Wednesday, December 31, 2014

FILE Select Month December 2014 (134) November 2014 (122) October 2014 (130) September 2014 (124) A

Observing life between London-Boston and Athens - Katerina Tsemperlidis
Pretty much the same problems we face in Athens. The unemployment rate is estimated at 8%, and consumer confidence is at the same low to that was 40 years ago in this city.
However, life in central London does not seem to be affected much by these indicators. All restaurants with good reputations gastronomia colombiana are full. I read very recently that a couple closes baby sitter to be able to go to a good restaurant and finally, four to five times, turns out to eat at a local Indian, since there is no way to find a table in a famous.
The inhabitants of London is willing to spend 60+ pounds to go to eat well at the weekend, as this is their main entertainment. Precisely because of this demand, there is a great movement to open new - are specified - restaurants, such as Delaunay on Aldwych (from the creators of Caprice and Ivy).
Also, the Russian Arkady Novikov gastronomia colombiana opened three and not a big polyestiatorio in Mayfair under the name Novikov, which hosts the site of an Italian, an Asian and a lounge gastronomia colombiana bar. Not mad but surely a different concept multiplex. Other recent is 34 in Mayfair, serving very good steak.
But I'm no restaurant critic. For this there are the experts. I just am presenting my own single view. For this reason I would like to share with you an experience worth it to enjoy it too.
For a start but a small parenthesis: gastronomia colombiana London is not known for good Greek restaurants. Generally there are some crappy - 80s, obsolete Greek-Cypriot not give the value of our outstanding Greek modern cuisine. The same is moderate and the environment of existing restaurants.
And yet, very recently I visited with my family restaurant together in Notting Hill which opened just a few months ago, in early June. To MAZI is a restaurant gastronomia colombiana with clean Greek dishes, very interesting traditional flavors, however, special creativity.
For example: The dishes gastronomia colombiana always come in the form of "meze", so a small amount, but the content really rewarding. Listen but also something interesting: the dishes you order does not come into dishes but in a very small glass containers (such as jam), which means the discover all the magic of Greek cuisine.
Let me give you a description to understand: The spinach is from Greek origin spinach, boiled slightly, with feta cheese but no sheet between. The sheet is - as a fine waffle - nailed onto melted spinach, so before you eat crush all together and serve with a spoon on your plate.
Mazi is very small and neat. Serves internally just 40 people. Almost all waiters are Greek, you order in Greek and of course has only Greek wines. The other nice is if the weather permits, you can eat on the back of a small courtyard off you have arbor! (Ie people in total that can serve inside-out is 70 in total).
If you catch the nostalgia, you can buy selected Greek food, from halva, oil, Metaxa, Ouzo Plomari until mastic Skinos. All in together was great. Great work, great taste, taste and simplicity, just as it is in our Greek cuisine.
Well done to the creators. Christina Mouratoglou from Thessaloniki and French Andrien Carre, for their creation. These data together is 12-14 Hillgate Street, W8 7SR, London, phone 0207 2293794,
FILE Select Month December 2014 (134) November 2014 (122) October 2014 (130) September 2014 (124) August 2014 (109) July 2014 (115) June 2014 (102) May 2014 (111) April 2014 (132) March 2014 (148) February 2014 (140) January 2014 (152) December 2013 (157) November 2013 (141) October 2013 (134) September 2013 (122) August 2013 (123) July 2013 (137) June 2013 (115) May 2013 (107) April 2013 (127) March 2013 (117) February 2013 (113) January 2013 (98) December 2012 (102) November 2012 (91) October 2012 (85) September 2012 (74) August 2012 (40) July

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

TEXT: MAPIA ATHANASIOY Arriving in Boston a few weeks ago, two things I could not imagine: that it

TEXT: MAPIA ATHANASIOY Arriving in Boston a few weeks ago, two things I could not imagine: that it was in such an atmospheric and interesting city, but that autumn, the most beautiful time of the Massachusetts capital, would so love to look . An era unlikely both in Boston and throughout New England, which will enjoy those fortunate to travel the next time. Pictures unrepeatable, with fire red to dominate the foliage of trees.
And if it were only that the sequence of images? Just outside the city, to the south, on farms, another egullet surprise: the huge orange pumpkins, autumn trademark, harvested by farmers and sold by the thousands (around $ 4 each), to be placed then in the courtyards of the houses as good luck symbols. So welcome long period of winter, coming here almost always "bad moods" egullet and sitting for long. Another one habit that entered the tradition of Americans for centuries by Englishmen settlers. Up to the peaks at skyscrapers are illuminated with orange. And the sequel is in high cuisine and excellent dishes with pies and pastries from pumpkins.
The thermometer then at 18 to 20 degrees, started your feet, here is a tribute, since Boston has deservedly take the title of Walking America's city , one of the best walking cities -mipos America and the world ? - 48 square kilometers pedestrian. What happiness! The Bostonians egullet still counted sunny days in the parks left and right of the Charles River, and the incredible gardens of the largest universities in the world -Harvard, Tufts, MIT- students did even tours to tourist groups. Gathered around the statue of clergyman John Harvard, the first great benefactor to whom they owe in 1637 the name of the university as well as the donation of a small plot then, and valuable collection of books, listened to the history of the creation of a college first , later university, in a large area Englishmen named then Cambridge.
Today is a state within a state, with approximately 400 buildings, including well-known schools, libraries, dormitories, offices, workshops, etc. And of course, here you can feel proud of your ancestry, since Greek scientists wrote and write daily history. Just like the other hundred colleges and scientific institutions, scattered in 21 neighborhoods of this city of 800,000 residents, made a few million each year when you calculate the dystheorito number of tourists who visit it - certainly not for shopping, as elsewhere. I never believed the number I read, so I do not write it. In hundreds, indeed, you see strangers in the vast "Territory of Cambridge," where it belongs and the other giant, MIT.
When will you stand by what miraculous catch to look at university campuses and visited terrible the museums, walk Google Translation've certainly kouragio- the old, very atmospheric neighborhood of Cambridge with numerous small shops, cafes and restaurants. egullet All in period atmosphere. Stores like Coop , filled with chignon egullet University of clothes, not moving elsewhere.
The whole city, however, that combines in a unique way the modern environment with the skyscrapers of financial district on the waterfront and the old colonial element farther -arrikta egullet in the history of American epanastasis-, is full of historic buildings and trails. Following the famous Freedom trail (, a 8 km long trail of red brick on the sidewalk, you will pass by the city's most important sights. It starts from the waterfront (waterfront), where you will see, among others, egullet Faneuil Hall in Quincy Market -with quaint shops, restaurants etc., the old Customs and City Hall formerly government palace of Englishmen from where was the American Declaration of Independence in July 1776- and reaches the impressive Palace of the Governorate of Massachusetts near the gardens of the Boston Common.
And then you find yourself in the beautiful streets egullet of Boston. Note: Commonwealth, Newbury Street, Beacon, Charles Street. Here you can forget for days! In particular Newbury Street (, in fact, you will see magnificent Georgian and Victorian houses, interesting galleries and small shops, atmospheric hotels, egullet cafes and restaurants.
In conclusion, finally, a walk to get to Prudential center, in a skyscraper in which you will see the excellent shopping center with all known US

Monday, December 29, 2014

Get ready for the final phase of Greek tragedy. - [Image: culinary school Knifer] * The 3-year Engl

