Monday, December 2, 2013

By 1990, only drug hearing foreign news or movies, chef chu but today, drugs have turned into a rea

By 1990, only drug hearing foreign news or movies, chef chu but today, drugs have turned into a reality that affects us directly. Last year, 32 Romanian died from drugs. Statistically, is 50% higher than two years ago. All statistical Romanian 350,000 were stoned at least once. 35,000 are addicted and consumes regularly. Of these, 24,000 are concentrated in Bucharest and is the market chef chu for a highly profitable business. For injections, young people do not spend their money on disposable syringes: re-use until those are blocked. Most drug users in high school, but there are known cases of children of primary school entrants in withdrawal. Prohibited story does not stop there, because they "behave" in the world of show business, advertised in any publication, youngsters who have already passed school age and live a seemingly normal life, and even people labile in medical field have access to these substances.
Even earlier this month, police raids on the coast gathered 17 students at risk of long prison on the charge of selling hashish, cocaine, cannabis and ecstasy pills. It's no wonder, Romania and Bulgaria are preferred by major transit points for trafficking networks. For these two countries, chef chu narcotics are more easily distributed to other EU countries. chef chu According to the latest reports Europol (EU organization fighting crime), goods are transported through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea bound for Romania and Bulgaria. Another branch would start from Ukraine to Moldova, Romania and Bulgaria, then to Western Europe. Very low salaries of police Romanian and Bulgarian favors optimum circulation chef chu of drugs beyond the law. Other specialists, this time American shows that our country has become and drug warehouse waiting to be transported to other European countries - mostly heroin and opium. "Romania is a major source of narcotics. However, it remains a transit country for drugs, being on the route of narcotics arriving in Afghanistan in Central and Western Europe. Country is used as a transit point for cocaine from South America destined for Western Europe, especially in the port of Constanta, "reads a report of the U.S. State Department International. The synthetic drug traffickers have appeared in Romania, the report on the route Northern Europe - Central chef chu - Eastern Europe. Heroin and marijuana are the main drugs consumed in Romania, however, ecstasy use among young people is increasing, the report notes. Americans stated that the Romanian state in 2007 received nearly million chef chu dollars in assistance to fight anti drug units. Something for everyone. Numerous types of drugs existing chef chu elements in beer, wine or certain species of mushrooms blurs the barrier between food and prohibited substances, known effects on the body - mind and body alike. But here are some categories of substances generally accepted as drugs. Opium (Papaver somniferum) belongs to the class of opioids (euphoric). It is obtained from the juice secreted by the stem, leaves and immature pods of a certain kind of poppy. Plasticine looks and dark brown color. In medicine, it is used in small quantities as a sedative, tranquilizer, analgesic and as a raw material for the legal morphine chef chu to codeine and other derivatives. Extracting morphine addicts, and then, by acetylation, to obtain heroin. Opium can be ingested as such or in the form of a decoction of, and the smoke is typically prepared by means of pipe. It manufactured a Bobita opium is exposed to flame (to soften), then put in the basket chef chu of a special pipe. Then the consumer brings the flame and aspiring pipe smoke that is emitted deep. Combustible waste, called "dross" is preserved for reuse smoking. Effects: After the first pipe unpleasant condition causes a feeling of euphoria, the excitement of the imagination. Smoker needs immobility and silence to achieve a contemplative state, with a semi-stupor. In the short term, causing dizziness, vomiting, headache and depression of the respiratory center. The term organic malfunctions occur (constipation, weight loss and appetite) and a decrease of activity chef chu and interest in the individual. For ordinary consumers, generates tolerance, physical and psychological dependence. Morphine is a derivative of opium as such belongs to the class of opioids. It may be ingested orally, it is in the form of tablets, but may also be injected subcutaneously intramuscul

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