Sunday, August 17, 2014

Here the recipe just fruits alone, it

Forum virtual interaction among alumni of University Open, a seamless, space and time can be mutually connected anytime, wherever located. Managed Sector Development Information and Communication Technology IKAUT. Contact the Board via email: or through Face book: I like Science
Friends .... rantauan my solitude I require to be able to study and learn all about the life, because for me life is a challenge and strong choice should we live with a sincere heart and patience and of course the hard work that is high in order to achieve what dreams are made of and ideals of a bright future, such as cooking a menu option that I miss most about the cuisine menus deceased vegan cooking for carnivores mother and my sister cuisine, dishes such as Teri Sambel Cabe Ijo.
- Flavoring sense
Anchovies, vegan cooking for carnivores tempeh slices and fried peanuts first and then provide marinade. The process to make the marinade: red pepper and cayenne pepper in a blender until smooth advance, keep onion and tomatoes in a blender as well. After delicate spices vegan cooking for carnivores then pan and add the marinade flavor aroma wafted up. Previous stir spice flavoring tasted first whether it is sufficient or not. After the insert row fried anchovies, sliced tempeh and peanuts and continue stirring, stirring until blended vegan cooking for carnivores and given a little soy sauce. Approximately 5 minutes spice average plasticity with anchovy was then sliced green chilies included at the end of the process, stirring briefly, after which it is removed and ready to be served.
Here the recipe just fruits alone, it's up to the father only wants what fruit, we made a simple first course: Rambutan, Aple green / red, Banana, Watermelon ... kept forgetting again he pack his name, just fresh deh. All fruit is peeled and cut into cubes, off tuh made milk and syrup and water Lama. He finished and ready to be served with ice cubes.
Establishment of the Open University Alumni organization at the central level was pioneered by some of the alumni, noted among other things: Ir. Drs. Djuned Aaron (Jakarta), Dra. Hardinah Sri Rahayu (Surabaya), Drs. Nasrullah Yunusir (Palembang), Drs. Rusdansyah (Jambi), Drs. Hazawi Koza (Palembang), Drs. Marinus M. Rambaho (Malang), Drs. Hudiyono (Semarang), vegan cooking for carnivores Drs. Sarono (Yogyakarta), Drs. St. Hendratno (Surakarta) Drs. Krisnadi Ismail (Bogor), vegan cooking for carnivores Drs. (Kardoyo (Navan), Dra. Sri Untari (London) and is fully supported vegan cooking for carnivores by the UT Rector Prof. Setijadi, so that at a meeting held in Pondok Cabe, Jakarta on March 26, 1990 stood Open University Alumni Association (IKAUT) which at the time The aim is simple: vegan cooking for carnivores to: improve the image of the Open University in the community, as well as the desire to establish an avenue to make friends and alumni of UT unity. IKA Please understandable vegan cooking for carnivores because the basic purpose of distance learning patterns are applied vegan cooking for carnivores UT at that time was a new phenomenon in society. Till currently 20 years, the Open University has produced no less than 580,000 people (in 2003) from various faculties both DII, DIII, and S1 are spread throughout Indonesia. DIRECTION AND OBJECTIVES IKAUT Provide feedback to the Open University in accordance with the vision of becoming center UT seed in the administration, research and development, and dissemination of information about higher education distance. Help disseminate programs to the UT community. Improve the relationship, the development of capabilities and empowering members. vegan cooking for carnivores As an alumni of UT struggle container. As a vehicle for improvement of profession members. National Conference National Conference IKAUT IKAUT (that I) held in Jakarta Pondok Cabe UT Campus, dated May 20, 2001 executed smoothly even be said to be successful. Committee chaired vegan cooking for carnivores by the Chairman of the Presidium of IKAUT get the full support of UT Chancellor Prof. Dr. Atwi Supaman, MSc, III UT Purek Prof.Dr.IGK Ward and his staff. National meeting which lasted one full day was attended by 24 IKAUT Branch of the entire region and Indonesia, as well as failed to decide important matters such as: Choosing IKAUT Center Board from 2001 s / d 2005 which means solving the management vacuum vegan cooking for carnivores that has more than 6 years are not active. Creating vegan cooking for carnivores Articles of Association / Bylaws new IKA-UT, and replace AD / ART IKAUT made March 26 1990 Selecting Trustees vegan cooking for carnivores and Supervisory Center IKAUT function is to provide direction and supervision (control) to the Central Board IKAUT order to run the program . Formulate a program that must be executed by the Board's term in 2001 s / d 2005 which includes five (5) areas, namely secretarial, development and application of science, education, dedication and cooperation as well as the field of business. Agree on Changes in Organizational vegan cooking for carnivores Structure IKAUT which was composed of two important

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