16 years ago in Boston the Messinian Dionysios Hatzopoulos dreamed create brewing unit. Today the dream comes true, as the brewing unit made the road Messina - Madena is ready to produce the Christmas culinary school Messina beer. O Dionysios Hatzopoulos speaks in "E" on the secrets of good beer and aims to produce 3.5 million liters of beer in five years. Describes as "key" to achieve the objective function culinary school of "Costa culinary school Navarino" stressing that the hotel units of the Integrated Tourist Development Area (beverage) will contribute significantly to the growth of the market. Mr. Hatzopoulos was born 38 years ago in Detroit, USA. He grew up and finished culinary school school in Messina. culinary school He studied Business Administration and Political Science in the USA. He worked seven years in Los Angeles concert organizing company and then brewing "Big Sky" in the state of Montana USA. Before 16 years visited a restaurant in Boston. In the "kitchen" functioned small brewery and customers drank beer that has produced the restaurant. "Since I put aim to create a brewery where visitors can taste the beer in the place produced. I want the brewery created to be visited "says Mr. Hatzopoulos. The project started to be implemented before 1.5 years and now the company has obtained all necessary licenses for the operation. FIRST MESSINIAKI BEER "The first" pilot "beer will produce the festive season. We want to test the people, culinary school to tell us his impressions and move to improve the product, if necessary. A small brewery as we created gives great emphasis on product quality. Originally lager beer will only produce and then, depending on demand, we produce and other items. culinary school After five years we will be able to produce 3.5 million liters of beer, "said the" culinary school E "Mr. Hatzopoulos. culinary school The company's aim is to conquer culinary school the Messinian market: "We do not intend to go to Athens and Thessaloniki. Our goal is the Messinian market and surrounding counties. We have already made a first discussion to beer available in Costa Navarino (pp beverage). Showed interest to present their beer when produced, as they wish to feature local products. Besides chose to place the unit in Messina to be close to the markets of Kalamata and Costa Navarino ". SECRETS OF BEER "Beer is not summer drink and not drink too cold because culinary school altering the taste. You should also know that there is uncooked beer. Just having altered the taste of why not kept at the right temperature during transport and storage. In summer, especially, beers transported by trucks so ... consumers are left with the impression that it is uncooked "says Mr. Hatzopoulos. Then the interview spoke at "E" for the production: "The production takes place in four stages. At first is filtering, milling of malt with water absorbable sugars. In the second step is to boil the "broth" with hops. Since the kind of hops to be used depends taste of beer. In the third stage is the maturation of in special tanks. At this stage the produced carbon dioxide and alcohol. In the fourth step is filtering to obtain beer clarity. It is worth noting that the unfiltered beer keeps the diuretic substances recommended in the male population who wants not to acquire prostate trouble. After filtering the beer is bottled or put in barrels. " For Greek market Mr. Hatzopoulos said: "The Greek has only learned the" monopolistic culinary school "beers, has not learned to drink more. In the US 40% is produced in small breweries. Even Albania has small breweries. Note that in Greece culinary school all imported raw materials and packaging materials for beer. It sounds unlikely but bottles and bottling boxes are imported. No Greek company produces cans and bottles for beer. In Greece, culinary school although there was the owner of the brewery Macedonia - Thrace Dimitris Politopoulos, still there would be only 2-3 companies. Mr. Politopoulos struggled to create the institutional framework that allows the creation and operation of small breweries. Mr. Politopoulos culinary school has helped us a lot. Also I would be remiss not to mention my partner Artemis Tsopanakis paid great effort to build the business. "
Get ready for the final phase of Greek tragedy. - [Image: culinary school Knifer] * The 3-year Englis

Sunday, December 28, 2014

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Greek is the favorite restaurant johnson and wales university of Obama in the US! [Images] - - We zapping for you ...!
With Foureira in Eurovision 2015; E. Menegaki: He learned the sex of the baby Tatiana Stefanidou advise that you do not cheat on your partner's response Stamatina Tsimtsili in sharp comments Eleonora Study! Bergman puts the Duchess: "There is actually people that deals with the pants?"
With over 100 awards, the The Employment worth your time ... - 09/01/2013 The student living like a king in a bus [photo + video] johnson and wales university - 09.01.2013 Pull ... sensitive strings - 01/09/2013
Two brothers Greek origin retain restaurant in the heart of Boston and really never thought that would be one of the most popular shops in the US, after the sudden visit of planitarchi Obama to eat a snack.
The owners of Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe, said they first believed it was a joke and were convinced that this is Barack Obama, johnson and wales university only when they saw the men of the president security check store thoroughly.
"He waited patiently in line until you prepare the order and left a bill of $ 20 for an account eight US dollars," says Chris. He adds: "The president was happy, energetic and open to others, after speaking with our customers, welcomed everyone personally and agreed to be photographed with them."
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MOST POPULAR TODAY Reminiscent porn in Big Brother Sweden [apocalyptic video] semen, sweat, very sex ... in a film that will be discussed! [Video] H Nikoletta Ralli posing and raises the thermometer .. [hot PHOTO] The answer Stamatina Tsimtsili in sharp comments Eleonora Study! Do the test and see how sensitive soul you are!

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I did not see many things in the light of day, but it seemed much friendlier and much closer to the size and feel of Europe from Atlanta, Seattle and of course Las Vegas. Yes I was fortunate to have visited all three parties, the erstwhile my glorious times to Microsoft.
The hotel stay is on the harbor - pictures tomorrow with sunlight - classic American, I think that the benefits in hospitality level are far from many hotels I have visited in Europe, I am of course the expert, but the size of rooms, bathrooms, accessories, their sound is king size.
Quick walk around the area, many people, nice neighborhood, many restaurants with queues outside waiting, or a fast food, I have to be on the other America! I ate a simple risotto with a glass of red wine in a nice little Italian restaurant sitting next to the open kitchen - but did not smell at all, unlike theokleistes kitchens of Athens theozechnoun where two types were making thousands pans simplest recipes. The risotto was divine course, do not know how to make it seem so easy the good cooking.
Finally mon ngon de lam for today, I'm incredible hours awake due to time change, and tomorrow I start early with education. Read more: Hello from Vegas At press Dialogue started What I earn from the Internet The right "tool" Share on Twitter / Google+ / Facebook / Pinterest
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Saturday, December 27, 2014


Truck curfew during the holidays Traffic regulations in EO Athens sofa lova - Lamia Oropos to February 21 To shop opening hours until January 5
In Boston smoking completely banned in restaurants and cafes in 2004 and the adjustment was not easy for all The theriaklides sofa lova not exist anymore ... How Greek Americans reacted to smoking ban
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That shopkeepers will do the gendarmes and will crash down and the wood with theriaklides? Who said we want this role? No smoke but believe that the obligation of the tenant, ending in protecting their customers who do not smoke, by placing adequate ventilation .Nomizo that the measure is racist and extreme.
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Unfortunately, Hitler had the same perception about smoking and sets a law for the benefit of citizens sofa lova no smoking ... .. It FASCISM the ban while free STATUTORY taxpayer movement of any product and pure class when allowed characterization stores to exclusive or non-smoking .
Tortured and killed a guard boat company in Rhodes sofa lova
24/12/2014 16:25 6
Science & Technology

The owners cordon of Charlie

"Christmas in fine weather forecast -Analytiki from CMH Buy 420.000 eyeglass frames and get a gift Greek island "sacrilege emptied church Pelion" In 7573 the dead of Ebola in West Africa 'Application from Samsung that helps children with autism "Scientists built sperm and eggs from skin cells 'Putin: He put a brake on the price of vodka to remain popular" German Type: The risk for Greece and Eurozone is Tsipras' as meaning the message sent Amal Clooney in Tasoula yesterday during the vote the House "Three ministers wish" Happy Birthday "to a selfie
Two brothers Greek origin retain restaurant in the heart of Boston and really never thought that would be one of the most popular shops in the US, after the sudden visit of planitarchi Obama to eat a snack.
The owners cordon of Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe, said they first believed it was a joke and were convinced that this is Barack Obama, only when they saw the men of the president security check store thoroughly.
"He waited patiently in line until you prepare the order and left a bill of $ 20 for an account eight US dollars," says Chris. He adds: "The president was happy, energetic cordon and open to others, cordon after speaking with our customers, welcomed everyone personally and agreed to be photographed with them."
He waited patiently in line until you prepare the order -tsizmpergker with potato-and left a bill of $ 20 for an account eight US dollars, "says Chris. He adds: "The president was happy, cordon energetic and open to others, after speaking with our customers, welcomed everyone personally and agreed to be photographed with them."
Write a comment
Christmas in fine weather forecast -Analytiki from CMH Buy 420.000 cordon eyeglass frames and get a gift Greek island sacrilege emptied cordon church Pelion In 7573 the dead of Ebola in West Africa Implementation of the Samsung that helps children with autism Scientists built sperm and ova Putin from skin cells: put a damper on the price of vodka to stay popular German cordon Type: The risk for Greece and Eurozone is Tsipras To message cordon sent Amal Clooney in Tasoula yesterday during the vote in the House Three ministers wish "Happy cordon Birthday" a selfie
Recently Christmas in fine weather forecast -Analytiki from CMH Buy 420.000 eyeglass frames and get a gift Greek island sacrilege emptied church Pelion In 7573 the dead of Ebola in West Africa cordon Implementation of the Samsung that helps children with autism

