Sunday, December 28, 2014

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Greek is the favorite restaurant johnson and wales university of Obama in the US! [Images] - - We zapping for you ...!
With Foureira in Eurovision 2015; E. Menegaki: He learned the sex of the baby Tatiana Stefanidou advise that you do not cheat on your partner's response Stamatina Tsimtsili in sharp comments Eleonora Study! Bergman puts the Duchess: "There is actually people that deals with the pants?"
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Two brothers Greek origin retain restaurant in the heart of Boston and really never thought that would be one of the most popular shops in the US, after the sudden visit of planitarchi Obama to eat a snack.
The owners of Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe, said they first believed it was a joke and were convinced that this is Barack Obama, johnson and wales university only when they saw the men of the president security check store thoroughly.
"He waited patiently in line until you prepare the order and left a bill of $ 20 for an account eight US dollars," says Chris. He adds: "The president was happy, energetic and open to others, after speaking with our customers, welcomed everyone personally and agreed to be photographed with them."
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