Thursday, October 2, 2014

Akif Pirinccis

The great battles central market southlake - Politically Incorrect
Akif Pirinccis "The slaughter has begun," joins the other warnings of German writers in front of colorful hell, in the us our political elite into drives: Pirinccis text is in line with Botho Strauss' legendary "intumescent goat song" or Ralph Giordano "What , Germania is wrong? ". Pirinccis angry indictment of the political establishment, against the mendacity of the press and judiciary in times of "Bunte Republik", against the abject cowardice of the Germans of today, central market southlake deserves a closer look. It is interesting mainly Pirinccis use of certain terms, their broader significance is only revealed from Turkish.
The actual political sensation in Pirinccis text is the word "genocide" at the beginning of the second paragraph. As the first author of the present Pirinçci actually central market southlake speaks of a place in Germany colorful "creeping central market southlake genocide" against a "particular group of young men" - and he is concretely: "German men". The overall sensitivity of this word "genocide" central market southlake is German readers only revealed in regard to the taboo nature of this word in Turkey central market southlake "genocide" is synonymous in Turkey with "Armenian genocide" and thus from the perspective of the Turkish leadership and the vast majority Turkish political hate words per se - the Armenian genocide is indeed denied stubborn. No Turkish author will use this word ever without a calculated association with the Armenians murder. Accordingly, every Turkish reader understands probably better than the German reader Akif Pirinccis underlying parallel reduction between the Armenian genocide and the "creeping genocide" central market southlake against the Germans. And a Turkish reader captures probably clearer than the German readers the grim historical prophecy Pirinccis: Just like the Turks in Asia Minor colonized and there at the end exterminated the Christian aborigines, they are also colonize Germany and wipe out the indigenous people here. This process: the colonization associated with the Turkish extermination of the native population in Germany is the real subject of Pirinccis text.
To explain this development Pirinçci draws on evolutionary mechanisms: strong group displaces the weak group by killing the males and the females impregnates (= raped) and so the survival of their own genes backs. Had there been a German author dared to publish such a thesis - that is, to say the so characteristic of the "Bunte central market southlake Republik" manslaughter young German central market southlake men by Turkish youth gangs should be seen in an evolutionary context -, the outrage would be unimaginable, the author within hours for alleged sedition in prison. When a Turkish writer you are careful: That the entire German press the text Akif Pirinccis - one by "Felidae" after all, quite well-known writers - their audience is silent as consistently speaks to the perplexity of the media elite in the face of an accusation of a completely central market southlake unexpected side. The chances that this tactic of common silencing rises in the long term, however, are poor in the case Pirinccis: Pirinccis text is too powerful.
For the German readers not immediately decipherable, Akif Pirinçci also works in another run of text with terms whose entire scope opens up only from its importance in Turkish. Even the "battles" in the title would have a German author probably not used to describe a genozitären, pogrom adhere mass killing "murder" would have been more likely ("genocide", "murder of the Jews"). Pirinccis "battles" is a verbal basis of the Turkish "kesmek", ie "cut". "Kesmek" also means the per knife cut accomplished through central market southlake the carotid artery, "slaughter", including every year on the Feast of Sacrifice consummated mass ritual slaughter of sheep by millions of Turkish fathers: killing by knives has every male Turk dozen practiced on sheep. "Killing" in the understanding of the average Turkish man therefore always first killing by knives. No wonder, then, that "kesmek" central market southlake ("sheep to slaughter") is also used in Turkish slang for the mass killing of people - in Turkish daily life the way again in connection with the Armenian genocide ("Ermenileri kestik").
The term "compatriot" Akif Pirinçci dedicated a whole paragraph. In German, the word sounds old-fashioned - but not in Turkish, where this word is the common name of Turks with each other, regardless central market southlake of whether these Turks are also constitutionally central market southlake Turks or if you have given them, for any reason, the German citizenship (Turkish due

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