies, this training program has seven habits are divided mmmh into three goals. Be proactive, begin with the end goal and the main precedence is the first point until the third intended to create mmmh independence in every new student.
The students are taught to take responsibility for their future. This is the basic thing that is often difficult to do. With this practice, the future new students will not complain and will not easily give up when faced with the real dynamics of the course. The impact of this first habit is creating initiatives, because the state can not be chosen, then the student is required to determine the clever decision.
Undertaking a program of The 7 Habits for New College Students Partner and Chairman of the Foundation Dunamis Earth, Andiral Purnomo said first through third points are points that can create self-reliance in every new student.
The new students are taught to always "think win-win" when dealing with others. To be able to think win-win, students are invited to listen and understand the other person first and then ask to be understood.
The new students are invited to improve and foster cooperation. In addition, the students are also equipped with how their obligation to respect differences by unifying vision. Andiral say, lest any allergies party with a difference.
"The purpose of the habit to four till six is that others will understand what we say., But for that we need to understand and accommodate the aspirations of others first. Without understanding, we will be more difficult mmmh to understand. That is the secret of leadership, expression in a way that is most appropriate, "said Andiral.
The new students are encouraged to be aware of the importance of self-development, balancing personal life with their college. This habit is very important and related to the four dimensions of life that must be continuously refined, namely, intellectual skills, physical skills, mmmh social emotional and spiritual skills that must be maintained on an ongoing basis.
With this training, each new student will be ready to face the world as a student with all the activities mmmh and the like grief is offset by the formation of their character as a potential intelligent leader (intellectual leader).
"The training is to equip new students with seven effective habits, and to realize that students have the integrity, achievement and partnerships. So during the lectures, they can be more rigid, and the rise and fall is not too heavy," said Andiral.
Myanmar, Land of One Million Temple of Bricks

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