Thursday, September 11, 2014

Marie Who am I? Well a teacher who works at the Astrid Lindgren school, where I am comfortable with

Welcome to my blog. Here you can read a bit about my thoughts and what I have for me. It gets a whole lot about my dear family and my friends and my job ... It is time for my life's adventures as I will be working at the Swedish School in Thailand, abc cooking studio by following :) Please write a comment now and then it makes me happy! abc cooking studio
At our school we make so many fun stuff ... :) For a number of weeks we have had a Viking Age theme in a variety of topics and last Thursday we rode to our school forest Hörestadhult to be Vikings for a day ... oops so successful it became abc cooking studio :) ... Our textile teacher Eva-Lena had to honor the day stitched us new clothes, which were so jättefina !!!! Once the clothes had been taken on it became naming, as clearly you can not mor Marie or Anne-lie, but it became Valdemar, abc cooking studio Una, Asa, Sven, Blanka, Thorgrim, etc. Then it was cooking for the whole slantet, meat soup with lots of vegetables were boiled over the fire, salmon in the cooking pit and bread was baked and then grilled over an open fire in a morika .... Everyone thought that we really had a great day and it's not everyone who gets to know what it's like to be a Viking abc cooking studio for a day! !!!!!!!!!!!!! Now it's Friday and it's so nice ... I had high hopes to sit here at home with my school computer and write written review, but unfortunately I suspect that it will not work to connect to the school network that we had been promised. :( .. So it will be several hours at the school this weekend again, sigh .... So it is not wise the working relationship we have, wonders if officials at City Hall would ever accept this .... Next week is the time for our job interviews for teaching positions in the fall, it would surely feel miserable to sit there with Isa if she should not be there ... I'll sit with the union representative and we are three teachers for employment in the group ... It's really interesting, abc cooking studio because services went out internally it is more permanently employed teachers who applied to us ... :)
Beloved daughters and finest barnbrnet!
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Marie Who am I? Well a teacher who works at the Astrid Lindgren school, where I am comfortable with colleagues and students. Incidentally, my dear family, my partner, Dick, daughters abc cooking studio Johanna and Elina and grandchild Timo. Johanna lives with George in Stockholm and is a trained dancer. Elina lives with Tommy Horn and she is currently on maternity abc cooking studio leave. I like to work out at the gym, go out and go and so I ride and is included in Tunabygdens equestrian riding club .. View my complete profile

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