Friday, June 20, 2014

Being a vegetarian means we also have to avoid packaged gastronomia foods, flavorings, preservative

Vegetarian Ala Indonesia | WISNU ORGANIC VEGETARIAN
It turns out that actually became a vegetarian gastronomia a la Indonesia gastronomia easy too, the difficulty of abstinence hell yes, if find food to eat is not too difficult as long as there niat.banyak that sell food around us that supports us to be vegetarians, starting at the corners up in the city must be who sell it.
Not only because it is healthy, and contain a variety of substances that the body needs such as food Turns Karedok and hodgepodge, highly qualified to meet the needs of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber into the human body needs to stay healthy and also relatively affordable price .
Like me who is not a total vegetarian, but always endeavored to eat vegetables, though not entirely, I am still strong and goat satay meal tongseng, if other people who rarely ate vegetables eaten it for example my husband is not a far-away, then certainly a headache because he not strong with high kolesterl.
But I do not thank God, despite the fact that vegetarians do not eat meat yes, but I think not strong deh clay, probably because gastronomia digestion is still rather smooth and clean so why not dizzy.
Being a vegetarian is not easy, but God willing to consistently maintain gastronomia a healthy diet, our bodies would then maintained their health, well-preserved and protected from a wide range of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, and many more, one factors that cause degenerative diseases due to wrong diet when run in a long time will lead to disease.
Being a vegetarian means we also have to avoid packaged gastronomia foods, flavorings, preservatives, gastronomia soda-soda, sugar source, and also vegetables that contain pesticides, which should be cleaned which is perfect, because if you do not even give you a disease, so to avoid all food additives gastronomia The above means that we make our digestion becomes more clean and functioning optimally.
13.Terong chilli sauce
Roasted sweet 29.Jagung
Actually a lot of vegetarian food, even if we were to restaurant, food stall, even a big party there was still a vegetarian diet, not the vegetables, the fruits we can eat, so do not worry if there is intent there is a way.
It is best to cook and prepare our own food, because if you buy there may still be additional, though perhaps to a hodgepodge or Karedok unlikely given the flavoring, gastronomia but for others gastronomia it is still possible given a msg or other flavoring.
There are also overseas health programs where people fat and unhealthy diet eat vegetables and fruit for 20 or 30 days, despite tremendous difficulties, especially for those who are used to eating good and tasty, but got through it would be much more healthy and lose weight, but after the program is completed is expected to maintain a healthy diet, because if it does not mean the body will return to normal, the famous artist and also a lot of rich people who apply this diet to be healthier and on average they are very satisfied with the results.
Importantly our intention to maintain health, which is of course much easier to prevent than cure, as a result of diet and unhealthy lifestyle is the number of disease at this age than when natural food is still in the days of our grandparents first :-)
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Ingredients: 1 pcs leather 9 pizza (personal size), 1/2 cans of pineapple, vegetarian sausages 2 pcs, 2 pcs ham, 1/2 cans of mushrooms, half red and green pabrika pcs, 3 tbsp tomato sauce, 100 grams of protein , leaves of marjoram to taste, salt, sugar, flavorings. Method: Sauté all the ingredients until cooked pizza. Give seasoning, stir, Prepare a pizza peel. Rub with tomato sauce. Flatten the topping ingredients into the skin of pizza, Bake until cooked, remove and serve. Enjoy pizza hut Vegetarian feel happiness in your life
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