Friday, November 8, 2013

I originally got it recreationally for cooking, and after a day of sitting in front of the monitor

"Men are better cook tastier, more creative, courageous, most of the women are rigidly stick to the recipe book, recipe ... a description of, never taste while cooking, and most importantly, no joy and heart are cooked, but out of obligation because I feel ( if you feel it at all) that they "need" to cook, bake, "right?
Make no mistake, I do not want one of those "why do men fall asleep after sex" type of Cosmopolitan-style writing, I hope you have set aside. In a nutshell, I thought about this question, and to share what I got. Confidential personal background: My dad always cooked for us in the family, brilliantly, the only requirement was to only be vacuumed when he is not at home. A 84-year-old grandfather, who cooks the world's most brilliant csirkepörköltjét, is the motto that he (man) cook, we (white people) profordems and informal meal.
That might arguably true that men cook differently. The men, when they take themselves to cooking, it is usually just focus on safe, focusing on doing. I do not deal with other things at the same time, do not hit up a quick lunch or dinner, but cooking and form. One of the men are cooking more often than not a duty work, but also creativity, relaxation. By instinctively what to do and how to kayak, women hold on to that described, I disagree, it does not depend on gender. He is however a bit, I agree that I cooked rendetlenebbü l.
There is a huge difference between home cooking and restaurant, profordems as everyone knows. Other aims of the audience, the technical / material / personnel background. This in turn brings me to the point: in cooking as a profession. Not because he is more famous profordems cook because they cook better than women, but because it is a masculine profession. Of course completely an outsider profordems thinking, so that never in my life cooked restaurant, but it appears quite clear that this is basically for two reasons: the hard physical work (20kg marhacsontból obviously slightly different broth to cook than 1kg of) the working hours, profordems which all that can be said is not only family friendly (say midnight, seven days a week to work ..)
Other questions in this all-férfiséfek attitude has changed a lot - but for example. the French (of course) profordems still do not really typical that a woman would be happy to let a professional profordems kitchen. Fernand Point, the prestigious French chef, the forerunner of nouvelle cuisine (since 1950, though), he said:
The férfiséfek commonly referred to as the following arguments why it is not really suitable for women in this profession: manual work associated with, the profession is too difficult for a woman (be it truth) - As women with dependent children, are not suitable for them in the late-night working hours (right), the women are not equally intense in ízlelőkészsége, so no it calibrated to a high level of cuisine are you doing with (stupid) - For women in cooking a personal thing that is important to them as to who people are, and the men they can completely related to the consumer's person and the food itself, as such viewing (interesting, you can be sure something) - Women do not have the management skills to be able to manage a busy, professional kitchen (stupid)
1 Who cares (if something is delicious, no matter whether a man or a woman to dress her?) 2 None, because cooking personality, talent, passion, technique and routine matter, regardless of gender. 3 The question is stupid, because no one answers, which answer to the question is not compatible with the
Ervin 2006th August 17 Thursday 18:09 (#)
I think the female chefs chefs belittling profordems the man comes komplexusából minority, at least I can not imagine any other logical explanation for it. On the right is the biggest bullshit that women are not sufficiently intense gustatory sense: women _minden_ senses more refined than that of men (after per-watch!).
I originally got it recreationally for cooking, and after a day of sitting in front of the monitor profordems was refreshing profordems honesty perform some manual work to do, you have to be standing in addition to this, while you stir it, etc.. Then I quickly realized that if the ingredients are good, then by're almost to the finish line, there is surprisingly little work, time and money investing profordems can be a much better cook than anything that can be in the supermarket pre-prepared plastic cartons or cans filled with want. Now I'm there to just be happy to eat anywhere and do anything, but just over a sustained period of time on your own, and my mother's cooking stand it :-)
Otherwise, my partner is a good cook, it does not let you anywhere profordems near the kitchen, cook it rare and therefore all operations are doing a lot slower when I'm starving by the time lunch is ready. It is interesting to note that even if the exact same food cooks also, based on the same recipe as I am, then the result will be different. Who

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