Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Olive oil protects against stroke Moon diet in June 2015 We drink enough water Bananas and potatoes

Moon diet September 2014: Cooking, recipes
Latest Recipes Chopped zucchini and potatoes in the oven stuffed gingerbread gratin potatoes and spinach Cake Fanta orange banh khot sauce Crispy waffles "Chimichuri" Kebab on Rice with mushrooms and sorrel soup of sorrel Bread with Turkish delight and walnuts
Latest Articles Olive oil protects against stroke Moon diet in June 2015 We drink enough water Bananas and potatoes prevent osteoporosis Diet to combat osteoporosis 2 cups of coffee a day Avocado - tasty and useful Curious facts about tomatoes Moon diet in May 2015 in the form of summer
September. Mezhdusezonie - transition from summer to fall. Still summer, banh khot but the nights are cool. During the summer holidays pass and largest city starts to fill with people. Back at work, tasks, deadlines, children prepare for school ... coming autumn. May be sunny and warm, rich colors and gifts in the garden - delicious banh khot fruits and zelenchutsi.Da banh khot hope that the weather will be nice for sport, to walk, to hike in nature, and why not for tasty barbecue friends. What is constant is the desire to look and feel good. To have the support of your loved ones, we relaxed and smiling. To be healthy and in good shape. And we have a loyal assistant so we desired shape - Moonlight diet. This is a day of detoxification of the body a week, one day cleanse to feel better. Mezhdusezonie. The first autumn orange letters are here. Still summer, but the evenings are cool and 9pm in the dark. Sea, mountain holidays banh khot remains a treasured memory and largest city is filled with people. Back in the office, tasks, deadlines, children prepare for school in the world and at home worrying banh khot things happening. It comes long golden autumn, rich colors and gifts from the garden. Let's hope that the weather will be good for sports, walking to hiking in the mountains, and why not a weekend to sea. What remains constant is the desire to feel good, our close people are calm and smiling to us. And to be healthy and in good shape.
Phases of the Moon in September 2014 September 2, 2014 - 14:12:22 pm. - First quarter September 9, 2014 - 4:39:16 PM. - Full Moon September 16, 2014 - 05:06:02 pm. - September 24 last quarter 2014 - 09:14:59 pm. - Moon's nice that no one from the days of the Lunar diet does not fall on one of the holidays. Curious, but three dates accounts banh khot Tuesday. This means that the day Tuesday in September will be a day of which 24 hours some of us will be on water, banh khot herbal tea and freshly squeezed juice. There are so many fruits so that we will be delicious and varied.
Holidays in September September 1 - St. Simeon September 6 - a national holiday, Unification of Bulgaria September 14 - September 17 Cross - Sofia, Faith, Hope, Love September 22 - a national holiday, Independence of Bulgaria
Garnish Desserts Canned quick snacks and preserves Morello Other Currants Blackberries Prunes Raspberries Strawberries Apples Drinks Pickle Appetizers banh khot recipes for children Salads Salad salad Pastries baked meals Soups Soups Pasta dishes without meat and additives Pastry Puff pastry Pizza, spaghetti, lasagna Bread, cakes Arab Foreign cuisine Cuisine Bulgarian cuisine Greek cuisine Indian cuisine Spanish cuisine Italian cuisine Chinese cuisine German cuisine Russian cuisine Hungarian cuisine French cuisine Japanese cuisine dishes without meat vegetarian dishes with eggs Meat Dishes Dyukanski recipes Rabbit Meat and game dishes with lamb sausage dishes with minced chicken dishes Dishes with beef dishes pork dishes with fish and fish products Seafood banh khot
Chopped zucchini and potatoes in the oven stuffed gingerbread gratin potatoes and spinach Cake Fanta orange sauce Crispy waffles "Chimichuri" Kebab on Rice with mushrooms and sorrel soup of sorrel Bread with Turkish delight and walnuts
Olive oil protects against stroke Moon diet in June 2015 We drink enough water Bananas and potatoes prevent osteoporosis Diet to combat osteoporosis 2 cups of coffee a day Avocado - tasty and useful Curious facts about tomatoes Moon diet in May 2015 in shape for the summer banh khot

