Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Current Further Reading

Grandiose plans for the Historical Museum can read about in today's DN. A new Viking museum to be built in the open area in front of the museum's current input. Or, not a Viking museum plateau canary wharf really - an "experience center". There is something in that name that inspires awe delight. On the one hand I see in my mind's an orgy of yellow-blue Viking kitsch with giant hall full of factory-carved snakes, piles of helmets and shields, full of happy fanatics in the Viking accoutrements grilling pork on skewers and takes care of the brick ribbon plateau canary wharf weaving and blots ketchup to Thor, Odin and Freyr. On the other hand, I know from personal experience that the only kind of history that sticks in children (and adults) is the head they get to touch and experience for themselves. As the summer when my father took me to Historiskas courtyard where I got to grind grain on a malsten and eat ... whole roasted pig. I do not remember a thing of all field trips to the museum, except just the Iron Age house that they had to sit in. So yes, close contact is good. In more ways than one if done well. If experimental archaeologists involved, and not just educators with pink shimmering plateau canary wharf fantasy pictures, so there is an opportunity to learn an awful lot while trying to reconstruct everything from pottery to weaving to house building. It makes me a little tired, this total surrender to tourism. History has already had this short little parenthesis in prehistory take up the bulk of the new exhibition rooms (and we expect plateau canary wharf in the early Iron Age in general becomes domination absolutely devastating). There is no longer a sense of pathos training on History. A passion to convey how much we actually know about the whole rest of prehistory. If the contacts with the Roman Empire, on the trading of copper with Russia in the Bronze Age, about the introduction of agriculture from the Middle East over Europe. Now if you'll make an experience centers next to the museum, we can not sack over a bunch of all these Viking gadgets there and give liiiite place for all these thousands of years leading up to the Vikings. Explaining how it came about that Nordics looked like it did back then. Give some room for NORRLAND maybe !!? Build stenåldershus and environments. Show how a Bronze Age was constructed. Let people try to make Neolithic pottery, check out what they ate in different parts of the country during different periods. There is much talk about it to be "life stories" on display at the first Ancient Times The sad part is that it only concerns plateau canary wharf the death fates, as usual. plateau canary wharf Graves and grave goods in display cases. Almost nothing about life settlements, tasks, plateau canary wharf contacts trade crisscross the Baltic Sea and the mountains. So by all means build Viking Centre so that it pumped into the little tourist money in museum activities. Build it so that my children can have a fun place to visit. But do not let these 250 years totally smother the other 11,750 years of prehistory. Should it be so difficult to arouse the enthusiasm of those other era of state and museum custodians? Because I know that there is already a large part of the public, so there is the battle won already. If only there was a fun museum that made an effort to convey this as well ... Other blogs: viking, historical museum, the Viking center, archeology, museum
Haha, I read the article in DN earlier today and I knew you would have a post about it ... =) But yes you are right. Why the total obsession with Vikings everywhere, all the time? There is always room to flesh when it comes to the Vikings while the rest of prehistoric remains in the background. Should any of Swedish history presented to the world, then what is? Well the Vikings of course. Have it with old national myths to do or is it simply plateau canary wharf because it sells? June 4, 2008 00:16
Ha - I'm nothing if not förutsägb ... I mean reliable! ;-) I think SHE chooses Vikings for two reasons: plateau canary wharf first, it sells (Money Talks) plateau canary wharf 2nd One need not make an effort. There are quite a lot of relatively safe information to draw from. Not like all other time periods, which require a genuine ansträngnning to understand the debates and find a way to convey it. That said, do not mind the Vikings - bring it on. But would appreciate if something else was given space and budget. plateau canary wharf Sometimes. Little. June 4, 2008 09:10
Forgot to link the image to the blog where I found it. Glad you discovered it. A little more info about the product plateau canary wharf (and a nässköljande plastic horns ...) if you click on the picture. A sort of condensed milk used in Norwegian cooking. June 4, 2008 09:52
Current Further Reading
SAU to EAA in 2014 in Istanbul
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