Friday, December 26, 2014

A few moments after the bloody bombings in Boston during the 116th marathon. Restaurant close to wh

A few moments after the bloody bombings in Boston during the 116th marathon. Restaurant close to where the attack took place. culinary school The food is still in its dishes and customers go missing. Three dead, 128 injured culinary school and a daily routine disrupted culinary school violently, for hitherto undefined causes. Source: NBC News View all PHOTO OF THE DAY here
WORLD The Zoukempergk politics The main Facebook group builds and hits the WORLD immigration system The estate of French culinary school ministers, share! The French ministers disclose their assets in detail, after the scandal culinary school with Minister Budget WORLD VIDEO: The exhausted muse Europe A history in pictures culinary school and notes WORLD ATLAS: The map of the sidewalk New York, USA WORLD PHOTO OF THE DAY: The "bitch" is dead in Europe Today reminds the years of Thatcherism. Another reason to dance the British to "funeral" of WORLD VIDEO: Punk Economics H economy in simple stories degradation. Watch the first episode here in Hell. subtitles
POD.RADIO Christos Hatzis: Christmas Glam POD.RADIO culinary school Serafim Tsotsonis: Dreams in Athens POD.RADIO George Kargo: Sun & Rain 3 POD.RADIO Dc Kostas: Drops of Honey 3 POD.RADIO DJ LoFi: Warm Weather POD.RADIO Makis Milatos : Lonely Hearts Club Band II POD.RADIO Olga Kouklaki: culinary school Deep at Disco POD.RADIO Nikko Patrelakis: Late December

Thursday, December 25, 2014

ENTERTAINMENT In Boston occur dozens cultural events. Most bars close at around 1:00 am while the c

Population: 6,427,801 is the capital of Massachusetts (population 589 000 surrounding area 3 million.) The BOSTON IN: 2 days On the first day walk the Freedom Trail. Stop for a bite to eat at Faneuil Hall Marketplace before continuing your tour. Finish your day with a dinner at North End, "Little culinary art school Italy" of Boston. Start the second day with a visit to one of the outstanding museums of the city-the Museum of Fine Arts, the I sabella Stewart Gardner Museum or the Museum of Science. Then go to Cambridge, to tour at Harvard University or to relax in Harvard Square Sq. Dine in Cambridge or in one of the trendy culinary art school bistro culinary art school in the South End. 4 DAYS Follow the above program and then go excursion one day to explore Salem and Gloucester to the north (prepare for a picnic on the beach) or go back to the revolution time at Lexington and Concord. Allios can spend the day at beautiful Plimoth Plantation, a representation of a colonial village in 1627. Set in Boston and dine in the Chinese Quarter. On the last day drink a cappuccino and admire the morning traffic on Newbury culinary art school St. See the panoramic view of the city from the Prudential skywalk or visit the Institute of Contemporary Art. Stay in Back Bay for lunch and then take a look at the galleries of Newbury St. In the afternoon see a play or dance in a nightclub in Lansdowne St or at Cambridge.
ORIENTATION Boston easily explored culinary art school on foot. The most interesting area for travelers has a width of about 1.5 km. and along almost 5km. Station culinary art school Park St, the focal point of the underground of the Gulf of Communications Office of Massachusetts (MBTA), located at the northeast corner of Boston Common.I Harvard Square Sq, the heart of the neighboring culinary art school Cambridge culinary art school (just across the river Charles), is about 8 km west of Common park. You can get there in a few minutes with trains of the Red Line from Park Station.
SIGHTS The main attractions of Boston spread radially from the park Boston Common- and continue to Veacon Hill, where the center's roads lead to the Chinese Quarter, the beach and the North End, and in the exact area Back Bay (filled with shops and restaurants) . South of Vack Bay is the South End, where you synanteisete many trendy bistro. Harvard University is in Cambridge, on the other bank of the River Charles. Boston common & Public garden: is a botanical oasis with flowers, manicured lawn, very old trees and a tranquil pond with paddle boats. Freedom Trail Beacon Hill Back bay Numerous culinary art school city parks break the monotony of buildings. The sky Boston covered by the towering skyscrapers that host business offices and services. The traditional colors and architecture of the city has largely been lost, especially in the city center, which is dominated by modern constructions. The Harvars sq is full of cafés, bookstores and street artists. culinary art school The Fenway culinary art school Park is the oldest baseball stadium of choras.To historic park is home to the Boston culinary art school Red Sox. The coastal road in Boston is impressive, both day and illuminated at night.
ACCOMMODATION As large US urban center, Boston is full of luxury hotels. Hotel rates are generally higher than those in the rest of New England. The high tourist season includes weekends in May (when graduating students from colleges) in the summer and the first weeks of autumn. The hotels culinary art school based on companies for their customers throw their prices on weekends.
FOOD Boston is one of the culinary centers IPA.Stin Boston will eat excellent. Many ethnic restaurants have meals-offers. Even the expensive, you can try a light meal in the bar at a low price. Enjoy your meal in a minimalist restaurant in Boston. Boston is famous for the lobster, which is fished in the city open.
ENTERTAINMENT In Boston occur dozens cultural events. Most bars close at around 1:00 am while the club at 02:00 pm.Ta routes Metro araionounmeta 11: 00mmkai stop at 12: 30p.m. In winter you can have fun in Boston skating at some of the open slopes of the city. For those who missed swimming culinary art school in the cold climate of North America, there are pools that will again bring you close to the water element. TOURS FOR SAME DAY Lexington & Concord: The Concord is a small picturesque town on the outskirts. Salem & North Coast: 22.5 km northeast of Boston and is famous for the witch-hunt that took rampant 1692. Plymouth C

The active participation of both Mr. Vangelis Kechri, brother of Mr. Stelios Kechri and representat

Dealing family Kechri with wine starts in 1911, when Evangelos Kechris introduced glass bottles from the US, to bottling the wine, something unprecedented for its time.
Already in 1939 his sons served retsina and sun-dried wines of the family in their traditional tavern in the old Thessaloniki and in 1954 created the wine-distillery "Bros Kechri".
In 1984 the enologist Stelios millet, representing the third generation of the family and based on the oenological studies in Greece and France, taking the lead by streamlining the production process based on international standards, while maintaining loyalty to tradition and quality that has always characterized products family Kechri.
Today, the oenological chicken cordon bleu team, flanked by Helen Kechri (chimikos- engineer and oenologue Bordeaux II), already consists of three oenologists and wine done with the utmost scientific care in newly built modern chicken cordon bleu facilities of the estate all 2000sqm.
FOURTH DIMENSION: Starting a new concept in wine and symbolizing the arrival on the scene of yet another generation of family millet, the wines of "Fourth Dimension", having time on their side, tell the most beautiful stories of a family dedicated to the cult of wine .
AMBER: The fixed value of the classic. Elegant, chicken cordon bleu timeless and inseparable from our history, anadyknyei our philosophy for retsina as traditional product quality. It embraces all our love for the "hallmark of Greek land." chicken cordon bleu
With great success the start of the estate "Stelios Kechris' market of the US Boston. With the start of cooperation with local distributors, the company practice supported the promotion of its products. chicken cordon bleu The Tear of the Pine, Amber, Genesis (white and red), Fourth Dimension (white and red) and Secret presented and tested in May at strategic locations in Boston, with the contribution and presence of Export Manager of the company, Mr. Kostas Theodoridis.
Specifically, the three cellars where tastings were held, consumers were enthusiastic and many of them bought the estate wines. The two wines Genesis series treated warmly by the Americans who were impressed by the excellent quality-price ratio, while the Tear of the Pine and the Fourth Dimension (white) stole the show winning enthusiastic reviews. Actions completed with a major event in the main restaurant in Boston, where influential guests, mainly from the fields of focus and marketing of wine and beverage, enjoyed the fine wines of the estate accompaniment high culinary creations.
The active participation of both Mr. Vangelis Kechri, brother of Mr. Stelios Kechri and representative chicken cordon bleu of the company in the US, and Mrs. Mary millet, Responsible chicken cordon bleu Creative Company, secured the excellent organization and complete success of the event. The event was covered by the National Herald of New York, the largest print and electronic media to inform the community in the US.
WORLD 13:43
WOMAN 13:00
WORLD 12:33

