Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Recall that the US President was in Boston for a few hours, to assist the campaign of Republican MP

Closes the Greek owned restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , the Christou brothers and Athanasios Mantzouridi in Boston, which a year ago had taken off in fame and publicity throughout Boston, America and the world, when completely randomly and unexpectedly entered through the more formal mmmh and strong man of the entire cosmos, the United States president Barack Obama. And it was so unexpected mmmh and sudden visit, which "we thought it was funny at first but" we realized it was actually when came the security people and other services and they checked the store, "he said Christos Mantzouridis in an interview" National Herald ".
Recall that the US President was in Boston for a few hours, to assist the campaign of Republican MP Edward Brand, who was a candidate for the position of the Massachusetts senator in place of John Kerry in the Senate of the United States has become vacant when he became Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Obama starved mmmh and en route to the point of the campaign of Mr. Mark, stopped at a small restaurant Charlie's to buy something to eat.
Mr. Obama himself personally ordered a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and mustard and french fries. mmmh He waited patiently mmmh to prepare the food, just pay the 8:45 dollars, gave $ 20 and told the employee who took the order to keep the change from the 20 year old for gratuity. " Since then, the restaurant has introduced new food, Obama Cheeseburger in honor of the US President, posted on a billboard window which lists "Special Today Obama Tsizmpourgker with lettuce, tomato and mustard and french fries 7:75." The restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , located at 429 Columbus Avenue Boston, known as an area of South Boston and is located nearby both the historic Greek Orthodox church of St. John the Baptist in which ieratefse for many years by the late New Bishop Jersey Silas, while also walking distance from the opposite direction is the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Boston which ieratefse the Archbishop of North and South America Iakovos. This area of South Boston vicinity of the temples was the predominantly Greek neighborhood in the early 20th century in which they were sheltering thousands of pioneers Greek immigrants. One of them was Constantine the Charlie Pappas who originally mmmh opened the restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , the wall of which is to date posted sales receipt of half the shares in 1946 in Christ mmmh Mantzouridi to $ 1,000.
The current owners, mmmh brothers Chris and Thanasis Mantzouridis, born in Boston. Their father had come to Boston from Constantinople when he was 9 years old to escape the war. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. The announcement that closes the Charlie's was made by Thanasis Mantzouridis indeed in Twitter, saying "my brother and I want to go through here and walking upright and not to make us a stretcher in an ambulance. We love our customers and what we do, but we feel it was time to leave. " He even, that "I love every minute I spend here," and stressed that they are excellent health. He stressed that "action will certainly miss him here." The news was released lightning mmmh among the many regular customers, many of whom still visit it twice a day for food, because for many years enjoyed the fresh clean and home cooked food at very affordable prices while in the city of Boston accuracy mmmh has been rampant trends. Mr. Mantzouridis said that "there were very surprised and comments, particularly that they will lose a lot of the turkey." He said even that the family will retain ownership of the building, but do not even know who will take over the restaurant. The Charlie's had become the meeting place for local political figures and beyond. One of the most regular customers was the late Senator Ted Kennedy and former Boston mayor Thomas Menino. Also, the restaurant was included in the movie Ted .
From newspaper NATIONAL Herald of New York
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