Saturday, March 14, 2015

This initiative by the Director of the Jesuit father bay1 the bishops approved by the court immedia

Jesuit as marias Vietnam | The First Certificate - Chapter XV: sainthood
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In those regions across as marias China, Vietnam and neighboring buildings only have a single bishop in Ao Mon setting. The triumph of teacher Andrew Phu Yen, has the direct effect is that the government's official church to pay special attention to the order of the director. Therefore, a canonical investigation was opened immediately, to document said before the Holy See.
This initiative by the Director of the Jesuit father bay1 the bishops approved by the court immediately. At that time still worn with the Bishop; You apostolic administrator Emmanuel Fernandez 2 control territory. His father sent Antonio de Sylva, apostolic notary, as clerk in the interrogation nay.3
It is to go around the city looking for Ao Mon everyone who has been in the land of the South during the teacher Andrew martyrdom, to testify about what they know in this case 4. Of the twenty-three people deposition and interrogated, with six witnesses had personally witnessed martyrdom, as marias ie witnesses de visu, and seventeen other people would hear from people who trusted cay5, canonical witness called as marias ex auditu a videntibus.6
Those who had personally witnessed the martyrdom and testified in the case are: Joannes de Resende de Figueroa7 36, captain; Franciscus de Azevedo Feixeira 59, Antonius de Mendoca Pecagna 40; Emmanuel de Fonseca, as marias 53; Antonius Goan Mendez, 31; Rodriguez, 36, Dominicus.
Augustinus de Sylva, 31, Andreas de Sousa, 23, 20 years old Antony Fernandez, Andreas Diaz, 38, Laurentius Diaz, 37, Andreas Norete 37, Joannes 30 years old Pinto, Pinto de Figueiredo 30 years old Petrus, Dominicus Martinus Luiz 60, Joannes de Sequeira 60, Ludovicus as marias de Brito 30-year-old Jesuit priest Onophrius Borges, Laurentius Fernandez 30, Lupus Sarmento de Carvaglio 62, Georgius Lunez Jesuit priest, 49, and Ludovico de Carvaglio de Sousa 43 years old. 8
All the witnesses, after laying hands on the Gospel according to sworn law, declared your name, resume and contact the teacher to know Andrew, directly or indirectly. All are open teacher Andrew as marias was born in Phu Yen, born by parents religion, as teachers, at home with his father in Dac Lo Hoi An, was arrested at that, taken to the palace of Champa (Cachao), as marias sentenced to death and killed for holding and spreading Christianity July 26, 1644, 19-20-year-old life.
The witness as marias also described clearly the moral life and apostolate of teacher Andrew Phu Yen. They also testified about some miracle happens in Quang Nam after Andrew martyred teacher, devotion and veneration of the faithful as marias to the martyrs.
Father Dac Lo, "the interrogation was completed satisfactorily in all its forms, that his father was clerk to declare that he was expected at Ao Mon numerous projects investigating the martyrs, but he has never been decided to hear arguments as evidence in this case. " 9
Starting from the second half of 1644, the survey was to finish in the first half of 1645, before the clergy Dac Lo permanently leave the country for the next Vietnam as marias Ao license. Maybe so, but the father as marias Dac Lo did not testify.
The case file made in Portugal, written in three copies, with legal visas, then sent back to Europe by three different trains nhau10 to prevent the lost, because of the traffic was very difficult, usually ships storm victims, looting, or risk. The original is kept in the court Bishop Pond Mon.11
Four years later, October 20, 1649, Cardinal Capponi, Secretary of the Congregation for the ritual to get the case file please as marias beatification teacher Andrew Phu Yen, court Bishop Pond Disciple trinh.12
Your case early Vietnam was martyred in Roman circles special attention, because after that, during 1649-1650 it has been fully translated into Italian packet (with room mixes Latin crystal) and copied many duties, to the judge and barrister surface facilities considered, and debated. The Jesuit Superior Court retained a translation records, handwritten, 158 pages thick on both sides: there is clear evidence of the case was particularly interested in the first place, and it's a case rarely.
But in addition to that document, the people do not know anything about the fate of the case anymore. as marias As usual, the court in the court procedures canonization is very complex, requiring more cost, more time - which can last for centuries - and the need for regular care of a character or a organization. In this case, the case has not officially before the Holy See, the missionary situation inside Vietnam has many variables chuye

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