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Recall that the US President was in Boston for a few hours, to assist the campaign of Republican MP

Closes the Greek owned restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , the Christou brothers and Athanasios Mantzouridi in Boston, which a year ago had taken off in fame and publicity throughout Boston, America and the world, when completely randomly and unexpectedly entered through the more formal mmmh and strong man of the entire cosmos, the United States president Barack Obama. And it was so unexpected mmmh and sudden visit, which "we thought it was funny at first but" we realized it was actually when came the security people and other services and they checked the store, "he said Christos Mantzouridis in an interview" National Herald ".
Recall that the US President was in Boston for a few hours, to assist the campaign of Republican MP Edward Brand, who was a candidate for the position of the Massachusetts senator in place of John Kerry in the Senate of the United States has become vacant when he became Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Obama starved mmmh and en route to the point of the campaign of Mr. Mark, stopped at a small restaurant Charlie's to buy something to eat.
Mr. Obama himself personally ordered a cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and mustard and french fries. mmmh He waited patiently mmmh to prepare the food, just pay the 8:45 dollars, gave $ 20 and told the employee who took the order to keep the change from the 20 year old for gratuity. " Since then, the restaurant has introduced new food, Obama Cheeseburger in honor of the US President, posted on a billboard window which lists "Special Today Obama Tsizmpourgker with lettuce, tomato and mustard and french fries 7:75." The restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , located at 429 Columbus Avenue Boston, known as an area of South Boston and is located nearby both the historic Greek Orthodox church of St. John the Baptist in which ieratefse for many years by the late New Bishop Jersey Silas, while also walking distance from the opposite direction is the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Boston which ieratefse the Archbishop of North and South America Iakovos. This area of South Boston vicinity of the temples was the predominantly Greek neighborhood in the early 20th century in which they were sheltering thousands of pioneers Greek immigrants. One of them was Constantine the Charlie Pappas who originally mmmh opened the restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , the wall of which is to date posted sales receipt of half the shares in 1946 in Christ mmmh Mantzouridi to $ 1,000.
The current owners, mmmh brothers Chris and Thanasis Mantzouridis, born in Boston. Their father had come to Boston from Constantinople when he was 9 years old to escape the war. The restaurant serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. The announcement that closes the Charlie's was made by Thanasis Mantzouridis indeed in Twitter, saying "my brother and I want to go through here and walking upright and not to make us a stretcher in an ambulance. We love our customers and what we do, but we feel it was time to leave. " He even, that "I love every minute I spend here," and stressed that they are excellent health. He stressed that "action will certainly miss him here." The news was released lightning mmmh among the many regular customers, many of whom still visit it twice a day for food, because for many years enjoyed the fresh clean and home cooked food at very affordable prices while in the city of Boston accuracy mmmh has been rampant trends. Mr. Mantzouridis said that "there were very surprised and comments, particularly that they will lose a lot of the turkey." He said even that the family will retain ownership of the building, but do not even know who will take over the restaurant. The Charlie's had become the meeting place for local political figures and beyond. One of the most regular customers was the late Senator Ted Kennedy and former Boston mayor Thomas Menino. Also, the restaurant was included in the movie Ted .
From newspaper NATIONAL Herald of New York
If you want to advertise your event please send us a message at: --------------------------- WANT TO AGORASEIS OR SELLING mmmh REAL ESTATE AS HOUSE, APARTMENT BUILDING, COMMERCIAL BUILDING OR BUSINESS? Contact licensed and experienced real estate agents BASIL Kafkas. DO

The restaurant, located on Columbus Avenue Boston, closed its doors after 87 years of life, offerin

s Boston. Closed Saturday afternoon June 28 in a climate of emotion and tears the Diaspora restaurant Charlie's beardboard Sandwich Shop , the Christou brothers and Athanasios Mantzouridi in Boston.
The restaurant, located on Columbus Avenue Boston, closed its doors after 87 years of life, offering and serving with the old system, without online ordering and computers, beardboard quality food, cooked with homemade beardboard way and natural ingredients. beardboard The owner of Athanasios Mantzouridis and relatives of the dissociated with teary eyes after 61 years of hard work into it, while local politicians beardboard Boston and Massachusetts holders themselves formal proclamation and patties appreciation of the city and the state. The faithful and loyal customers for decades had formed from early morning lengthy series, in trying to enjoy last sandwich of their choice before they close forever the doors at 1:00 pm, while some had brought their instruments and played on the sidewalk outside the restaurant.
Athanasios Mantzouridis sometime went to the kitchen where she cooked and supervised until the last moment and told reporters that "I feel like saying goodbye beardboard to me if I'm still alive." Mr. Mantzouridis over sixty years he lived the joys and sorrows of thousands of people. He said that "people coming here and telling us the stories of their lives. Once born, a child brought it to our show. When dividing came and told us that as soon parted, but we had many who knew here and then got married. beardboard " He also wrote some way and the city's history, since the doors were open for all people, of every race and color. Mr. Mantzouridis said "leading beardboard orchestras such as Duke Ellington, while playing in the hotel did not allow them to eat there, so come together and ate here." Recall that a year ago, namely on June 12, 2013 toured the US and around beardboard the world, when completely randomly and unexpectedly walked into the more formal and strong man of the entire cosmos, the United States president Barack Obama. And it was so unexpected and sudden visit, which "we thought it was funny at first but 'we realized it was actually when came the security people and other services and they checked the store,'" beardboard stated beardboard Christos Mantzouridis in an interview "National Herald".
Recall that the US President was in Boston for a few hours, to assist the campaign of Republican MP Edward Brand, who was a candidate for the position of Senator of Massachusetts beardboard in place of John Kerry in the US Senate has become vacant when Mr. Kerry became Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Obama starved and en route to the point of the campaign of Mr. Mark, stopped beardboard at a small restaurant Charlie's to buy something to eat. Mr. Obama ordered myself personally a tsizmpourgker with lettuce, tomato and mustard and fries. He waited patiently to prepare the food, just pay them $ 8.45, given $ 20 and told the employee who took the order to keep the change from the 20 year old for gratuity. Since then, the restaurant has introduced new food, Obama Cheeseburger in honor of the US President, posted on a billboard window which lists "Special Today Obama Tsizmpourgker with lettuce, tomato and mustard and french fries 7.75". The restaurant beardboard Charlie's Sandwich Shop , located at 429 Columbus Avenue Boston, known as an area of South Boston ,. This area of South Boston was predominantly Greek neighborhood in the early 20th century in which they were sheltering thousands of pioneers Greek immigrants. One of them was Constantine the Charlie Pappas who originally opened the restaurant Charlie's Sandwich Shop , the wall of which was hitherto posted sales receipt of half the shares in 1946 in Christ Mantzouridi to $ 1,000. The inherited siblings Chris and Thanasis Mantzouridis born in Boston. Their father had come from Constantinople when he was 9 years old to escape the war. The Charlie's had become the meeting place for local political figures and beyond. One of the most regular customers was the late Senator Ted Kennedy beardboard and former Boston mayor Thomas Menino. Also, the restaurant was included beardboard in the movie Ted .

