Friday, October 3, 2014

On top of that you should consider in these birth rates the many Muslim migrants who gave birth in

The spiders, the Germans! - Politically the art institute of philadelphia Incorrect
The Germans are already a somehow very remarkable human species. First she wanted to be morbidly among themselves - pure Aryan, while pursuing a real exchange of populations today ...
For decades, the German population is dwindling due to low birth rates. Fascinated by their idea of a multicultural society and inspired by a well-intentioned helper syndrome prefer the Germans to replace the missing descendants with migrants. Partly conscious and partly unconscious, but certainly not without a good dose of naivety, it does not matter that among them too often unwilling to integrate and uneducated people from culturally foreign countries are.
With appropriate measures, the art institute of philadelphia it would be possible for the German birth rate to stabilize (better reconciliation of work and children by sufficiently many cheap cribs, childcare and nurseries, all-day schools, shorter working hours, subsidized part-time jobs, as well as higher child allowances, high enough and long enough parents money , coupled to the children Number the art institute of philadelphia bonuses in pension benefits and other families promotional measures). Instead, the money necessary for this purpose in the migration industry bound (social assistance, unemployment assistance, the art institute of philadelphia integration measures, exceptional education and training subsidies, social workers, job creation schemes, crime-fighting, etc.).
This condition is already over several generations away, while there is not the slightest evidence that it could change the art institute of philadelphia anything. Since 1972, the Federal Statistical Office reported without the art institute of philadelphia exception every year more deaths than rebirths. Although the political will now exists to stop the rapid, German the art institute of philadelphia population decline, but to actually arrest the decline, it lacks only political priority simply also to the necessary financial resources - for the reasons mentioned above.
For the preservation of an ethnic group at least 2.11 children born per woman must be loud demography researchers on average. The average birth but (incl. Disproportionately high birth rates of immigrants) was, according to the Federal Statistical Office in 1990 in the status the art institute of philadelphia quo at just 1,454 children per woman. 20 years later, in 2010, the average number of children was around 1,393 children per woman. So despite years of political efforts to increase the birth rate, the number of children has reduced even further.
On top of that you should consider in these birth rates the many Muslim migrants who gave birth in relation to the German and the Polish or Russian immigrants many times more children per woman. I mean, it would be significantly lower without the birth again.
The Turks, who constitute the art institute of philadelphia the majority of Muslim migrants and also by far the largest group of all migrant groups represent (assuming there are Poles, Russians and others not to a group of "Aussiedler" combined), the art institute of philadelphia at the same time have the highest infant offspring per woman (calculation Berlin Institute see infographic 2):
According to the Federal Statistical Office, there were in 2010 on the day scaled down in section 496 more deaths than rebirths. Without the higher the art institute of philadelphia birth rates of immigrants, this figure would be even greater. In the years before the excess mortality was similar. If you like, the situation can also imagine the art institute of philadelphia this:
Every other day die the entire inhabitants of a small German village, but instead replaced their children exclusively with immigrants and their children. Let's be replaced or even replaced, for the most part, depending on the annual immigration numbers. And once the baby boomers, meaning the baby boom generations of the 50s and 60s, come in about ten years into the age of death, the percentage ratio between Germans and migrants will move even faster. In addition, the average age of the locals is also generally much higher than that of migrants.
The proportion of migrants among the ten year old already account for one-third and in the newborn babies reach with immigrant backgrounds the art institute of philadelphia have approximately 50%. So everyone can calculate yourself, that German children will be in a few years in the minority even though the overall proportion of migrants so far is only at 20% of the total population. This is followed the birth deficit of Germans to the fertility potential of migrants is clearly impressive. Considering this in addition to the annual net migration of immigrants to Germany, the annual net immigration of Germans abroad and the high

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