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

In the academic year 1936/1937 Girls practical sosa chief keef trade school

Students from the girls 'school in household the house of Kanyu Kaladzhev 1927 Block "Gurko" keep your foundation memories of the girls' school in household 20 years of the last century
A look back in time brings us back in the spring of 1927 when a group of enthusiastic keen based on April 1 female cultural and educational company "Probuda" a spokeswoman Dr. Nevena Azmanova Hanchev, mother of the poet Veselin Hanchev. At her initiative on 10 September in the city of linden trees opens business school Girls "Probuda".
Interesting history vocational school in the winding and bumpy road today. sosa chief keef Several buildings have housed him, many generations of students have changed, galaxy directors are contributing to the expansion and enrichment of the material base. Deep gratitude and bow to Mira Ilieva, Teodora Popova Nedyalka Parvanova, Boyka Tinkova sosa chief keef Ekaterina Kassabova-, sosa chief keef Penka Markova Stoyanka Svilenova Angel Kapsazov Ivan Bratoev Dimo Dimov Abton Manchev.Tonka Dineva and Tsanka Neycheva for their love and concern for enlightenment of the city.
Girls' school sosa chief keef in household "Probuda" was born in the building of Kanyu Kaladzhev northwest Boulevard. "Russian" and Street. "Gurko" with director El. Kostova appointed by the Ministry of Trade and Industry 15.09. 1927. The foundations of the old building have been preserved, and, they built block, located at the same intersection.
The refusal of the El. Kostova to do as a teacher and director of the school is accepted by the board of the company and on 27 September the same year the post occupied sosa chief keef by the selected Mira Ilieva -uchitelka in needlework and sewing. From school 1928/1929. school board decided to release the loan to then building, such as inadequate and inappropriate for school, and then move into the house of Dermedzhiev Boulevard, "Russian" to the city hospital, with its director T. Popova.
In the academic year 1936/1937 Girls practical sosa chief keef trade school "Probuda" with director N. Parvanova opened a studio headed by K. Pashovska stitch dresses, coats, suits. Female students trained in materials science, smetkovostvo, anatomy, household (cooking), embroidery, practice.
Building engineer. Iliev, where the school was located on the street. "Hadji Dimitar sosa chief keef Asenov", the Regional Library, it appears to move closer, school, already revealed IV, V, VI classes in two departments: tailoring and cookery and confectionery and by 1937. it moved again, but now in, first building on the street. "Tsar Boris" 44 (the current building of the school). Since the director Tinkova dates first roditelo- sosa chief keef Teacher sosa chief keef Association, and the loan from the bank. "Yunzhi" building on the second floor studied

Monday, June 1, 2015

Signal: these days in the version of the online media came parents. For obvious reasons as

They took clothing "Rayna Princess"
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Signal: these days in the version of the online media came parents. For obvious reasons asked not to announce their names, but the case for which stories go beyond anonymity. Three years in the Vocational School of clothing and eating "Rayna Princess" in Stara Zagora home chef no reception for the classes of clothing and previously adopted for tailors finish this school year and practically remained without CLOTHES. At the suggestion of the school director Zina Kambourova and by Order RD 09-364 / 30.03.2012 of the Minister of Education and Science in coordination with the Minister of Labour and Social Policy and the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works for the school 2012 / 2013 has been declared a reception service organization in hospitality - first class of 26 students (after completed 7th grade), home chef catering - 1 class of 26 students (after completed 7th grade), home chef production home chef of culinary products and beverages - 1 class with 26 students (after primary education), guiding service - first class with 26 students (after completed 7th grade). Chef profession is not available intake. Adopted home chef for cooks and tailors students had to hold exams to be included in other classes. home chef Some accepted, others just left school to move to another. For comparison, in the state Vocational School of light industry and tourism in Kazanlak are trained in guiding service, production of culinary products and drinks, Economics and Management, and the municipal Vocational School of restaurant home chef and hotel in Pavel Banya specialize in the production of culinary products and beverages and service in catering. That - according to educational profile of the school.
LITTLE HISTORY: in the spring of 1927 a group of enthusiastic keen based on April 1 Womens cultural home chef and educational company "Probuda" a spokeswoman Dr. Nevena Azmanova Hanchev. At her initiative on 10 September in the city of linden trees opens business school Girls "Probuda" which is placed in the building of Kanyu Kaladzhev northwest Boulevard. "Russian" and Street. "Gen. Gurko ". In the academic year 1936/1937 Girls practical trade school "Probuda" home chef opens workshop sewing dresses, coats, suits. Female students trained in materials science, accountancy, anatomy, household (cooking), embroidery, practice. Building engineer. Iliev, where the school was located - on the street. "Hadji Dim. Asenov "to the Regional Library has proved too narrow for already disclosed IV, V, VI classes in two departments - sewing, cookery and confectionery, and in 1937 it moved again, but in its own building on the street." Tsar Boris " 44 (today's "St. Boris") - the current building of the school. Remember gesture and teacher Mara Staneva home chef (1880-1973), which makes donation - building with the desire to craft school for free housewife. By order 409 / 30.01.1985 the school was transformed into a technical school clothing with a 5-year period of training and classes in clothing and catering. The celebration was attended home chef by 80-year-old Mara Staneva - patron of the School. On April 16, 1996 by order of the Minister Ilcho Dimitrov home chef and by the Municipal Council in Stara Zagora at the school is given the name "Rayna Princess", but does not change the learning profile. That remains after the decision in 2002/2003, technical schools to become home chef professional schools.
Realisation home chef in the academic year 1960/1961 school participated for the first time in fashion citywide review of more than 60 models of women's, men's and children's clothing. Since then, alumni present in many culinary competitions and win prizes, produce their own products, which sell at lower prices. Many of them become successful in a profession home chef that requires home chef a lot work. Other earn the recognition of masters in the production of modern, elegant and comfortable clothing.
Base: 2002 school joined the program "PHARE 2002 - lifelong learning." In 2005 it won a project whose implementation leads to overhaul and complete equipment of classrooms, workshops and workshops. In training workshops home chef in sewing manufacture all new machines are German brand "Singer". Equipment of kitchens and hleborabotilnitsata are Spanish and Italian. By implemented project PGOH "Rayna Princess" became one of the most modern schools in the country.
Q: So in establishing a basis for development of the profession tailor and chef why