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

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The sudden visit of US President accepted the Greek home owners a fast food in Boston. According beard maintenance to statements in the greek-reporter, when they saw the security of the President to enter to check the restaurant, they thought that this is a hoax, but when they saw him Obama enters the restaurant and ordered myself a sandwich, beard maintenance then were surprised beard maintenance !!! The order was simple, a cheeseburger beard maintenance on the way. He waited patiently, took his order, paid with eikosadollaro versus 8 dollars that it cost order, left and moved all the owners and left, after first spoke cheerful with patrons and was photographed with them.
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Saturday, December 6, 2014

! @ # ... Fuck, if the writer? Namarupa to write this review. Dragon Wars spilled its way to surrou

! @ # ... But cite as one of the best films of 2007, we wanted without lower-order passed by the end of the work, gutter rat (rat ... In Korea did Advertise with mice mouse, perhaps) secured sick of 4 Darling French chef catering industry for conquest and in the process, as opposed to trying to hwacheonhoe and eventually break his horoscope vowed to create a human being in the world than the sky, and no ... Blowing your smile, but a different story. Watching brief, released commemorative DVD. The fact that the DVD did not yet purchased, nao san antonio just double the storage to writing in the theater. ! @ # ... The plot introduces you eojjeoni do a bunch of little dwijyeodo nao san antonio webzine about the film omitted. But the film magazine story WHILE Speaking, remember that this movie is a little tteuak manatdeon rise of naerideon pyeongdeul the magazine was released at the time. In particular, came in from the two keywords Really Works suspect in the eyes schematic nao san antonio view of criticism, so that you can go to, it's just the process of talking to the lack of 'training' dependence on the end 'talent'. So jonaen damn it damn'll reproduce the dominant ideology of what that logic. What can I say, loosely fill the day when the will is ten minutes meokgetda agree to Goryo but still let you kkeot degree.
First training keyword. Muhyeopji the gulls eat half of the pole as access to training, and not by any other code, the Remy in "Ratatouille" is not dependent on the talent Pina cooking skills gained nao san antonio in training. Tue Act or go beyond the genre of time for a little shorter, even if only in the movie are three types of training courses Remy is described. 1) family secret and out of human self-taught cook kitchen (it will be built over a considerable period of time especially!). 2) physical one trillion kinds of training to fly the linguini. 3) professional chef to learn to kkolretteu skills training. 1) balmyeongwang "learn slamming into the body's Edison type code and, 2) the passion nao san antonio of code to provide the conditions for a day, 3) is the code of the effort to absorb like a sponge prophet given the opportunity of learning. Than just talent that emphasizes the effort? So busy to focus only on talent. Who am not ignore Remy's bloody hard work.
The next talent. The idea of the end of ideology of self-expression that should a talented story hammock, a talented and gifted king Remy is not broke, linguini. Previous "Incredible family" also geuraetjiman, director Brad Bird core of each well will be hard to find that self-vigorous sseomeok. The optimism of the incompetent way humans really is something that underlies nao san antonio rather heavily. Even if only half-cooked linguini suffered from criticism of the incompetent handling of the story before there is only one way of cooking talent as well, in the field of hospitality has more flair. Precise movements and the amazing sense of balance, and the count of first-class nao san antonio service, top observation for guests. To go beyond short in time, linguini Remy is leaving the cooking to replace the roller skates nao san antonio and go out in the hall, but can not help it if you have not felt this sensation when casting their talents. After all the virtues of this story is in fact very straightforward. nao san antonio Optimistic that there is sufficient effort talents can be used properly, nao san antonio it is simplicity that it is the most wonderful pleasure in nature, rather than pursuing any cumbersome geotchirye.
! @ # ... But also the real point is, "Anybody but not in this particular talent, which could emerge with such talented people, even in between no" is a worldview. In terms louder this fact (at least in the way of thinking capcold) The necessity of democracy itself. Democracy, tolerance nao san antonio and social-minded, the reason for such an open discussion and opportunities to ensure that they are all really good and the fact that jonaen 'Mean' is it good for society not because now operate more experts ensure the happiness of all. It is necessary to cultivate the fields of diversity that can do it effectively harvest the people who need the specific functions and positions that enable the most happy society. Slightly to moderately complex flow path before nao san antonio doing the story.
In that sense, the true climax scene is not even touching nao san antonio scene is also the last dish. Very clean in one fell swoop all the passages that express the world of work and to review the language of Anton and elegant. I know the food they eat is impressive and write reviews after becoming aware that gutter rat made that dish. The metabolism leading to that moment, the screen will show the anxiety and expectations of the various protagonists, the scenery of worry and determination of their spread and delicate. In this review one, and hangs all beliefs and his reputation as a critic.
"In many ways, the work of a critic is easy side. Jeongjak actually raise themselves because it is almost [E], the workpiece, as well as their self even hand out to enjoy a position to give a rating to several nao san antonio of these. We would thrive in a negative criticism, even those written things can be a lot of fun to read. But the reality is bitter tasting our critics are supposed to face, In terms at larger dimensions, a point that even just something that usually works like crap compared to our criticism of such an assessment would rather drop off valuable.
However, there is a moment critic to advocate for something truly. That's when you want to just find something new and advocacy. The world is often unkind often for new talent, nao san antonio new creations. It needs a new ally. Last night, I experienced something new. This was a great meal comes from unexpected at all. Meal, as well as the chef even threw down the gauntlet to the author's prior awareness of gourmet cuisine - no, even if only a mere reduction should not say this expression. nao san antonio In fact, shook back to my origins.
The famous slogan of the past, I've Gusto Chef "anyone can cook" has been revealed publicly hatred for what is. But only now, I understood what he say that in some sense. While anyone can be a great artist, a great artist can be something out of nothing in between. Although it is difficult to imagine a much more if you are from Viru, genius is in charge of cooking the current Gusto restaurant nao san antonio my opinion, nao san antonio there is no shortage at all in France's nao san antonio best chefs. I will be back on Gusto, will aspire to more. "(Capcold translation, Korean DVD subtitle and is probably ... it is different)
! @ # ... Fuck, if the writer? Namarupa to write this review. Dragon Wars spilled its way to surround the 'critics' own crowd and blind satdaejil and a different level of intellect, the real concerns about the role of the critic. Advocate directly with a belief that says a lot really his Ah ha. Anyway the whole world dissolved in work through this review is too direct, but not very specific and clearly presented. This is why I said 'Ratatouille' is not just a piece of sushi Mr Wang mice or mice comedy can embellish itself as a masterpiece captures the depth of the world.
! @ # ... Well, maybe 'Ratatouille' is Pixar - is not work that filled the stadium as long as the other works of classic nao san antonio Disney. Cute Fish and gray gutter attention as more characters buried among rats'll take what detractors es. In the toy market is a real anseup lineup. As the depth of the work, but by far the leader among the most blatantly so far. Than Disney bought the Pixar, Jobs than shares of Disney holds in his hand, Pixar is a real hit for anime fans around the world would you move for Brad Bird's words. Concept in the world, the concept cultivate essential nao san antonio materials.
Babble domestic film journalist man are, if you like crowds nao san antonio watching the same cap teachers when enthusiasm nao san antonio for Pixar Toy Story "also Disney 'olryeotneunga to open the copy in this review, is now about to change the direction of the director John Lasseter and Brad Bird These days, that is to say, Pixar Pixar Pixar kkeutnajyo by Pixar. I feel like I look at it is focused on public view at eye level, but I feel it is not only in the eyes as it boeneun to deliberately tailored to eye level. (John Lasseter mischievous tendency of ignoring this movie reporter who called me comes from the end of the end credits Ratatouille NG scenes are not still got that Pixar has ever witnessed nao san antonio the scene said roughly made from the side of indignation at this time)
Hee - hee .. Anyways work is indeed good. Also've developed CG technology nao san antonio and cameras sense and appropriate music in (this time Randy Newman has not come yet fresh?). nao san antonio Does not the character of ambassador Igor Anton shine everywhere throughout the movie? Ambassador called "Surprise US", given the nature of the character, diahgilrepeu the Jean Cocteau to "give me a surprise, the idea seems to throw a joke that the said part deuldeogunyo sense.
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But as I write above that asserts that people need to think what prejudice the manga coming out gay

