Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Sumerian history of the main lines, can be learned with the help of various documents. Gilgamesh co

Sumerians | The Universe and Human
Sumerians, BC 3500 - BC Between 2000 people lived in Mesopotamia. The basis of the numerous civilizations emerged in Mesopotamia took Sumerians. In addition, for the first time writing and astronomy has emerged in Sumer in Mesopotamia. The general belief is that the Sumerians were the similarities with people as a result of close interaction with contemporary cooking master sources as specified in yönündedir.birkaç these people are not Turkish. A people with a certain kinship not yet been proven scientifically.
BC IV. thousand years to correct, yet the Sumerians arid region yerleştiler.kök those unknown, but the Sumerians believed that they came from the east to Mesopotamia, swampy cooking master coastal areas in the river dries, beautiful and productive gardens dönüştürdüler.hur on, and so on. planted fruit trees; They opened fields. Region as well as the community settled before them, Sumerians rich, independent, and established sites: Ur, Layos, Uruk, and so on. Each site had a manager and a protective deity. All powers, "Lugal" cooking master ("big man") was in the hands of the so-called rulers; ruler at the same time, the temple up the economic and political center of the site is the largest religion adamıydı.dinsel, the requirements of the management of reserved a place in the site's gods and trade shopping, Sumerians that led to the greatest invention: Nail yazısı.önce from the pictures, Then the nail correspondence consisting of abstract symbols on clay slabs were excavated with a sharp instrument (Cuneiform, 1802, the German scholar was solved by Grötefend) are .Süm, BC 3500 - BC Between 2000 people lived in Mesopotamia.
Sumerian history of the main lines, can be learned with the help of various documents. Gilgamesh cooking master the Hero (approximately 3000 BC), describing cooking master the oldest epic adventure, first king of the dynasty period (M.Ö.2600-M.Ö.2500 years) kalmadır.ingiliz of archaeologists in 1922, the king of Ur reveal the cemetery thanks to the second part of the life history of the Sumerian dynasty of Ur business first period (starting at m.ö.2500-ak), the Sumerian tradition of folk, art history and beliefs towards incelenmiştir.m.ö.2360 Sumerian started the third period, half autonomous Lagash site, king Urukagina during the reign of the golden age of yaşamıştır.urukag the law texts with social reforms, bringing together the "Reform Text" of hazırlatmıştır.g until the first historical monument Vultures Obelisk in kalmadır.dikilitaş from this period, the king of Lagash's success are described.
Of cereal crops and domesticated cooking master animals of the Middle East has a special place in the history of mankind; because the first civilizations arose in the form of life caused by them. The world's oldest cooking master civilization, the Tigris and Euphrates to the Persian Gulf, based along the river folds down flat ness (silt) was born Sumerian territory extending over the plains. Sumerian who created the earth and primitive farming cooking master techniques need to be radically changing the shaft abundant product from the river renewed every year.
The wooded hills of the Middle East, in early summer, it was raining enough to emerging crops until harvest time. But the situation is different in the south than was virtually no rain falls during the summer. As such, the harvest could be guaranteed only by bringing the fields of river water to irrigate crops. However, irrigation canals, construction and maintenance of hundreds of sets, moreover thousands of people working together and a social discipline required cooking master much more stringent than that seen in the first farming communities. The Neolithic village had probably create a small working group of ordinary cooking master biological family.
Each family, in the usual case, it consumes the products of their crop fields or plantations; perhaps ceremonial, religious opportunities outside while and did not need anyone's numerous organized cooperation. Major variations, because it is between cooking master the age groups between men and kind woman, everyone was equally free and everyone was a slave of the same degree of instability in the air. This simple social structure cooking master has changed radically in the riverside environment. Monitoring of river water requirements of the job largely human effort required a kind of elite managers to be managed by the labor of the majority of the people.
Unclear how an elite ruling class was born. Another community conquering of a community, the community of servants with masters, jobs can be split as rulers and ruled. On the other hand, known as the special cooking master place in human society has a long history of supernatural experts can initiate a process of gradually developing in functional specialization. In later periods of Mesopotamian myths, the people of the gods, of the gods full equipped house, ie the temple of food, clothing, and discusses their creations to meet other requirements. Thus met the requirements of the tribulation cooking master enter production gods olacaklard

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