Sunday, May 31, 2015

HOME SCHOOL Legislation Weekly schedules Links Publications Events Training Curriculum Framework Cu

HOME SCHOOL Legislation new orleans cooking school Weekly schedules Links Publications Events Training Curriculum Framework Curriculum new orleans cooking school class I-VIII Training Program National Examination Taking students GALLERY Photo Gallery Video Gallery new orleans cooking school BUYER PROFILE PUBLICATIONS CONTACTS
HOME SCHOOL Legislation Weekly schedules Links Publications Events Training Curriculum Framework Curriculum class I-VIII Training Program National Examination Taking students GALLERY Photo Gallery Video Gallery BUYER PROFILE PUBLICATIONS CONTACTS
On 24 and 25 April in the context of the exchange of good pedagogical practices of teachers IV Boarding School "Prof.. Dimitar Katzarov "attended the opening of the office for educational practice cooking in PU" P. Slaveykov "in the city. Pleven.
Sporting event "Exercise daily together" in the IV special school with the participation of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics from SC "Slavia" and drive on the SC "Ippon" - students in 132 school and 88 secondary (18/02/2014).
Participation of students of I, II and IV class in the International Competition "The sea is life" in the town. Bourgas. The works of all participants are presented at the exhibition hall of the Cultural Center "Casino" from 06.01. to 15.01.2014 On our students are awarded I and III prize.
Opening of the 2013-2014 new orleans cooking school school year - 16.09.2013 On this date IV aid school day open house presented the newly created Center for personal development for the treatment of children with SEN.
Permalink Gallery Second Conference related to "multifaceted perspective new orleans cooking school on child development" on "Current pediatric aspects of autism in the light of medical evidence"
We are the first school in Bulgaria for children with special educational needs (learning disabilities). It was founded more than 70 years of prof. Katzarov and only in the capital, holding a therapeutic center.
Recent posts Public procurement: "Execution of construction and installation works in the building of IV BOARDING SCHOOL" PROF. DIMITAR MPs "GR. SOFIA" 05/27/2015 May 24 - DAY OF BULGARIAN Education and Culture and Slavonic Literature 22/05/2015

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Diet to combat osteoporosis 2 cups of coffee a day Avocado - tasty and useful Curious facts about t

