Saturday, March 1, 2014

Is there anything that you have not fulfilled the career track? In the confectionery, I met perhaps

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Mrs Slavíková, which in its fifteen years of confectionery went to school, never about the profession seriously consider. noi tro Her dream was to study at the art school. But as fate wanted otherwise. She says, the confectionery came earlier mistake, but if it had made a decision, then it is hard for your. This sweet profession it finally introduced and allowed to experience gastronomy in Germany, South Africa, California ... Currently Ms. Mirka active again in the Czech Republic and is fully devoted to the development of special artistic confectionery and confectionery. noi tro Furthermore, making new recipe, noi tro food styling and teaches design, art and French confectionery ...
There is something that bothers you to cook or you do not like? I do not like ignorance primarily by professional chefs. Some of them have no desire to be continuous and long-term training. In the confectionery rapidly innovating, developing noi tro new technologies preparations, doing literally laboratory details on each of sweets. Underestimate the self-education in art is terribly sad.
How many hours a day you can devote your profession? I work about 12-14 hours. If I am not just in our culinary center Ola Kala and do not prepare one of his books, cook and experiment at home. Free time I actually many are left.
The resort arranging culinary cooking classes, you become them some amusing episode? I do not know whether directly amusing, but one my "student", thanks to our school got engaged. Learned with us and prepared by an excellent steak, which appeals to her friend so that after eating it was to request the hand. Now they have a happy marriage.
Who is more of a sweet tooth, women or men? What you have in this respect during its rich experience has observed? In recent years there has been increasing numbers of men to taste sweet. It may also be that our current men "soften". Women like to go for steak, men have to change the taste of Uzziah dessert after the main meal. Sam defendants sweet Council is satisfied that in his imagination might not be entirely true. When someone tells me that it does not eat sweet, I can do it, that may be wrong and I will give him taste something delicious.
Constantly shuttled between Prague and France, which is the main reason that makes you want to travel? In the largest French trade school in Paris teaching design. I am a professor of art confectionery. The school has about 2000 students and gives you the best of all disciplines - from chefs and bakers to hairdressers.
French style suits you eating? I have a dining their way much better than Czech. Day begins austere breakfast, dominated baguette with cheese, jam and butter. noi tro At lunch you always noi tro set aside two-hour break. Again prefer baguettes with salad. Complete meal can indulge in the evening. Evening begins around eight o'clock and the series finally noi tro comes the main course and dessert. Neprepchávajú to eat in moderation and healthy.
Is there anything that you have not fulfilled the career track? In the confectionery, I met perhaps all dreams. I'm pretty satisfied. I have three children, a man who all my work patiently bears while enjoying a wonderful two vnúčatká. Family noi tro and work are my biggest happiness. Perhaps I'd just like to see more people "infected" love to cook and love to eat. I myself Emperor Napoleon weighed more baker that he was able to feed the troops than General. noi tro Without quality food should not the French army could not win.
What meals to include your favorite, could you give us at the end reveal recipes for them? My favorite recipes include, for example Muscat truffles. You can be prepared from 450 g 64% chocolate, 25 g fresh mint leaves, 250 g of cream and 50 g of cocoa powder, which is needed for coating. Bring to the boil the cream with chopped mint leaves about once a minute Precedence and add chocolate that melted in whipped cream. Leave to cool, gently whisk and two spoons shape the dumplings, beads or plastic bag. After cooling in the refrigerator in hand finishing noi tro touches to the beads and the container of cocoa powder.
And since Christmas is coming, noi tro and not miss honey cake. Personally, I like Basel. noi tro Excellent medovníček a mixture of spices and forest honey. Moth-eaten gingerbread recipe right, which after baking goes a long supple. How long? Difficult to answer because of its superior taste never last long. However, it is confirmed on the other quality.
The Basel honey cake you will need 250 g honey, 150 g caster sugar 125 g water 200 g whole wheat flour 100 g butter 375 g flour, 250 g grated almonds, 40 g of finely chopped citron, 7 g ground cinnamon, 3 g ground cloves, ground ginger 3 g, 3 g of ground nutmeg (everything can be replaced with a mixture of gingerbread spices), grated rind of one lemon, 7 g of potash (called potash - rising noi tro plant suitable for heavy gingerbread dough), 5 g of baking soda and 1 egg yolk. Honey, sugar, water, cooked and let cool. Hl

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