Wednesday, January 28, 2015

People estranged from the water, and even the late 19th century was a doctor Biltz (

The Dawning of the euro and the local indigenous people, many of us Europeans declared. Permanent inferiority complex makes us ashamed of it, over which we can be proud of and to follow it, we do not know much about, or feel. In many ways, we called over the Europeans. Even just the fact that we ever were significantly kasitumad.
Someone Dionysos Fabricius their work on the history of Livonia talked, cfa app among other things Falkenau (Kärkna) monks who are already established cfa app in the 13th century Dominican cloister on the need to develop their ascetic lifestyle support to Rome asked. Their lifestyle also included a "self-heating in a special room, after which ing the beaten ourselves cfa app and poured over ice-cold water." Rome, Italian, someone came to investigate, he affirmed, and the matter would be true during these procedures to nearly gave his soul to the Lord, ran back to Rome, but the financial endowment, however, were obtained.
Until the 19th century was dominated by Europe, and this was actually the dirt quite natural. The same was true for the highly acclaimed Renaissance and of awakening, and as strange as it may be, it was to a large extent, especially in the Catholic Church.
Ihupuhtuse the ancient world took care of his people, and raised as one of its main virtue - it is enough to recall the famous thermal baths, they were alone in Rome more than a thousand. Christians came to power, and one of the first crucial step, they closed their lodgings.
Washing, was regarded with suspicion because of nakedness was a sin, and in addition could always cfa app get a cold. The hot tub did not come to the question. because the trees need to be paid a lot and they went primarily for the bonfires of the Inquisition, Sinnagi there was a lack of trees and burning of firewood in the absence of the pulley was replaced by drawing or any other kägistamisviisiga example.
Spanish Queen Isabella of Castile admitted publicly that the end is washed twice - birth and marriage going. One of the French king's daughter died lice-suffering, Pope Klement V and VI died of dysentery (as well as King Philip II) kooles agony in the hands of scabies. Duke of Norfolk refused to wash it from religious cfa app grounds, and his body rot overlapped with the tongue, and the servants of his lord had to wait another cycle of drinking, that he thoroughly gutted.
Orient ambassadors of Louis XIV's court described the company, which smelt unbearably Nood, and in turn despised all those who saw his effort educating the body. If the 15th-16th century came the burger richer bath regular half-year, the 17th-18th century veeprotseduuridest abandoned altogether. Carefully prepared for the procedure, before the bath was usually an enema. Sun King nests themselves as only two times during their lives, cfa app and even then the doctors recommendation. Washing of the monarch himself, however, filled with horror, and then abandoned it altogether. In these turbulent cfa app times, it was the sin of taking cfa app care of the body and one of the possible risk was even the washing of baptism was lost never used the holy water effects. Just washing the body had to make possible the supreme spiritual purity, as a result, became estranged from most of the water altogether, fill dirt, and had a special symbol of the sanctity of the monks and nuns gave the example of others in this way, how to best serve the Lord.
Lice, and they were called the divine merevaigupisarateks hallmark of holiness. This way the holy women and men are boasting about how that water never touched their feet except when jõekoolmest had to wade through.
People estranged from the water, and even the late 19th century was a doctor Biltz ("New Natural Treatment") to cajole people to wash their end. He described, and persuaded that after the fifth-sixth underwear is it even possible to get used to it, but the doctors do not really believed.
Perfumes are important to the invention, and they appeared just because of the lack of saunas. Their primary function was percolating for years scoured the Human Body from the 'natural väljaaurangute "(Hasek) bouquet hiding. Sun King commanded once in the morning in a bad mood of waking up (it was unusual because it gave place to a whopping amount of flea), that all must begin to use odööre and the story is not something other than his famous edict that the court should not be afraid of especially strong odors that they able to overcome all sorts of odors.
Initially, they were lõhnasegud cfa app quite common. The flowering cfa app of medieval ladies knew that certain secretions of the human body is an electrifying effect and dipped his body juices neck and behind the ear, in order to attract the attention of a lover.
The advent of Christianity cfa app in the next generations of Europeans forgot vesipeldiku a half thousand years. In its place came the "öövaas" under the bed, where she becomes a full week by week until the smelt. Sewer rennikesed cfa app took the place of the streets where it flowed to the people over looked. Antiikmõnud forgotten citizens to settle their ihuhädasid just where happened and signaled a need - be it a castle or a palace, or a parade on the stairs. The difference between the French court

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