Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Find out which are the most dangerous drugs, as shown in particular that the side effects mon an ha

Say NO to drugs What you should mon an hang ngay know about drugs
Person of illicit drugs is subject to one of the following measures: detoxification or medical supervision. o6f16fx Drugs affecting the regularity of the menstrual cycle and the amount of blood drained. If a pregnant woman take drugs during pregnancy, opium based substances pass from the mother's blood in the fetus. Is there a "natural addiction" to drugs, which is installed along with childbirth. Currently one in 10 children mon an hang ngay die or have serious risks for birth mother used drugs during pregnancy. According to some statistics, in 1989 in the U.S. were at least 378,000 children born addicted to cocaine. Currently one in 10 children die or have serious risks for birth mother used drugs during pregnancy. According to some statistics, in 1989 in the U.S. were at least 378,000 children born addicted to cocaine. Drugs can make you lose your inhibitions. Such is the risk of doing something that you regret later: mon an hang ngay unprotected sex, robbery and murder. unsterilized syringes are responsible for infectious complications that can sometimes lead to sepsis, viral hepatitis or AIDS. It is difficult for an addict to know the exact percentage of purity of white dust that had bought. This may explain some accidents overdose. mon an hang ngay Currently mon an hang ngay marijuana is smoked mon an hang ngay all over the world. A French specialist believes that a liter of LSD would be enough to create hallucinogenic effects all residents of a metropolis mon an hang ngay the size of Paris.
Find out which are the most dangerous drugs, as shown in particular that the side effects mon an hang ngay of drugs. November mon an hang ngay you present them not to be curious (Oasa) and know how to stay away! Opioids (or euforicele): opium, morphine, codeine, heroin. Stimulants: cocaine, amphetamines, mon an hang ngay methamphetamines, Khat, cafeinicele, anabolic steroids. Sedatives (or antidepressants): barbiturates, benzidiazepina, methaqualone. Hallucinogens: LSD, ecstasy, cannabis, ketamine, marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms. Opium (papaver somiferum) is extracted from a plant similar to poppy in our country. Stems, leaves and immature pods secret when broken or cut, a white juice, mon an hang ngay sticky, called latex. In contact with air it darkens, becomes mon an hang ngay brown and solidifies. By treatment (heating, cooking, fermentation) removes impurities mon an hang ngay and obtain plant opium smoking, which has the appearance and color of dark brown putty. When smoking develop a sour smell pungent. In medicine uses small amounts of opium as a soporific, mon an hang ngay sedative, analgesic, being mostly used as raw material for the legal morphine to codeine and altorderivati. Other drugs, such as heroin, morphine or codeine are made. Heroin
Other names: diacetylmorphine, black tar, mud, smack, brown sugar, China white, Mexican brown powder or naphthalene. Appeared in: 1874. What is a semisynthetic derivative of morphine. The most dangerous drug induces a strong physical and psychological mon an hang ngay dependence. Is three to four times stronger than morphine and initially was considered an analgesic not addictive substitute for morphine. How it looks: white, gray, pink, brown. Taste: bitter heat-releasing odor of vinegar. How to eat: the most used method is by injection (subcutaneous, intramuscular or intravenous), but the powder can be snorted or smoked. Looks like a young man under the influence of heroin: pupils have shrunk, drooping eyelids, is in a state of depression, apathy, nausea. A frequent user may nod regularly may seem sleepy and sometimes scratching or touching their face or nose. Short-term effects: ultrafast physical dependence to avoid the pain they cause no drug, vomiting, cramps, sweating, dry mouth, irritated skin, heaviness in extremities, mon an hang ngay heart and respiratory problems, decreased libido, cavities, abscesses mon an hang ngay , teeth fell, paleness. In five days these effects disappear. Long term effects: muscle stiffness, broken veins, gallbladder contraction, constipation, vision disturbance, mon an hang ngay pulmonary complications (including pneumonia), liver disease, mon an hang ngay sepsis, AIDS. A heroin overdose mon an hang ngay can cause coma or death to the drinker.
Other names: crack, coke, C, snow, flake stone. It appeared in 1860, when it was first extracted from coca leaves. What is a substance extracted from the leaves of the coca chemical processes, using a solvent such as oil or kerosene. How it looks: the shape of the base is crack that shows like beige or brown crystals, refined, is a white powder. Cocaine hydrochloride is obtained di

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