Breakfast for students: Cooking, recipes
Latest Recipes Chopped zucchini and potatoes in the oven stuffed gingerbread gratin potatoes and spinach Cake Fanta orange sauce Crispy waffles "Chimichuri" Kebab on Rice with mushrooms and sorrel soup of sorrel Bread with Turkish delight and walnuts
Latest Articles Diet to combat osteoporosis 2 cups of coffee a day Avocado - tasty and useful Curious charleston cooks facts about tomatoes Moon diet in May 2015 in the form of summer Gently with fatty foods Kamu Kamu Holy Saturday International Day against GMOs
Breakfast student summer leave and come autumn. Along with this is over and summer vacation. Children are back in school, waiting for them teachers and classmates, interesting breaks will bring good and deprive assessments will write lengthy domestic ....
In many schools require children to grow, the load and the number of classes and objects increases. Therefore how will start the day our child is so important. A day begins with breakfast. Breakfast charleston cooks is determined by nutritionists as the most important meal of the day because the child charged with energy and ensures proper exchange of substances in his body. It is important to build the habit of a child student breakfast before leaving for school. From breakfast can sometimes charleston cooks depend on the mood of the day, should not only be nutritious, delicious, but also love, one that will eat willingly is an attractive taste and appearance. Children are often demanding and refuse to eat if they do not like. Therefore, for many mothers is question "What to cook breakfast for the child to eat it?" Preparing food requires planning and fresh ideas that start to run out soon. So is this rubric delicious and healthy recipes that will appeal to children, and why not adults. Many of them are suitable not only for breakfast, but the child to take her with him to school or us we work.
The easiest way is to prepare a sandwich - a slice of bread with a slice of cheese, pate or cheese filet (of lean meat) or fish, add fresh fruit or vegetables that can be served as freshly squeezed juice. Besides the products important it is how it will be shaped sandwich.
Option 2 - diversity of cereal - oatmeal, granola, charleston cooks kornfleysk served with milk and fruits. We can prepare breakfast or evening so plan your time in the morning and prepare small cakes, charleston cooks pasta, pancakes.
Breakfast for the big break (at 10 am). The curriculum is loaded and students go home at 13.30. Therefore, the breakfast in the big break is important. Students from first to fifth grade receive a glass of warm milk or fruit at school. Bigger can carry an apple or banana in a backpack for school. What about that better substitute offered in the school canteen is prepared at home - can be a breakfast sandwich, fruit, and you can put something your child likes. It is important and how it will be packaged - different is if you put the sandwich in a box with a cheerful image, colored napkin. Do not forget the water bottle of your child.
Harry Potter biscuits recipe is easy and it can prepare with your children. The story of the hero preparation together will make them very tasty for them. An important point is what name to give to a recipe, whether the child will help in the preparation.
Garnish Desserts Canned quick snacks and preserves Morello Other Currants Blackberries Prunes Raspberries Strawberries Apples Drinks Pickle Appetizers recipes for children Salads Salad salad Pastries baked meals Soups Soups Pasta dishes without meat and additives Pastry Puff pastry Pizza, spaghetti, lasagna Bread, cakes Arab Foreign cuisine Cuisine Bulgarian cuisine Greek cuisine Indian cuisine Spanish cuisine Italian cuisine Chinese cuisine German cuisine Russian cuisine Hungarian cuisine French cuisine Japanese cuisine dishes without meat vegetarian dishes with eggs Meat Dishes Dyukanski recipes Rabbit Meat and game dishes with lamb sausage dishes with minced chicken dishes Dishes with beef dishes pork dishes with fish and fish products Seafood
Chopped zucchini and potatoes in the oven stuffed gingerbread gratin potatoes and spinach Cake Fanta orange sauce Crispy waffles "Chimichuri" Kebab on Rice with mushrooms and sorrel soup of sorrel Bread with Turkish delight and walnuts
Diet to combat osteoporosis 2 cups of coffee a day Avocado - tasty and useful Curious facts about tomatoes Moon diet in May 2015 in shape for the summer careful with oily foods Kamu Kamu Holy Saturday International Day against GMOs

Friday, May 29, 2015

Join Comments on Real son Gogo shown girlfriend ... Nikolov on There are children who do not dream

School "Hristaki Pavlovich" in Dupnitsa launched the project "Lachi wasting" (wonderful dish), funded by the Centre for Educational Integration of Children and students from ethnic minorities in Sofia. The total amount of grants is 12 000 lev project was developed by the "Local development" of Dupnitsa Municipality, which is a partner in the implementation of activities.
It is planned to be created in cooking club, where children with the support of parents will explore and get acquainted with the culinary heritage of the Roma community in Dupnitsa and generally for the country. There is also a system of incentives for students showing interest in extracurricular activities, which are a permanent working mechanisms of educational integration, addressing economic and social threats to dropout of children from ethnic minorities.
4100 Levs of grant funding has been earmarked for the repair and formation of a cooking corner academy pasadena in the school, which so far does not exist. Thanks to this, children will have a modern and comfortable conditions to develop their activities. Furthermore, the school will now be able to conduct traditional cooking classes provided in the plan of job training. Participants in the club are determined by a survey whose purpose is to establish how much children know the specifics of Roma cuisine. By the end of the school year they will conduct theoretical and practical sessions under the guidance of a teacher in primary school "Hristaki Pavlovich" Laura Delibaltova. One of the tasks of the whole team with the help of parents and relatives to collect authentic recipes from Roma cuisine. Then the best and most interesting recipes will be arranged in the cooking brochure. There is also a trip of students to elite metropolitan academy pasadena restaurant where you will have the opportunity to meet with his chief chef and his team and to learn more about this profession. On the occasion of the most celebrated holidays Roma Bango Basil and St. George will be held culinary exhibitions. The club will finish academy pasadena classes with culinary contest jury who will be invited by a popular culinary TV show.
"During the entire project will relies on the active participation of parents and relatives of the students, the goal is to be involved in the learning process, increase their motivation on their children to get an education, as dropout rates all the ensuing socio-economic consequences, academy pasadena is one of the biggest problems of the Roma ethnic group, academy pasadena "said academy pasadena the school principal Antoaneta Nikolova.
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Prepare the child for school lunch: sandwiches with rich stuffing, fruit, cook job description nuts

