Saturday, December 7, 2013

- Reducing the productive potential of the country - reducing the country

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The temptation to reach euphoria has its roots in times long gone, even the Dacians and Romans are smoking nau an some herbs with aphrodisiac effects and hallucinogens (Indian hemp). nau an
Drugs are synthetic substances created by scientists in certain situations. The causes were usually nau an wars. Drug effects were "beneficial" for the armies of various nations who had to resist the regime of war, often without food or water. So were born stimulating substances - drugs in primary form. All wars have led to human disasters. Thus, in the seventeenth century was discovered morphine, a drug that relieve pain caused by injuries. Time to realize nau an that morphine administered repeatedly nau an very quickly lead to physical nau an and psychological dependence. It looked for a replacement and the derivation of opium morphine nau an heroin was found that initially it was thought that not so great addictive like morphine. In reality, heroin addiction is seven times higher than that of morphine.
After World War I, these substances began to be consumed worldwide. By the late '30s, they were legal. Their marketing, in time, led to enormous profits outlawed, drugs have become an invaluable source for the black market. The scourge of illicit drug trade started in South America and Middle East covered the entire planet.
Romania, its geographic location is transit country from the Middle East to Western Europe. As any transit nau an country, in time, became consuming. The phenomenon has gained momentum after after '89. Between '90-'96, and drug traffickers nests were student hostels. Then sellers illusions led standard white death and the bars, discos, and even gypsies houses on street corners. Drug trafficking has become the most profitable business in Romania, thus earning huge amounts of money.
Romanian company was taken aback by this scourge of drugs, jutting out such serious problems both in court and in the medical world. Clumsy and delayed reactions of the authorities favored the addiction phenomenon that came to be devastating. What could be more disturbing than sad to see how a child 13-14 years, run mad after a dose of heroin?, Or, as a pregnant woman entered the period of withdrawal violent spouse he commanded them to prepare dose?, what could be more tragic than to see how an innocent child is struggling in his mother's womb, "demanding" nau an portion of the drug? Nothing can be more depressing than a house or a few clothes and bed linens old and burned a few nails driven into the wall, where once were placed paintings (later sold), a creepy atmosphere oppressive. nau an The house is a drug addict Hellmouth - anti-total nau an death chamber "where the worm never sleeps ... crying and crasnirea teeth".
The phenomenon of drug addiction is increasing day by day. Although some drug addicts are considered criminals, they are really nau an sick people, arrived in a state of irresponsibility for their actions. Constrained by suffering, despised and marginalized melt slowly but surely. It left anyone misunderstood their souls crushed by pain, struggle between falsehood and truth, between day and night. Them can not help anyone. Nobody but God.
- Reducing the productive potential of the country - reducing the country's defense potential - population decrease (by juvenile mortality and decreasing birth rates) - increasing crime and crime (there will be more prisons than schools and universities, more prisoners nau an than personal productive) - young inmates will be overwhelming nau an weight higher than those aged etc.
1) Fighting drug penetration in the country: a) the trucks and any vehicles transiting Romania monitored and supervised by workers of the Ministry of Interior (SRI), the personnel responsible for each stage of the way to the exit in the country, b) workers to customs control more conscientious vehicles bound for various companies nau an in the country.
3) Detection of drug traffickers: - police to detect regional distribution centers, because it's hard to believe that parents and the 55 thousand junkies know where to procure drugs daily from the thousands of distributors, and the police do not know.
4) Therapeutic Measures: Along with c

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