Saturday, May 2, 2015

Another minor update: 1962: Heaven Can Wait directed by Herbert Fuchs, Willy Fritsch, Christiane Ni

Another minor update: 1962: Heaven Can Wait directed by Herbert Fuchs, Willy Fritsch, Christiane Nielsen, Peter Matic 1964 Chess Lady Director: Rolf Kutschera, with Susanne von Almassy and Hans Reiser 1968: murder in Frankfurt Director: Rolf Hädrich, with Václav Voska, Joachim Ansorge, Christiane Schröder, Karl-Heinz von Hassel, chief diplomat Monika Lundi and Dirk Dautzenberg 1971: Knitted tracks (two-piece) Director: George chief diplomat Marishka, with Kurt Nachman, Alfred Böhm, Peter Neusser, Rudolf Prack, Christine Kaufmann , Edwin Noël, Olga Chekhova, Anaid Iplicjian, Petra Schürmann, Bruno Hübner, Erich Padalewski, Hans Holt uva In addition, three films which were earlier chief diplomat always thriller website, through the revision extended period, however, chief diplomat were offline switched: 1961: Too many chefs (five-part) Director: Kurt Wilhelm, with Heinz Klevenow, Joachim Fuchs Berger, Horst Tappert, Karl Michael Vogler, Günter Gräwert uva 1969 Rebellion of the Lost (three-part) Director: Fritz Umgelter, with Joachim Teege, Hermann Treusch, Martin Lüttge 1979 : The thing (two-piece) Director: Uli Edel, with Uwe Ochsenknecht I would also like to point out that I to the movies It's time (1960), A death is being prepared (1963) and The visit (1982) Memories of the protagonist Jürgen Goslar I added that last year in an interview that I had with him for a DVD release, promoted to this day.
After some time (and also because a large proportion was already recorded) once again some new additions and a more comprehensive update of some other movies chief diplomat that I could sift now. New: 1953: The Fall Sieveking Director: Werner Beautiful, Hans-Waldemar Bublitz, with Inge estate, Alexander Engel, Peter Lehmbrock 1959: The Missing Box Director: Werner Beautiful, with Ingrid Werner, Inge Wolff Berg, Heinz Spitzner, Gert Wieden Hofen 1960: The case Directed by Herbert Fuchs, Gerhard Ried man Wery Frydtberg, Manfred Inger 1961: The violet blue car Directed by Rainer Erler, with Heinz-Leo Fischer, Herbert Tiede, Edgar Wenzel 1962: Temple of Satan (3 parts) Director: Georg Leopold , with Bruno Carstens, Franz Kutschera, Christine Laszar 1965: Money, Money, Money Director: Eugen York, with Dieter chief diplomat Eppler, Anton Diffring, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Friedrich-Georg Beck House, Ulrich Beige, Klaus Löwitsch, Wolfgang Volz 1967: Tragedy in a caravan city (Toller Thrillers by Reginald Rose!) Directed by Günter chief diplomat Gräwert, with Werner Schumacher, Ruth Maria Kubitschek, Susanne Beck, Peter Schiff, Peter Kuiper, Friedrich Georg Beck House, Benno Hoffmann 1969 The Vetter Basilio chief diplomat (2 parts) Directed by: Wilhelm Semmelroth, with Diana Körner, Erich Schleyer, Hans von Borsody, Ingeborg Lapsien, Max Mairich 1971: Annemarie Lesser - Legend of a spy Directed by Rudolf chief diplomat Jugert, with Christine Wodetzky, Pinkas Braun, chief diplomat Jan Hendriks, Heinz Weiss 1972: Van der Valk and the girl directed by Peter Zadek, with Frank Finley, Werner Finck, Hans Jaray, Günter Lamprecht 1975: 753 Locker Director: Wolfgang Staudte, with Harry Meyen, Horst Frank, Judy Winter, Walter Kohut, Walter Jokisch 1976: Blackout Directed by Peter Schulze tubing, with Rudolf Brand, Joachim Kemmer, Peter Wagenbreth chief diplomat 1977 cops and robbers Directed by Hans-Jürgen Tögel, with Eddi Arent, Hans Putz and Corny Collins
... Five not uninteresting New Items: 1965: Colonel chief diplomat Wennerström chief diplomat (Part 1-2) - espionage thriller from the house Ringelmann Director: Helmuth Ashley, Paul Hoffmann, Friedrich Joloff, Kurt Meisel, Carl Lange, Hans Caninenberg, Martin Benrath, Siegfried Wischnewski Karl Georg Saebisch 1972: Four against the British pound Directed by Hans Stumpf, Gerd Baltus, Helmut Förnbacher, chief diplomat Rainer Basedow, Fred Haltiner, Günter Jerschke, Rolf Schimpf 1973: Get in and die Director (Bruno Hampel!): Günter Gräwert , with Dagmar Biener, Peter Drescher, Walter Sedlmayr, Alexander Hegarth, chief diplomat Herbert chief diplomat Steinmetz 1973: November chief diplomat 3, 1973 - a modern TV Experminent on two channels directed by Herbert Fuchs, with Curd Jürgens, Raimund Harmstorf, Matthias Habich 1987: Gambit (Part 1-2) Director: Peter F. Bringmann, with Despina Pajanou, Heinz Bennent, Werner Kreindl, chief diplomat Rolf Zacher, Max Tidof
Interesting especially the six factors, at least in the SFB archive recently could not be found (more) chief diplomat ... 1964: The House of snakes (Crime Six dividers) Directed by: Géza von Cziffra, with Adrian Hoven, Ann Smyrner, Fritz Tillmann, Dieter chief diplomat Borsche Peter Carsten, chief diplomat Willi Rose, Alexander Engel uva 1964 Kookie & Co Director: Kurt Wilhelm, with Edd Byrnes, Hans Clarin, Karl Tischlinger, Eberhard Mondry, Kathrin Ackermann uva 1972: Death in the Studio Director: Eberhard Itzenplitz, with Gert Günther Hoffmann , Günter Gräwert, Karl Walter Diess, Kurd

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