Healthy children's meals: Cooking, recipes
Latest cook job description Recipes Chopped zucchini cook job description and potatoes in the oven stuffed gingerbread gratin potatoes and spinach cook job description Cake Fanta orange sauce Crispy waffles "Chimichuri" Kebab on Rice with mushrooms and sorrel soup of sorrel Bread with Turkish cook job description delight and walnuts
Latest Articles Diet to combat osteoporosis 2 cups of coffee a day Avocado - tasty and useful Curious facts about tomatoes Moon diet in May 2015 in the form of summer Gently with fatty foods Kamu Kamu Holy Saturday International Day against GMOs
A healthy diet provides the child with the necessary substances that are required for the proper development cook job description and ensuring adequate nutrition of all organs and systems. As much as possible before the child must create habits zdrovslonoto meal because they subsequently much more difficult to change. Researchers believe that modern children prefer white bread, crackers, sweet snacks, potato chips, chocolate and fizzy drinks (each as these foods are offered to school and to daoma offer and in the school itself) and consume insufficient amounts of fruit and vegetables, fish and fresh meat (such foods do not get children and shravitelstvenata program for breakfast at school - it suggests basic breakfast of pastry and a drink).
Similar diet combined with low physical activity is at the heart of childhood obesity. Children accept a limited amount of zinc, iron, calcium and magnesium and poor balanced diet in combination with low levels of activity may cause in the future osteoporosis or cardiovascular diseases. At an early stage appear first negative signs: lack of energy, fatigue, impaired cook job description concentration of attention, decreased immunity and increased cholesterol levels. If we want our children to be good students, to be healthy, our responsibility and obligation to teach them to eat healthy.
The change in diet (even just a few products) can improve the condition. Breakfast Breakfast Cereals with milk are good choices can satisfy the nutritional needs of people of all ages.
Prepare the child for school lunch: sandwiches with rich stuffing, fruit, cook job description nuts or raisins cook job description and vegetables, apple is mandatory not forget to add a bottle of mineral water (backpacks for school have a pocket in which to place the bottles with water). So help your child to not spend their pocket for chips and other similar ones.
The main meal should include products rich in cellulose: beans, cook job description peas, fruit salad, yogurt, rice and milk. Paying particular attention to children's diets, because it is at this age appear many eating disorders. This is particularly important for girls because the construction of the normal function cook job description of the reproductive system is itself at this age and requires a lot of nutrients and energy. 95% of the formation of the skeleton is carried out in late adolescence. Dietary habits then change increasingly seen are "eating on the go", not to forget cook job description that at this time is formed stereotype and self-assessment of one's own body, complemented nutritionists. cook job description
Sweet love can be controlled. Remember that children are born with "love sweet" but they need to learn to eat and other useful cook job description products. cook job description Joint nutrition of all family members allowed to form and lead a healthy dietary behavior. Have breakfast or dinner klkoto possible, often the whole family together, without using the TV in a good mood. This is one of osnovnitv obligations of the mother. cook job description not only to prepare food, and brought it to osigiri calm and serene cook job description atmosphere at mealtimes. cook job description Be an example for your children because your eating pattern is inherited by them on a subconscious level. Choose useful, light and warm food and try to avoid any incentives or penalties to pressure in the process of feeding the children.
As a mother of two winners in swimming competitions and Olympiads in chemistry and physics, I know how dependent zdrveto and success of our children from the food of the relationships in the home and their motivation. How fragile cook job description and how children follow the example that we give them.
Garnish cook job description Desserts Canned quick snacks and preserves Morello Other Currants Blackberries Prunes Raspberries Strawberries Apples Drinks Pickle Appetizers recipes for children Salads Salad salad Pastries baked meals Soups Soups Pasta dishes without meat and additives Pastry Puff pastry Pizza, spaghetti, lasagna Bread, cakes Arab Foreign cuisine Cuisine Bulgarian cuisine Greek cuisine Indian cuisine Spanish cuisine Italian cuisine cook job description Chinese cuisine German cuisine Russian cuisine Hungarian cook job description cuisine French cuisine Japanese cuisine dishes without meat vegetarian dishes with eggs Meat Dishes Dyukanski recipes Rabbit Meat sausages and game dishes

Thursday, May 28, 2015

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The shops are bent on offer when it balances things we do not need more ... but why not facilitate us with us? Behold, a wide range of bikini ... like a supermodel but cheap! For info contact escoffier me on my facebook page at the following link: here for you a preview of the bikini! the collection of fashionistas that never go unnoticed!
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

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In this blog you will find many beautiful news about the world of Lagotto Romagnolo (standard, grooming products, the search for truffles, etc ...) and the adventures the art institute of austin of my Lycia, of Olly and Tea. Good vision ......
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015


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Monday, May 25, 2015

Finally, my friend romantic and elegant I chose this type of necklace: with a heart in the middle i