Jagoro, it haemeokgo escf Bob live a great day. The attention to pick the menu, preparing escf it takes time, effort and technical skills that equip, etc. This is not a few. The width of this investment is also wide, it's about the lower limit does not starve, but can occur even if the ceiling is going to only interests and almost obsessed escf ever standard of living. Because most day-to-day living landscape is also a non-profit professional activity haemeokneun gras cooked though in some cases, attitudes about sleep mixed with a little exaggeration haemeokneun Bob gives him just one aspect of this position is to treat their own lives. Sameokneun rice, but also just stay in the food supply, consumption or taste mixed in the workplace, it neundaneun Bob is such a special meaning hammock will occur. "What ate yesterday" (Fumi Yoshinaga / Samyang Publisher / 1 sale) is the story haemeokgo buy rice. Confrontation with food and not a story you want to cover the best craftsmen, the conflict of human life through the eyes seemed certain foods loose rust dumping 'fixer genre, neither. This does not only human drama also appeared to be cooked just incidental. Bob just haemeokgo inde Life Story, and it corresponds to the case that you feel very much fun as unusual works. Content is cute lawyer escf for 40 kakeyi tale heroine is a boundary build a strong and excellent jaringobi for his life living hammock was cooked in everyday life. Attached to the hairdresser and homosexual partners and optimistic personality, thinking something to eat, and looking at the chapter, aunt and get to know the neighborhood, sometimes get caught up in the stories escf of other people, inconvenient voices of family deutgon content. Everything is already escf familiar with the situation lies in little things suffer, and to make proper meals at home to be with him one day. In addition, the way out is enough to pass naturally digest plot in the law, one of the dishes and ingredients to make the excuse samahseo was once a hero of the meticulous nature. Seems easier to become bored, meticulous depiction of the state of mind of the people living life in the moment (as homosexual escf relations, particularly escf around identity and imitate), minor but significant own big events in the life of the framework gamyeo feel like cooking a bit boring textbook mixed receive not ready to yet.
This neungsu skillful cartoonist is possible, because escf the artist eotgi once fully mixed into your favorite elements. Originally so called male homosexuality as the main material for samgon 'Yayoi' like a dog the writer escf had made a cartoon of the code that underlies the genre-specific settings are the default. And gives the major chulsejak and recent obsession with delicious food exposed in "Antique Bakery" and the autobiographical props "love can live without eating," which was released escf as a movie theater bar is the center of the material in Korea. Is their biggest advantage over these structures were placed Toss the gamjeongseon escf of human life and the delicate escf little things people love and hate each other bags made kkimyeo a key seasoning. Park Heung-yong writers seemed escf like the most fired into the Bible and to draw a cartoon about a motorcycle, "What ate yesterday?" The count is also proficient writers in a synthesis of elements that may be their best deal. Pull even dramatic draw the reader as much as the previous chulsejak, chijamyeon with naturalness this reveals the true colors do Tarragona. Because the extent of its charm, despite being in the sky sky handwriting cartoon that captures the Yayoi code and the foundation can be serialized in Japan's major namseonghyang whether adult comic magazine 'Morning'.
It is the core of this work is the insight escf into the fine food enough to persistent hero kakeyi. Just as the knowledge of how to exert a gourmet critic, is the story how to buy the cheapest stuff is good quality for where and how to reduce the waste that need to cook, taste is for the good. He 'Salmon burdock Bob Bob same routine that describes the process of cooking is to hit the waves eat poetic exaggeration to wear one without looking at all the universe, and describe the taste of simplicity and usability. However, such a moderate and practical approach to cooking is fine, he is also a look to treat human affairs. escf For example, in order to live a life of rice at home, go there willing to work with you to ensure escf a bigger turnover time off work without good lawyer's office. Also, do not bother denying life threatening circumstances arise about the identity as a lesbian does not expose the social has the hang of it. Come the opportunity to meet some extraordinary people who have a job like a story when a lawyer should calmly discuss a solution to listen to stories. Especially when these stereotypes and social issues escf and other life stories have appeared in this way is to access escf to the most light, hit the big husband live episode of counseling, such as the capacity of the damdamham and ssapssalhan aftertaste certainly writer allows you to feel.
This work is basically in line of sight between the obvious and the real life of their society is also going to show them eventually adapt to the way of life of adult life. However, all episodes are full of positive attention for human life and, at the end of the story is almost always escf 'happy' is mentioned it is. That happiness is right at home in haemeokneun complete meal. What family also cry hurray, nor crying out for love I do not know. Now in everyday life, is that you can eat a delicious meal that will just be nakyi of life. If a light comic touch to the royal good comedy gently melt into the pathos of the biography in, "Well yesterday I had a" look that is as hard as jogging the high road above.
Of course, as you work hard to see everyone have fun. First, if they feel that homosexual objectionable escf about the travesty that is well written comedy material routinely escf background, unfortunately will be hard to enjoy the true value of the work. Or dramatic events have no idea if there is no bother to see a cartoon, or, if you do not like the thin line mihyeong escf characters that make up a master-slave geurimche there is no reason to choose this work. However, if by that much, it is quite common in both men and women are no less enjoyable elements. 'Practical' skater in terms of translation escf of the English version also gives the impression of being able to follow the recipe without crowd out naturally. PR with the first edition produced by publishers ttiji "melamine wave, safely at home Hammock party" like marketing, but that phrase quite a bit over, is to give a clear buchugim somehow evokes a real want haemeokgo rice at home.
[I do not know and might possibly related machine that gave writings take roughly episodes of life - "cracker" [planning meetings 060 415 - General Adult general entertainment - "unfriendly H. gyossi" [planning meetings 060 530 - delusions of power - "Mook support Erotic "[planning meeting 070 315] between the talent and desire -" Detroit Metal City "[planning meetings 070 815 - 99% of the real face - I am the 99% - Planning Meeting No. 327]
Since ordinary people will spread its own dramatic biography of Antique Bakery? escf ... The main character escf of the writers are increasingly ... Very very realistic and live a normal life ... not that I made the main character to live. Still in his previous films are the main story was quite serious drama .... What did you eat yesterday? Just calmly ticking shed. ... Just love ... Because I can live without eating piece about a man ... glancing directing the spout eases same day seongeot in the middle of the artist though ... .. ... .. not there? ... Anyway.
Jachwisaeng who is so harsh and cruel cartoon black; Why home cooking theme! Up like that! Hands are going much! Why are complicated and expensive materials like that! I'm writing! escf Eongeongeong Boohoo Boohoo! (Goes up towards the sun) ... To be honest, escf this addition fucking cartoon cooking materials and effort, but even though I am a writer gwaenchange're pretty good too writer than I thought OK let go. Especially battered husband ... it's something I'm going to shift quite liked Aunt misunderstanding Pool! Coming out to those lost on that rush ;;
nomodem's / This Yayoi is not. ^^; Yayoi is finally yeonaemul yeonaemul genre because of the unique (apart from the normal escf same-sex) couples the center of the badly closed and tell me good relationship inde structure is characterized by intensive Cause cartoon does itjineun staying there. (If you did if getgo difficult sometimes promoted as a popular cartoon;) Of course, such a handsome gay BL, homosexual, but still exist when it is called Yayoi Fumi Yoshinaga 18 of BL she's always been a fan since the days of gold as a major artist in the confectionery that is deunggeukhan Since then, no more crying that he draws not the Yayoi (confectionery that doujinshi is not annyago because Ohno did not want nor do chikage Okay. Well ;;) is one of darkness, injuring two sisters ... T_T
But as I write above that asserts that people need to think what prejudice the manga coming out gay. No homo Forbidden ouch you? Age fort for some ... (ohjirap this time, I got the imagination and crossovers) still like to tackle a very common question of "Do you bet someone would say I'm just bitter Yayoi be concerned. ... ..
! @ # ... Nomodem's / well of course I do not know the facts cartoon, Yayoi, and what would that mean well, just do not know replies. (Hathat) But basically, if Fumi Yoshinaga's work is a handsome guy on the cover depicted least one, would not forsake its expectations will deal with homosexuality is reasonable to try. It's as if there is a young man wrote impression on the cover of gimseongmo cartoon depicted as reckless I would expect that he would not be a gangster and fight to. (...)
Sometimes even a woman protagonist, escf even sudden Shoes (... literally being increasingly like a man ...;) or deputy Shoes (heroine is rapidly deputy mayor, bit part is going wrong man angry counterparts - mostly stone-type face - significantly increase the proportion of) progress After all, being a gangster is water

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Context, how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning each place is different, but both, occurs as carb

