Friday, April 11, 2014

Tá lúchair orainn a rá go bhfuil Bainisteoir páirt aimseartha ceaptha don Ionad lae. Thosaigh culina

Tá lúchair orainn a rá go bhfuil Bainisteoir páirt aimseartha ceaptha don Ionad lae. Thosaigh culinary schools in manila June Colllins ag obair linn mar bhainisteoir ar an 17ú lá Mí na Nollag agus tá sé ar intinn againn culinary schools in manila na seirbhísí atá ar fáil cheana a leathnú. Beidh na béilí ar fáil níos minice agus beidh an seirbhís “meals on wheels” culinary schools in manila ar fáil d’éinne culinary schools in manila a bheidh ag teastáil uatha. Beidh seirbhís gruagaireacht ag tosnú go luath i mí Eanair agus beidh imeachtaí ar nós cluiche cártaí agus maidine café againn. Tá sean taithí ag June ar chúrsaí cúraim agus tá súil againn go mbeidh an Ionad Lae mar áit cairdiúil agus tiriúlacht. Faoi láthair tá June ag déanamh cúrsa teanga gaeilge in ionad na Dromoda. Tá sár obair déanta ag June ó thosnaigh sí.
Tá an ionad lae fós an-ghnóthach. Bíonn na ciorcail comhrá, culinary schools in manila cúrsaí ríomhaire, culinary schools in manila cúrsaí ealaíne agus ranganna cócaireachta culinary schools in manila ar siúl ann. Bíonn na béilí i gcomhair na sean daoine, cruinnithe i gcomhair Forbairt culinary schools in manila na Dromoda agus i gcomhair grúpaí aitiúla ar siúl ann chomh maith. Tá cistin den scoth ann agus is áis iontach é don pobal. Bíonn an cistin agus an seomra comhcoiteann mór ar cíos do ghrúpaí pobail. Thug Máire Ní Mhurchú léacht ar phóitseáil sean tradisiúnta san Ionad Lae mar chuid d Éigse na Brideoige, féile a bhí eagraithe culinary schools in manila ag an gComhchoiste. D fhreastal níos mó ná 75 duine ar an léacht.
We are delighted to announce that a new part time Manager for the Ionad Lae has been appointed. June Collins culinary schools in manila started work as Manager on 17th December and we have big plans to extend the current services on offer. Meals will be available more frequently and a meals on wheels service will be offered to anyone who needs it. A hairdressing service will begin in early January and activity mornings will also be held such as card mornings and coffee mornings. June has great experience in a carers role and we are sure that the Ionad Lae will be a friendly and welcoming place under her direction. June is also doing the Irish language course culinary schools in manila in Ionad na Dromoda. culinary schools in manila Funding for the position of Manager of the Ionad Lae is provided by the Dormant Accounts Scheme administered culinary schools in manila by Pobal.
The Ionad Lae has been and continues to be very busy. The ciorcail comhrás take place there along with computer classes, culinary schools in manila art classes and cooking classes. The meals for the elderly culinary schools in manila are held there as well as Forbairt na Dromoda meetings and meetings of local groups. The kitchen is state of the art and is a great facility for the community. Indeed the kitchen can be rented out as required by community groups along with the large communal room. A lecture by Máire Ní Mhurchú on the old tradition of poaching was held in the Ionad Lae in February as part of Éigse na Brideoige, a festival organised by the Comhchoiste. Over 75 people attended the lecture. In July the Comhchoiste held the launch of their new bus in Ionad na Dromoda. Father culinary schools in manila Broderick blessed the bus and lunch was provided culinary schools in manila for over 70 people. At the beginning of December the Seanchairde Network held their meeting in the Ionad Lae and had a meal afterwards.
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