Imagine a beautiful palette of colors to pick any color and your fancy. Here, today's post is a bit 'like this .... give room for creativity, which is something magical. Accessories are the passion of many / s ... and also one of mine. With the right accessories, in fact, they can finish the set, turn them, rivoluzionarle and characterize them. Also I love the creativity in all its forms, to see this fashion is not just a means to be more cute, feel good, but also an "outburst" of his personality, a fun game, something that speaks to us. Adding up these concepts together, coming right to the point.
Today I want to wear proudly in my small space "creative". I always loved to create and since childhood I produced my Barbie clothes with what I found around ... the exclusive clothes! Then I tried it with other things, and to my sister, for a period of fun, we dedicated to the production of jewelry.
For some time it is strongly rimpossessata me my "passion to create" even if I have to do it in a few clippings, when I get the chance. So I ventured into a "line" of necklaces Bob, as they are very much in vogue now, that "embellish" suffered any outfit. beard man I used the micro beads (meticulous work!) Of wire and a satin ribbon to close them and make them more special and chic. I'm excited because the first I made it for me, but I was requested ... and I could make a gift "exclusive" as unique to some friends, who love fashion and like me have received beard man them with great affection and enthusiasm! Never say never in life .... I could also avviarne production .... Why not? PS. Always remember .... "Create sets us free"
This necklace is below the first one I made for myself: Gold is on a black background, it gives light, but still sophisticated I used to "the Outfit comouflage" which I presented ... but I like it in many ways, Also on the total black (as I did for the photo even more below)
I present the second series, to a friend of mine: for her a starfish central purple / fuchsia, with round studs and central circles around the colors that I think are good .... the autumn and enveloping, they also remind her character thoughtful, affectionate and discreet ..
The third series beard man that I'll show you another friend of mine: for you ... I have used soft colors sky blue, pink and pale yellow, shades that give a lot. Even here I did circles and flowers slightly wavy accompanying the central flower, it seems almost a boquet, worn! ... The studs that I included as core elements are, however, square.
The special feature of this series is the middle: beard man for I have sketched the face of Mickey Mouse (white oval shaped pearls) accompanied by two circles round end with central pearl white and visible only to the eye more careful! Ear and nose studs I used black square. And I thought I'd give her the nose of mouse because it's a girl on with the trends, very sunny, with beautiful appearance and enthusiastic about their children. Et voila!
Finally, my friend romantic and elegant I chose this type of necklace: with a heart in the middle in the center of which I put a rhinestone square that makes a lot of light. Flanked by two round with pearl and external elements such as the two "double flowers", one inside the other. This necklace is comfortable with many things, even with something as I matched silk I below.
I thought as I looked beard man at the photos and beautiful but ... you have to know how to lead, I thought that if I wrote this sentence yet on your blog someone might think "but because this must always say that? But in that world because he lives ???? follows and comments on your blog ????? " and he escaped to laugh but you well know that I have great admiration for you and your friend's necklace beard man style mouse (hahahaha) you know you're really top bring everything with an innate elegance! I no..non I still value this second photo is my favorite compliments Reply Delete
Faith, with this post you split, as Cocker sang "Sorry for the others ..."! These necklaces are a more bela other and not only, each perfectly adapted to the person for whom you have created, even your own. They are precious and full of work, many compliments and thank you from the heart. Reply Delete
It 's cold ... then we always look the positives: a good movie, a lukewarm tea, a refuge in the warmth and a clothing ...

Sunday, May 24, 2015

The Smile of My Children

I worked astor center cotton with a crochet big forming astor center a pipe network, and quite simply the end of the ball I had the new warmer astor center spring. Since this spring is not reliable and sometimes it blows on the neck a bit 'of wind.
I apologize for not having followed up on post promised, and for my absence. I am putting a bit 'of order in my life and I'm giving it priority. I would have much to show you and I hope to soon be able to share with you some work. Meanwhile I follow you all, always astor center with amazement in the eyes and admiration for the creativity that breath in your blog.
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1 hour ago
3 days ago
Popcorn garland
Favors little house with recycled material for a matrimonioshabby
2 weeks ago
The Smile of My Children
free printable pie toppers
1 year ago
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

2015 (10) May (1) March (8) February (1) 2014 (19) December (2) February (3) Octobe

A few days of rest, the enthusiasm and 'the stars and on 11 September, the group finds itself in via Cicali to eliminate weeds board sidewalks of the street that is the calling card for anyone who enters the neighborhood side Collatina. The tools available are still few and it is so hard but the results are good and that repays the effort.
All photos Retake
Successfully complete a Retake already work for the next. We booked through the intervention of the Retake Rome Pics Decor ...
2015 (10) May (1) March (8) February (1) 2014 (19) December (2) February (3) October (6) September (8) September 29, 2014 .. .. Mini Retake Week after week September 20, 2015 - Retake abastur Via Gastinelli - Baudot ... Every opportunity and 'good ... The Retake of New Bridge Ninth newsworthy Continue to school ... A few days of rest ... . September 8, 2014 - Birth of the group Retake New Po ...

