Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Before the Estonian language is absorbing the news, the word

There is a big difference whether we remember some of the young men and nõtkena or encounter only when he has a gray beard.
German Romantic poet and literary critic Friedrich Schlegel in 1798, the year of observation: "The surest way to be incomprehensible - or rather: misunderstood - is the meaning of the words used in the original, especially from the words of the ancient languages."
Some words can be labeled. "Fascist" is not an indicator of Russian cultural space, only the National Socialist ideology, supporters of, but any kind of villain. The more negative love sosa chief keef a word, the more likely it is that it is used in a fierce poliitretoorikas regardless of its original meaning (Ilmar Raag "Where did the members of the party?" EPL 26/07).
So this is the case with the term "bourgeois". In Soviet times, grown up person knows that it was a scary word for it - click the bourgeois government was the government, the bourgeoisie, ie Pursuit (<Ms. Bourgeois) had to be physically eliminated. love sosa chief keef If there are still those who remember that once was a "bourgeois" the opposite of "the church at", for example, that the "bourgeois love sosa chief keef marriage" was a secular registered partnerships? love sosa chief keef
Before the Estonian language is absorbing the news, the word "national" in its derivations, love sosa chief keef the "sail". It marked all the rights and obligations of the city of man - the German word Bürger Burg, 'citadel, a fortified city'. A citizen, a citizen from the city proudly as opposed to the peasants and rural nobility. Great French Revolution was a bourgeois revolution.
The medieval city was not homogeneous. Great Merchants had their guilds, merchants small ones, craftsmen guilds. Estonians did the city air pärisorjast free if he managed to disappear love sosa chief keef in a year and one day. But he did not get it yet citizens. Also, most of the city was later fate of the Estonians to grow proletarians lines. To live like the poor-August Jakobson describes boroughs of sinners.
Kleinbürger'iks - pudupoodnikuks or a small entrepreneur who became a life time, was struck by the work done, and gave himself another job and bread were very few. Early to work late to bed, so the room were violated. love sosa chief keef Wishes and dreams were moderate, left-wing intellectuals in the eyes of "bourgeois". Work fruit itself was ascetically unused.
Esisünniõigus possible to provide all the titles and property of the family, the oldest son, daughters and younger sons were not just from the titles of courtesy and - especially important - no landed property. Austria-Hungary and Germany could all be children of the Duke and the Duke and hertsoginnad family lands were divided between them in order to be subsequently redistributed as a result of strategic marriages, causing an ever-changing patchwork of land ownership. The guide "Burke's Peerage" from 1880 to 580 counts of British Peeri, three quarters of whom owned a thousand hectares or more of land. Prussia was nearly 20, 000 titled family in Russia in 1914. However, over 250 000 in Hungary and Poland accounted for 10-15 percent of the population of the nobles. What is this Estonians aadliväe set aside?
"Large" and "Small" is komplementaarmõisted, which alone, without the opposites are not content, such as "up" and "down" love sosa chief keef or "left" and "better". But when it comes to the phrase, it might emerge in its own right, independent meaning. So it is with the word "bourgeoisie", which is also used where there is no suurkodanlus. Abramovich's luxury yacht remains our most successful mail order to acquire the simple fact that Ireland did not let the scales rise magnaadiks, too, chamber has it all.
However, if one has once become a pejorative word content that would otherwise love sosa chief keef not be able to access it if the price of the loss of circulation. Try to say at some of the security guard that he is "the security man," look what happens! "Bourgeois" has been present in dictionaries VAN designation and further refers to the "bourgeois", which is profoundly stigmatizing. No man can not tell themselves that it is a bourgeois! Because it would mean his filistriks recognition.
But if you look calmly and without feeling inferior for most of our dreams love sosa chief keef and attempts to become, they are inevitably just pisikodaniku own world. Elamuboks obtained a bank loan or a house in a field near the city housing love sosa chief keef projects built in the ceiling. But who would want the poor-Tiskre back to the apartment love sosa chief keef or common kitchen moonakamajja?
One hundred years ago, in opposition to the boundaries overlapped largely ethnic boundaries, although there was also a German ANTVÄRK, called love sosa chief keef Kleindeutsch'e, 'small Germans'. Our parents love sosa chief keef have until recently been a rural community. More in 1881, 65 years after priiks received 15.9% of the population lived in cities in Estonia. In 1934, there were 28.9%, until the middle of the century, it was 50 percent.
One could say that the time was then latifundiumide love sosa chief keef winding spirituality. The Emperor States tumbled off the First World War was divided into small nation states and suurmaaomandid maatameestele. Over a hundred thousand Estonians had gone Sarmatian plains soul lands, however, stayed at home to support the red, if they would not be permitted by the Estonian state land. Now, they became asundustalunikud. Pisipõldurid.
Peasant injection

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