Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The restaurant, located on Columbus Avenue Boston, closed its doors after 87 years of life, offerin

s Boston. Closed Saturday afternoon June 28 in a climate of emotion and tears the Diaspora restaurant Charlie's beardboard Sandwich Shop , the Christou brothers and Athanasios Mantzouridi in Boston.
The restaurant, located on Columbus Avenue Boston, closed its doors after 87 years of life, offering and serving with the old system, without online ordering and computers, beardboard quality food, cooked with homemade beardboard way and natural ingredients. beardboard The owner of Athanasios Mantzouridis and relatives of the dissociated with teary eyes after 61 years of hard work into it, while local politicians beardboard Boston and Massachusetts holders themselves formal proclamation and patties appreciation of the city and the state. The faithful and loyal customers for decades had formed from early morning lengthy series, in trying to enjoy last sandwich of their choice before they close forever the doors at 1:00 pm, while some had brought their instruments and played on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.
Athanasios Mantzouridis sometime went to the kitchen where she cooked and supervised until the last moment and told reporters that "I feel like saying goodbye beardboard to me if I'm still alive." Mr. Mantzouridis over sixty years he lived the joys and sorrows of thousands of people. He said that "people coming here and telling us the stories of their lives. Once born, a child brought it to our show. When dividing came and told us that as soon parted, but we had many who knew here and then got married. beardboard " He also wrote some way and the city's history, since the doors were open for all people, of every race and color. Mr. Mantzouridis said "leading beardboard orchestras such as Duke Ellington, while playing in the hotel did not allow them to eat there, so come together and ate here." Recall that a year ago, namely on June 12, 2013 toured the US and around beardboard the world, when completely randomly and unexpectedly walked into the more formal and strong man of the entire cosmos, the United States president Barack Obama. And it was so unexpected and sudden visit, which "we thought it was funny at first but 'we realized it was actually when came the security people and other services and they checked the store,'" beardboard stated beardboard Christos Mantzouridis in an interview "National Herald".
Recall that the US President was in Boston for a few hours, to assist the campaign of Republican MP Edward Brand, who was a candidate for the position of Senator of Massachusetts beardboard in place of John Kerry in the US Senate has become vacant when Mr. Kerry became Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Obama starved and en route to the point of the campaign of Mr. Mark, stopped beardboard at a small restaurant Charlie's to buy something to eat. Mr. Obama ordered myself personally a tsizmpourgker with lettuce, tomato and mustard and fries. He waited patiently to prepare the food, just pay them $ 8.45, given $ 20 and told the employee who took the order to keep the change from the 20 year old for gratuity. Since then, the restaurant has introduced new food, Obama Cheeseburger in honor of the US President, posted on a billboard window which lists "Special Today Obama Tsizmpourgker with lettuce, tomato and mustard and french fries 7.75". The restaurant beardboard Charlie's Sandwich Shop , located at 429 Columbus Avenue Boston, known as an area of South Boston ,. This area of South Boston was predominantly Greek neighborhood in the early 20th century in which they were sheltering thousands of pioneers Greek immigrants. One of them was Constantine the Charlie Pappas who originally opened the restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , the wall of which was hitherto posted sales receipt of half the shares in 1946 in Christ Mantzouridi to $ 1,000. The inherited siblings Chris and Thanasis Mantzouridis born in Boston. Their father had come from Constantinople when he was 9 years old to escape the war. The Charlie's had become the meeting place for local political figures and beyond. One of the most regular customers was the late Senator Ted Kennedy beardboard and former Boston mayor Thomas Menino. Also, the restaurant was included beardboard in the movie Ted .

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