2015 (5) March (4) January (1) 2014 (17) December (1) February (2) February how much

2015 (5) March (4) January (1) 2014 (17) December (1) February (2) February how much do chefs make (4) June (4) May (1) April (1) March (2) January (2) 2013 (11) December (1) October (1) October how much do chefs make (1) July (1) June (1) May (1) April (1) March (1) February (1) January (2) 2012 (10) September (3) other events November event Nov. 12 feast on November how much do chefs make 11 October (4) June (1) May (1) April (1) 2011 (13) December (2) February (1) October (7) October (1) June (1) May (1)

Friday, May 22, 2015

2015 (25) May (2) April (1) March (8) February (5) January (9) 2014 (41) December (

Intends to Enna the format VERSES \ AGAINST cooking websites / VERSES where participants, listening carefully to each other, and decide whether to intervene and only when found in their poems the text of which can be answered or contradictory to that just read by the poet previous . Abandoning the ranks of the rhetoric to tend to a poetic dialectic in growing evolution that goes from theme to theme and verse by verse in a circular manner and democratic. No need to know or learn about the poetic language of the other, it is a performance, by improvised speeches and arguments unknown, that in the game of listening "of course" is the common denominator, and its way of outlet to the Other. SL
2015 (25) May (2) April (1) March (8) February (5) January (9) 2014 (41) December (4) February (3) October (3) August (8) August (5) July (2) September (6) from sunrise to sunset ... THE RITE OF LIGHT - Summer Solstice 21-22 G ... Sicilia.Punto.Poesia presents VERSES \ AGAINST / VERSES to ... Sicilia.Punto.Poesia presents the Poetic Festival ... sicilia.punto.poesia presents "Poetic Dialogues" ... Sicilia.Punto.Poesia & Cynthia Farina in VERSES \ CONTR ... May ( 5) April (1) March (2) January (2) 2013 (47) December cooking websites (2) March (6) October (2) August (1) August (1) July ( 3) June (1) May (1) April (2) March (7) February (13) March (8) 2012 (19) December (6) March (13)
Santina Lazzara Mineo, Catania Edita in the First Literary Review "Paulu Maura", sponsored by the City of Mineo, in 1995 for the novel and short story and poetry section; From 2009 to 2012 he collaborated with the magazine online Artuindenfair-Artair cooking websites and with the weekly " Mineo here "; This 3 in literary anthologies published by the Publishing cooking websites House Pages- and in the anthology "The Federiciano" in 2013 at Aletti Publishers; in this blog Maurizio Landini "Cartouche d'Ombra". "The rose in most" of Daita Martinez and Salvatore Sblando; and WSF by Antonella Taravella; The poem "AL PORTO" in the top 10 in the competition of poetry "The Garden of Beauty" - Noto 5/2013; Special mention to the video poetry "Choir for the South" at the Festival "Verses of light" of Modica in 2014 and always in the same event Winner cooking websites of poetry slam Lips. The poem "The breath of the stars 1 p." "I am water" 2nd p. "Received special mention at the Fara Editore ed.2014. His first publication" I live there "in December 2012. Review of Rita Caramma on SICILY of 02/19/13 . Profile selected and inserted cooking websites on correspondence LITERARY ed. 2014 View my complete profile

Thursday, May 21, 2015

2015 (1) January (1) 2014 (30) August (1) September (29) The country dell

2015 (1) January (1) 2014 (30) August (1) September (29) The country dell'Autremond - Boys dell'Autremond ... Roberto Bosco - Over Border Prince De L'Autremond - Claudio Bertolacci ... The jaguar goddess - Marcia Theophilus Guide Beetles cheef bruchidi cheef - Marcello Zampett ... Stories of the five elements - Anna Marani & Elen ... Adorned, chamois world's most beautiful - Bruno. .. The Festival of Nature Photography - Objectiv ... The heart of the Amazon - Marcia Theop ... The life you want - by Alessandra Cenci and Chris ... Rocconi, the Valley of the Hawks - Julius Ielardi and ... Sibi Morosa - Mario Bossi The otter and the river - Antonio Canu and Iole Eula ironic ... Memories of a fisherman - Fabrizio Pra ... Amazon always - Marcia cheef Savage cheef Theophilus Susi - Fabrizio Carbone Biodiversity - User Manual - In the heart of the enchantment of Bruno Massa - Giorgio Muscetta WWF Oasis - Antonio Canu, WWF Oasis Golf and Environment - City of Rome Lake Burano, WWF - Fabio Cianchi and Lore ... Los pajaros - Birds - Norberto S. Itza Project Osprey - Flavio Monti and Alessandro Tro ... L'Aquila Serpent - Francesco Petretti paleosoils - Fabrizio cheef Carbone Leo & Teo - Sagrà of Tanzania: The diaries Seronera - of Patrizia and Frederic ... The knights of the great lagoon cheef - of Fulco Pratesi ... Diaries of Tolva - Fabrizio Carbone
Osprey project cheef

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

This site is not a journal as it is updated without any periodicity. It can not therefore be consid