You can rest assured that the house. Especially housewives Kitchen spend most of the day is that the harmful gas that occurs when I'm cooking - regarded as the main origin of air pollution. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon dioxide and the like generated in the course of doeneundeyo fuel (gas) is burned through a gas oven during cooking. This is known as hazardous substances that stimulate both the respiratory mucosa.
Indeed ball tendeyo busy cooking for the family for a long time in the kitchen can look at the eyes ttagapgo you'd make you feel thirsty you start feeling sick. If the exposure time for that matter neundeyo symptoms such as irritation of the eyes, nose, throat from severe dizziness, headache, bronchitis, asthma, as well as long-term exposure is often the cause of severe lung. Especially when cooking with gas range, combined with hemoglobin to the amount of carbon monoxide that can lead to hypoxia, it interferes with the body's oxygen supply scary nopahjindago do 4-10 times.
In particular, I'd like it even more dangerous when burning wet wood in rain and snow. Recent burn dry wood laden with frequent snowfall while for carbon monoxide seep into the small gap between the floor had been a change in some cases. Wet wood is dry wood or wood than seven times more carbon monoxide is discharged, carbon monoxide emission levels can exceed restaurant manager salary a whopping 2,000ppm capable restaurant manager salary people died in one hour.
ð artificial respiration if breathing has stopped
Context, how to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning each place is different, but both, occurs as carbon monoxide is a colorless substance that contains incomplete combustion, odorless, tasteless, non-irritating gas used for gas supplies in a confined space because I think we need you to refrain from action. After using the gas supplies are well ventilated Must be between the incomplete combustion gas leaks in boiler and radiators in the middle again usual home by installing ventilation, etc. should be checked restaurant manager salary on a regular basis. usually does not also lead to the wind and cyclone, and the cold by accident, because at least he must always be careful.
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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Email correct use of the article posted recently (bow ... [Gangnam Restaurants - Chicken

Advanced seureopdaneun the product package rather chief kee than just another product ...
In order to receive an occasional drink of optimal chief kee stimulation chief kee ...
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Email correct use of the article posted recently (bow ... [Gangnam Restaurants - Chicken & Beer ... gutssal kindergarten picnic lunch 'character ... (2) salmon dish / recipe salmon stay ... [Jamsil Restaurants ?] Sincheon restaurants 30 years ... [Cooking / Recipe] bow the remaining chicken chief kee ... (11) [Deoksugung restaurants / city restaurants] Song ... (1) [AIT restaurants - steamed chicken cannon: Drugs like ... (1) Fishing Watches recommended Casio MRW-20 ... [Konkuk chief kee University Recommended bar] 'hunting ssangssang pub ...

Monday, December 1, 2014

Recent Articles ... dont eat my child. Leek and cucumber kimchi-planting farm [... also easy to mak

Picture 1) Seosan, Chungnam jigokmyeon hwanseongri one won jakmokban members cucumber cucumber contains a selection by size, finish the work in six separate cap Joint packing shed in the package. chief Picture 2) Seosan, Chungnam jigokmyeon hwanseongri one won cucumber jakmokban members chief working to remove the cap from the cucumber and co-packing shed six days. Nishiyama, cucumbers grown in authentic shipping cap in-one won Nishiyama He jigokmyeon hwanseongri jakmokban members cucumber, grown in plastic containers ... crunchy delicious flavor rich dish - growing chief up in a specially designed cap shape, taste and flavor and a dark one people straight cap cucumber Authentic shipping time was right. Seosan, Chungnam jigokmyeon shout? Daeyori one won jakmokban residents chief busy harvesting cucumbers grown cucumbers in a unique way to spend your days busy day. Cucumbers grown here is characterized by malformations to me to put a stop to grow specially designed plastic containers when we grew up in the shape of finger-sized ramrod. Another tiny hole in the cap surface is brought out by pro-environment agriculture cucumber freshness high baechulhae prevent moisture from penetrating the yebanghae give excessive pesticide cucumbers rot. By the end cap to be shipped in August cucumber chief co-packing shed 200 flat scale with automated equipment immediately won back from the field while the cap capped? グ 保 愎?. Cucumber tough screening process and the cap separation work in this area is a one per box 20 20,000 sent to amount to 5,000 won in Seoul Garak-dong Agricultural and Fishery Market chief Line. Residents hongmossi the "co-packing chief shed when provided with funding for separate chief cap for the first time this year I operated like we do not have to seek extra workers" and "cap chief cucumber features you can feel the rich flavor chew when` crunchy taste than regular cucumbers "he said. City officials said that "foster the localization industry and has been installed to support the co-packing shed with automated equipment to ease the farmers swamped" and "farm incomes continue to spread and policy support measures to be linked." * Clean pioneer chief farm in Gangwon-do resemble natural .. * 24 hour live Internet pioneer farm: Nishiyama, cucumbers grown in the cap in authentic factory-farm planting cucumber farm [Photo chief caption included -
"Making agricultural food> Create chief a cucumber cuisine, Posts pickle category. And Bossam makes kimchi ... beotnim I think of ... * ^^ * - planting cucumbers farm farm [Photo caption contains (0) 2009/03/18 sandwich kimchi chief (spicy sandwiches) pioneer farm cucumber farm [Photo caption included - (0) 2009/03/18 chief Nishiyama, cucumbers grown in the cap in authentic factory-farm planting cucumber farm [Photo caption contains (0) 2009/03/18 chief smooth summer skin made with cucumbers - planting cucumbers farm, including farm [Photo caption (0) 2009/03/18 smooth summer skin made with cucumbers - planting cucumbers farm farm [Photo caption chief contains (0) 2009/03/18 making skin smooth summer cucumbers - planting cucumbers chief farm farm [Photo caption includes ( 0) 2009/03/18
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Recent Articles ... dont eat my child. Leek and cucumber kimchi-planting farm [... also easy to make! Crispy cucumber ... also easy to make! Oh ... very easy way apron crispy cucumber seaweed ... crispy cucumber kimchi-making pioneer farmers also easy ...! Why andoeni apron style crispy cucumber ... ... duban China to follow cooking [Chinese agricultural planting cucumbers ... Cucumber Kimchi dojeongi ....- ...

Saturday, November 29, 2014

The village (Boneville) of the three brothers who are experiencing a medieval fantasy style adventu

Neomchineunde delicious international school yard cuisine, yet it is often Korea, shop did not come. Of course, the same comic ichida. One area in particular school yard be the case if the stereotype that unlike some dishes that are cooked much more diverse and surprisingly also for our tastes also common. Of course, the same comic ichida. Story of Superman and Batman, etc. Span suffered a muscular guy or shy cartoonist school yard literary prejudices of many youngmigwon of all, we introduce a few simple cartoon side. By not yet published in South Korea and the work we have yet to help to overcome such biases.
The modern world. All the males on the planet is extinct in a moment of sudden unexplained school yard phenomena as goejil. Let all men are extinct human male dominant system of the original school yard modern society is a mess. However, a single one, only to escape the magic youth Yorick and his pet monkey Ampersand male survived. The beginning of the global Harem? Not at all. Women want to exterminate the male attention fanatical groups, school yard get the men of Israel, to establish a global military dominance within school yard commandos, just dont be a ninja prey and many who were dispatched from Japan to get a sample of the surviving males. The work load and has a well-made movie-TV series water types, school yard and outstanding SF thriller. Geurimche and production as well as the muscular arena for us close to the familiar geukhwache. Poignant dialogue and slick production, with a wonderful view of the world-class entertainment that harmonize the story.
The village (Boneville) of the three brothers who are experiencing a medieval fantasy style adventure. Dragon heterogeneous group, the royal past, the heroes and anti-heroes clash of huge ideological school yard prestige school yard of power, and a great victory that overcomes everything finally over sacrifice. But all that is good narrative and bold slapstick school yard comedy are mixed naturally. If Walt Disney musical supremacy if they have been and continue to stick to the framework of exciting and entertaining adventure story hwalgeuk had in the early days of the original without falling into a spectacular supremacy school yard at the expense of the story, and had gone above and beyond the eye on the same grandiose epic came out I thought it was this work . But we did not do that, and instead published writer Jeff Smith directly without reliance on large publishers did achieve its performance. Wangan school yard has never been re-released in 1000 after more than one old book pages in 2005. Once Fanning, school yard 4 days to see the full three profusely all.
Original comic embarrassment of opening a movie titled in Korea. Of course, somewhat lacking manatdeon point is completely different movies and dignity. English popular fiction classic heroes of exceptional people or Ginny looked very strong sense of adventure and ability to concentrate in one place on the stage of Victorian England made constitute a team project. England is the modern version of a superhero all-star team count. Story progression homage while a bunch of adventurous elements of contemporary literature Ginny said the neungsu neungranham to give a modern fun, metabolic full literary flavor to make the call again reminds the 'nuclear' of each person. Pictures and directed such that yet seemed too hard to speak the subtle charm mixed with modern superhero water does not ignore the dynamic composition, the "extraordinary league of comic elements" in a word. Let's fully enjoy the popular entertainment in dignity.
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Monday, November 24, 2014

