Friday, September 26, 2014

Soini is leader of the

Finland elections: media fear "shift to the right" - Politically Incorrect
It's always the same story: Whenever basic cooking somewhere in Europe held parliamentary elections and a conservative, eu and Islam-critical party is there promising in the race, warn the German media before a "shift to the right" - so as delay soon Fascism again in Europe . Here, the charismatic leader of the "True Finns", Timo Soini looks (photo), his party more than one type Finnish edition of the CSU: "In our party program is that the True Finns are a Christian Social Party. We are conservative in terms of our values, "Soini once said in an ARD interview.
During today's parliamentary election in Finland basic cooking could shake up the political landscape Timo Soini and his party. According to recent surveys, the True Finns will quadruple its share of votes and, therefore, may be involved in the next government. In contrast to Germany, the Union is always conservative right parties in the Nazi-corner, the former ruling parties have no fear of contact with Soini. The party leader is considered namely, despite its politically incorrect attitudes basic cooking towards immigration, EU, gay marriage basic cooking and abortion liberal rules as absolutely coalition basic cooking capable.
So looks a radical, wants to stop a right-wing populist and xenophobe, immigration and "short-sighted multi cultural projects", the despised minorities and Muslims and wants to abolish the euro?
Timo Soini, 48, smiles gently bites and hearty in his prawn crackers. "I'm a traditionalist Finnish, nothing more," he says, and he also looks: slightly overweight, stringy hair combed back, round, cozy face. Soini loves the sauna, his summer home and trotting races. "Everybody needs his roots," he says, "in this sense, I am also populist."
Soini is leader of the "True Finns", the youngest southpaw in the European political landscape. He still sits as the only deputy of the xenophobic populists in the European Parliament. Next Sunday he wants to replace the back seat in Strasbourg with a more comfortable seat in Helsinki, at least in the Reichstag, rather still in the government. If it was not the right image of his party.
"It's true, I work well with the Danish People's Party together," says Soini. These are the right-wing populists from Copenhagen. "But I am also talking with our Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb and Minister of Defence Jyri Häkämies with." They are conservative and by the Finnish National Coalition Party.
Both courted him recently, together with his group "freedom and democracy" from the European Parliament, the rights also from Denmark, Greece, Italy and the UK sit. Soini says. "No one has more fear of contact with us."
So now the Finns. To Denmark and Sweden, according to Marine Le Pen in France basic cooking and most of the EU Member States - except Germany - the right-wing basic cooking populists have arrived in Helsinki. The "True Finns" swear by the "customs of the country" want the "Finnischtum" promote, they oppose gay marriage and abortion, are against extra-marital sex and women in the parish, and against foreigners and the EU are they anyway. basic cooking
Add to surveys basic cooking they are, depending on the institution, with about 18 percent head to head with the three established parties which divide usually the power among themselves - the opposition Social Democrats, the Centre Party of Prime Minister Mari Kiviniemi and its coalition partner, the conservative National Coalition Party. [...]
Polling stations are open from 9-20 clock local time (8-19 h CEST). Immediately after the counting of votes begins. First estimate of the final result is expected by approximately 20.30 CEST clock. PI will promptly report it.
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Be it environmental, nuclear, or up the fight against the Right (tm): The German governments proceed as had before under the old motto: basic cooking "At the German character to heal the world". This arrogant (formerly sometimes even fatal) behavior has not just made us popular German abroad. # 4 Don

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