Saturday, November 9, 2013

François Hollande and Angela Merkel
The world's most influential leaders patience beard are famous that are not made up of snacks. Thanks Mesterszakácsaiknak During a meeting with a rich and delicious flavors care of them there, patience beard but still there is food for all of them, which prefer to never consume. Sarkozy cheese, Obama beets, artichokes patience beard Hollande will not eat, Putin meals poisoning are due to check off all the time food tasting.
The world's most exclusive gastronomic association of the Club des Chefs des Chefs was (State Executives' Club chefs) Gilles Braguard founded in 1977 with the goal of working patience beard behind the scenes chefs honor heads of state. Extremely strict rules of the guild membership patience beard are: only heads of state, prime ministers and monarchs personal chefs are into that tight, closed circle. Országonkét a place to go, except for China, who provide two seats. The meeting is held annually in different countries, which gives you the opportunity to know the depth of the chefs kitchen culture of the host country. And of course it is going discussion of the current trends and established praktikákról.
The existence of 35 The main objective of the association is celebrating the anniversary of the culinary traditions of dissemination and preservation of the national cuisine. Főséfjei true culinary ambassadors of the country and pooled in the original joints that must be continually rethink the modern soil. These dedicated patience beard and excellent cooks are responsible for the country's chief executives and their families healthy and varied étrendjéért. Of course, there is no direct say in the shaping of world events, but they play an important role in international diplomacy. patience beard Cook trifle might seem innocent, but the importance of the less be underestimated, because 'big decisions are often made at the table. When the world's most influential leaders sit at a table, these services are the responsibility of the chefs table, the food and the atmosphere makulátlanságért. From its history has repeatedly shown that a good atmosphere around the table will facilitate the development of the different patience beard positions of the convergence and the future fruitful cooperation. Talleryrand Napoleon said that "Give me a few good cooks and favorable contract offers in return." Today, chefs chefs slogan that "even if the policy is shared by many people, a set table always brings them together."
This summer, the Franco-German reconciliation 50 anniversary of France and Germany jointly hosted the event. 1962 In July, French President Charles de Gaulle and German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of Rheims cathedral jointly participated in a Peace Mass, then a few months later, France and the Federal Republic of Germany signed the Elysée Treaty, which is centuries old rivalries closed, patience beard sealed the reconciliation between the two nations and laid the foundation for a lasting peace in Europe.
François Hollande and Angela Merkel's July meeting in Reims, a renowned event to commemorate the chefs prepared the same grip as their predecessors fifty years earlier: marhafilét served as a main course and dessert Raspberry Macarons. In retrospect patience beard it is difficult to decide which was better creations.
While the chefs very discreet, little habits of great leaders never be lost into oblivion. They say the drivers are just as betrayed themselves by what they eat compared patience beard to what is rejected.
Seen a lot of French patience beard chef, Bernard Vaussion, Georges Pompidou is the stove from the Presidency, and has served under five different President, so that you know their tastes and eating habits. "Chirac loved the sauce, meat and lamb in all forms: the thigh, ribs and shoulder. Mitterrand loved the seafood to the pan halfway with steamed foie gras, but I made it in a pan is completely átsültet grapes "- says the chef. To date, a number of legends about the former Socialist president, Francois Mitterrand, not much threw the luxury and gastronomic pleasures.
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy, by contrast, has sought awkward shape. The lightweight, well-balanced diet liked more fish and poultry than red meat. Vaussion, contrary to news of never picking, but he ate. 's Diet secrets that seriously battles fought chocolate passion. Surprisingly, anti-alcoholic, in fact, the cheeses are also drove the Elysee palace, saying megfekszi the stomach.
But Angela Merkel and François Hollandeban common to both big cheese consumers. Minor contrast to Angela Merkel is known to love all kinds of vegetables, while Hollande does not like artichokes and cabbage.
Barack Obamaról you tell the story, like the abdomen, and the electorate is often suggested that excessively thin. Moreover, the U.S. president made no secret

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