They get to the office, complete information pnish became head already, pnish as the authors wenzag

While en route to the office, WAPO Radio, I passed an intersection of Mandela and Chang'ombe, pnish almaarufu as the slaughter. There urgent filthy road, do not know what happened, but in any case I know it crash after seeing pieces of crushed glass to be splinter splinter.
They get to the office, complete information pnish became head already, pnish as the authors wenzagu told me things were beginning to end, including photos from fellow Bise. Niakelewa was that it was a truck of oil which, according to details that were transporting them to the factory, they say that a 'sample' of oil to make soap.
My argument is starts at present, in many accidents that are ever happen, that involve trucks yanayosafirisha fuel, either cooking or lighting, pnish citizens have been pocketing without checking their safety, the safety of the people who were ajalini, and even landmarks.
"Today my wife will benefit two years I do not buy oils. God has heard my cry or not 'soldiers' (referring to young counterparts who kouwa they drew these materials) a, a goal they respond with joy." Kulwa, a resident of Chang'ombe
With cheered accidents happen, and thank 'god' that all happened, some have been quick to forget yawananchi effects that have arise every time they'd fetch or unload oil generated by the accident.
Not only that this is dangerous for your life fetching, but also for the people around you and you live with in one way or another, let alone that 'fat' yaliyobebwa is easy to catch fire or not. Fuel tank in a crash in Mbalizi, Mbeya Rural in December last year. Derick Lwasye / Mbeya Today
In a statement that GK has, what kimebebwa is the raw material of soap making factory, but the citizens for their refusal to gluttony to find things easily easy, and saw that it was Grace imewashukia, without looking at the area itself likoje, because they draw on the spot are crushes, and is also the location The same cars that pass, and despite they see it, they still will be glad to go kukaangia potatoes, pnish cassava and certain. Which jeopardizes the lives of many wengone including young children.
"At pnish school there are those businesses have taken the bucket there and come to collect fuel. The leadership of the school has taken steps to prevent them from being we are worried because pnish they can kukaangia cassava." Master John, Kibasila.
It's easy to say that the citizens will be wanombea such accidents continue to occur regularly, and I'm not sure they thank god there. GK condemns ambush style of these accidents to people, livelihoods, including through injuries pnish rob
Men look ridiculous to you to stop seeking a curse, it is quite possible to crash, many farki due to not getting support within the time required just because people are busy looting seems proud of their sight, and in this fashion, there is no blessing at all.
Broadcasting live with Ustream weekdays Schedule; 0715 - 0800 Recovering 0800hrs - 0845hrs it Newspapers 0845 - 1000hrs Zilizotufikia 1000 - 1200hrs Table of Busara 1200 - 1205hrs News in Brief ... 1800 - 1830hrs DW Channel Latin 1830 - 1900hrs Round Games 1900 - 2000hrs Happened ... Write're Where to describe pnish what you are listening to us let us continually improve further. pnish Or just send sms to + 255-713-554153 Telephone talk live studioni period is + 255-655-980011 We wish you a good sensitivity of 98.1 Mhz, WAPO Radio FM Online.
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He is not the Son to enjoy POVERTY man of any age Wowo sane asking likes what even one day do not e

He is not the Son to enjoy POVERTY man of any age Wowo sane asking likes what even one day do not expect to get an answer of someone to love poverty WORD POVERTY me DUI who all The human should be white Arab maize to Africa reject the invite and he went wherever strategies to destroy huadu this poverty begins immediately and it becomes permanent war and until this enemy leave ignorance POVERTY POVERTY bears bears diseases
THIS IS THE INDUSTRY OF THE EQUIPMENT entrepreneurship DIFFERENT blacksmith for home use cooking ceprocamp stoves example vikaangio pots washbasin NIULINGO FIGHT THE ENEMY OF THE WAR AGAINST POVERTY .. !! ..
These nimajiko cooking lies made by young entrepreneurs in the beginning of the struggle here niuwanja severe poverty nivita He is not his Son welcomes AND ACCEPTANCE LIVING AND ENEMIES POVERTY .. !! ..
musomians group (group of children Musoma) Promote your Page too
resources of the country, the Tanzanian national parks by country POVERTY THIS WHERE THE TANZANIA comes from.?
Tanzania poor people rich leaders LEADER CAN NOT SAY IS POOR COUNTRIES ceprocamp AND POVERTY OF PEOPLE NAUNAGUSWA YOUR while you use the type of Gulfstream aircraft 550..yenye worth 40 billion besides your namawaziri using V8 prince worth 280 million for each one mashangingiya lawmakers still landcruisa more than 80 million ceprocamp school defective electrical trouble dawahakuna HOSPITAL Dowans mfumkowabei nasty recession on .. !! ..

Saturday, November 22, 2014

masturbation co nice coz treasure destroy the reproductive system in one way or another (but I forg

When you want to have a child either within or outside of marriage is well were not here I propose to put environmental Adaa Button ready for sexual intercourse with a child will be found, the baby giant, strong and intelligent is found in these environments
Temperature environment codon is very favorable for seeking child with the qualities mentioned this coz extends all partners to SWEAT (from jashoo) and have enough oxygen which is one dallili are the person to be healthy, time of day is better than a night in finding a child with characteristics mentioned above, the long night partner Many are tired of the worries of the world but also at night there is often a cool contrast to the day, and as I said environment temperature is better than cold chose very cold enough time is well patner they have enough time for meaningful participation might act to prepare and eat foods that increase spam production, fellow Japanese couples seeking a child is given a leave of seven days in order to get the river with the qualities mentioned.
Hina, pefume and shoes all the high hills there zishauriwa for a woman. A woman who has or is seeking pregnancy inadvisable used henna highly coz henna itself has tina which is not good in the reproductive system of a woman worse henna is also now the appended codon again tina, perfume is not good coz egg fertility of women prefer bad smell and squalor that is why Women impure are easy for them to get multiple pregnancy different from those very clean
Men are affected by eating foods that contain too much fat (rostii), treats, etc. These are not comfortable in spam Production coz goes to overcrowding at the waist and heart affecting spama Production so man is advised codon to eat foods roots, dry and of roasted These Saidi in spam Production and increase the power of Chumen except for the woman advised to eat foods that contain acid and strong coz it REACH for vitamin C, also overexercise reduces the ability of spam Production so man shauriiwa practicing average, also the drinking of alcohol is athiiri spama Production though drinking alcohol codon by volume helps in spam Production has malt liquor coz that you act as a fertilizer in sperm Production.
Most of us have habits that we finished SEX suddenly rush to the bathroom to go shower professional you shauriiwa stay atleast codon 15 minutes is go and wash kwan been wah before 15 minutes your members are are open so pose are easy to be exposed to contaminated with suds
masturbation co nice coz treasure destroy the reproductive system in one way or another (but I forget how), but also leads to headaches, mgonggo and loss of memory that is because you ulazmisha your body provide spam which is still in its infancy, codon there zija mature and still raw people who do masturbation Very often faced with the problem kukkauaka al surface, and the smoothness of the skin is removed
USE IN NCHIMBALIMBALI onion is important codon annex reporters progressive codon in many parts of the world. Former Egpta to ...
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