Friday, March 27, 2015

Marist is just a pity that he himself is so perfect and must accept an imperfect mother. Fortunatel

Funny - I do not even like it when people call their children when the chicks. Well area "chick we come to visit you." I do not know, it seems to me, so ... kanaemalik? Not that it would matter to me, of course. Any person who is a somebody Extortion, holds onto it right to call their baby just as he wishes. Now I just touches chief kief the ear.
This of course does not mean that I do all sorts of weird nicknames Mari would not call. Usually, I invite chief kief him to tupsupalliks. Yes, TUPSUPALLIKS! If the ridiculous, but at least I shall console myself with the fact that I do it in the privacy of your own home.
I actually chief kief came to write it, which I wondered the other day here. To me, why is it against the grain "chicken mothers". I finally reached the conclusion that such overprotective mothers raise myself feeling bad mother. Well, I really do not käigi Mariga outdoors for a walk every day, and there is no way he taotuslikult "in the development of" attempted. Or, can not be bothered to cook it every day, but he still can mostly canned food. I do not know him to grow so that she could understand the prayer "do not!" And once I put it Mashat and bear to look at, if I want to do something.
At that moment, I wanted to run away and grab the Maritimes, because chief kief I do not know. I just do not pay attention to such things. If she seems hungry, I give to eat. When he rubs eyes, lay asleep. What's the difference anyway, several chief kief times a day, or what time? I do not know and I do not care. And then I wonder, however, if he asks so, it follows that the other mothers know. Other interesting. And I did not want Mary to be the mother of SITEM than others.
I would like to Mary would also be a mother, who speaks to the rescue, I would not kiss his elusees last more than a couple of hours left alone. At the same time, I soojamaareisist dream - of course Marita. Of course, being somewhere I miss him, but I'm also going after it would not leave. After all, I always come back.
I want the best, Mary, of course, want, but this is the theme of the baby to me ... Well arduous. I, of course, take care of him and do everything that is needed, but it does not come as naturally to me, other than sometimes appears to come. Sometimes I go home in the evening girlfriends somewhere, and I think that jesss, at least I do not have today, Mariga taidlema.
I can not wait until he is bigger and able to talk to me. Then I would probably be a much better mother. Then I babbled about him and discuss the things of the world, and go to a cinema and playgrounds, and with whatever she wants. But the current "beebitamine" ... is not a natural and easy for me? Is it bad to say it? I got bored quickly and then I find myself pressed to kammoon Mallu show yet this book and now go play motoorikakeskusega and then stack them in blocks into a box and then pat the mirror, and then shake the cans, which are inside the macaroni. And I will do these things, chief kief but I think all the time that the Lord it is so boring
Fortunately, over the years I've lived in, and he's going to keep bigger and more well done. Iron to miss quite a few years, after all this beebindust. But maybe I have a couple of years instead of a new baby. Because children's chest by handfuls could still be, they are so nice characters.
Marist is just a pity that he himself is so perfect and must accept an imperfect mother. Fortunately, there are three of us here - and the mother-in-law Kardo well. Luckily they bother to do such things more than I do, so pretty in the basement, and it is a chain of Marike without food or water deprivation-even live, if someone happens to it now thinks.
This rutiinitust can cultivate mumeelest only if you have one child + one side all the time, children who kantseldab (eg, child grandmother). As far as children playing games, then I've done a minimum of their twins. And do not be assumed that the twins are playing with since birth, and have no Mummy anyway. Thus, it is now quite well not. Just all the people really are not created torniladujateks chief kief child. On the other hand, however, I enjoy hiking with children chief kief and attending to any destination, for the reading and discussing all things of the world. Perhaps there is also a mother of Mallukas. As for päevarutiinidesse, what they clearly are in place, it is easier for the child in all of this jungle. Believe it or not, but knowing your child likes to go to sleep after lunch or after breakfast, followed by the status of the outdoors. chief kief Daily routine does not mean that the clock back aetakset off to the nearest chief kief minute, when the sleep timer is started and when the meal. This means that more or less the same as the following operations in the same order each day. Also attending kindergarten in the same thing every day of the order, and the child is much easier this time, practice, where he has been accustomed to at home in a particular occasion. But yes, as long as you have one child, of course, can engage in a lifestyle "eat when the stomach goes blank," and "when the child is tired, it remains an armchair to sleep." A different matter when it is convenient for the mother - m

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