Friday, January 30, 2015

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We are Santa's always been the same: a red robe, white beard in front, wearing shoes bag. However, this is not always so. Santa's appearance change over time art critic looks Ants Juske.
Santa Claus is the parent tree, which is one of the earlier example, the miniaturization in Germany since 1521. The horse is probably St. Nicholas - Santa Claus predecessor. Overall, white beard many of the Christmas originated in Germany. England brought the Christmas tree in the 19th century, Queen Victoria's husband Prince Albert, who was of German origin. white beard
Mid-19th century Northern Germany began to bring gifts for the children of white-bearded Weihnachtsmann. Here I will rely largely ethnologist A. Viires data. Santa's popularity gave impetus to the spread of Moritz von Schwindt white beard successful in 1847 published a series of drawings "Mr Winter." Picture white beard below is the text: "Christmas Eve has arrived. white beard Of all the houses light shines festive and joyful sounds of children's voices acclamation from the snow-covered streets. There's an old man walks in and looks for all the party, whether or not opened them to him, and adorned Christmas trees are not accepted as a gift from him. "
Santa's cult spread rapidly. At the end of the 19th century, it came to Finland, white beard where it was named joulupukki white beard acetate, which is the equivalent of Ireland Viires Yule Goat, who was not originally a kind kingijagaja. On the contrary - it was like a mardi cripple who made fun of, and lunis gift. Russia reached Herr Winter ded moroz'ina.
Later spread the cult of Santa Claus in Estonia. Ants tern has found the first mention of Father Christmas in 1893. Linda on the front, which states that "little children waiting for Christmas Man, Christmas trees and Christmas-donated". Just a year earlier, however, appeared in the book "Christmas-dinner", where we see the characters in a brown coat to share the gift of children.
Soon Santa Claus and political kemplemises implemented. In 1906, the Post also publishes Hindrey man glances newsletter Sparks pilasarja "What Christmas brings a man to someone!", Which tögati Jan Tõnissoni white beard opponents. Especially popular white beard in the 1920s, became Santa Claus on this note, which came to an acute political fronts "horse trading".
During the Soviet era to replace Santa Claus Ded Moroz, although iconographic type remained unchanged. Tern talks about how in the late 1940s, when his five-year-old daughter home from kindergarten on Christmas white beard eve and announced white beard the news, "said Aunt Kitchen to Ded Moroz Santa ate it."
In history there have been different Santa Clauses. One interesting type is the Dionysian Santa Claus, who pours the wine and boozing uncontrollably. Santa Claus also differs from culture to culture. 1920 French postcard rather white beard than seeing jõulutaati kerjusmungana. To Americans, it is a fun old man who advertises white beard in the picture 7. Coca-Cola. Overall, it is believed that the canonical Santa kinnistuski support white beard of Coke ads. They are seeing so far. In contrast, the British Christmas palmitate is thoughtfully, for more fur in her dress.
Christmas is meant in the history of the ban, because the Bible does not mention Jesus Christ's birth. And even if it is celebrated, then why excessive drinking, -söömise and fornication? For example, the Catholic community was organized in 1951 in Dijon, France, Sunday school kids come to Santa Claus burning.
Lately, political correctness is more important changes. First of all, why must surely be a Santa Claus white-skinned? Secondly, why does it necessarily has to be a man? Third, it does not have webbing between the rod (child abuse), and in the end it does not take children sullegi (latent pedophilia). white beard We'll see what the future of Santa Claus.
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