Public and I get this note to Alfredo Celeste on suspension from PDL prepared by regional arbitrators. Despite strong pressure received by some leaders the science of good cooking of the PDL in Milan, now Forza Italy, the arbitrators of the college Lombardy regional party, in an act of seriousness and honesty, they could not recognize that what they scream strongly from the beginning of my story Judicial: the science of good cooking they are forced the science of good cooking by the Milan prosecutors who, in concert with the prefecture, has decided to dissolve because, listen, there is "the potential risk of infiltration", using a report of expensive investigative commission prevented and finalized in order . A mayor and his council at the height of their functions and powers (one of the few municipalities to have approved the budget in July and not in November) was a challenge that could not be tolerated. The majority of arbitrators Milan, with different words, says it all. Bitter satisfaction in a sea of slander, insults, slurs and throw mud defamatory or whatever. But will the time for truth and justice. As for my current political position, I can only confirm my full support to President Berlusconi, who have always maintained with honesty and sincerity, the science of good cooking even in moments of abandonment the science of good cooking by many people who today praise him, while expressing some sometimes necessary to improve some policy actions that distinguished him. Alfano is a disappointment, but the man is prepared and will find tomorrow the science of good cooking the reasons of politics disinterested. Today in Sedriano group "For Celeste Mayor, Togetherness improve Sedriano" is still alive and in "office" never resigned, respectful of his electoral mandate received, that no bureaucratic act may terminate.
The perfect visualization of this blog is guaranteed only with the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. Windows Internet Explorer is not always the posts are displayed unless the version is not updated with all the needed extensions. With Mac computers are not found drawbacks.
The Saints BAREGGIO neoassessore launches "volunteer staff" to innovate and regenerate social solidarity the science of good cooking
This site is not a journal as it is updated without any periodicity. It can not therefore be considered an editorial product under Law no. 62/01. The photographs are the author's website. More images the science of good cooking published here are almost all taken from the Internet: If their use violates copyright it communicates to the direction of this blog, which will provide for their prompt removal.
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

2015 (306) May (47) April (79) March (64) February (58) January (58) 2014 (770) Dec

Fourth piece to "47 inch", the project on a monthly basis with which Bargeman offers us a new song and a new feat. The host on duty Inda, young mc bolognese that casts a little 'eye to Reggae. The result is refreshingly asta boston cool, with a support and an upbeat atmosphere strongly summer. The download is available at the link below.
Culture Hip-Hop (53) News Ita (108) News USA (28) RapManiacZ (24) Reporting Cinema (9) Reports DVD (1) Reports EU (33) Reports Ita (589) Reports Books (9) Reporting Live / Events (170) Use Reporting (269) Video EU (23) Video Ita (951) Use Video (539)
2015 (306) May (47) April (79) March (64) February (58) January (58) 2014 (770) December asta boston (63) March (61) October (73) August (47) August (27) July (48) September (78) Black Sheep Dres - We Can All Share Capeccapa - 'O jack Bargeman aka B47 feat. Inda - Today no no (47 inch) ... GO mixtape (street art files) Wego FTS and Rokisco - Funking (free download) EliaPhoks - Goodnight Phizzy Boy (free download) Norule - Entropy vol. 2 (free download) TSP - Hardente Records Icon Curties - Alphacentauri Loop Loona - Venus Shabaam Sahdeeq - Keepers Of The Lost Art Tanzo and Tabonimous - Caution Rage feat. Stail - Broken asta boston Mind Daima Manzu - Daimanology Prince Po & Oh No - 1st Word To What Was Said ... Last ZiFunk - They do not believe Noyz Narcos live in Rome - June 25, 2014 Dirty Lab. - In key noir Franco Negre - Negretudine (free download) Rasty Kilo - Molotov Millelemmi feat. Dj Craim - Megatricks continues beatmakers With Attitude Championship Stokka & MadBuddy and Roc Beats aka DJ Shocca - Frag ... Born to Rap the final party - Albino (BG) 28 giugn ... Loop Loona - Endless (upcoming) EliaPhoks feat. Danny Be and Daweed - Gotham City Quadraro Basement - Basement Rap Verbal Kent - Raponomics Test-One, Tony Trix, Kagnaccio and Army - Therapy Snok Brown feat. Cali and Robin Hood - Nobody knows Kenzie Kenzei feat. Kiave and Hyst - As the rain ... El Marsica - Snapshots John Robinson & PVD - All Of The World Smania Uagliuns - I enjoy Luca Dirty Lab. - Mena Andreas Del Grosso feat. Swelto - Slide down Sick Rock feat. Rasta Blanco - Sinno me moro Dalai feat. Dope One Lord and Madness - Do or die Pala Mc, Haker, Sense, The Junkyard, Aster, ... Dilated Peoples - Good As It Has Gone & Castle - Go To Work Rasco - Stonekiller Franco Negre - One mic Brook - for Everyone itself (free download) Blacastan & Stu Bangas feat. Vinnie Paz & Celph TI ... Menu Kebab 2014 (VIII Edition) Timeless Truth - Dominican Diner EP Fabio Bernabei - Hip Hop Italy - The Italian Rap ... Blitz - play roles of Andreas Del Grosso - Nihil (free download) Mystic One - Blind with gun Onyx - Buc Bac Federico Outbreak - J-Ax the Joker Laboratory Rap with Moder and SammyBoy Cervia Brain - Welcome to Bulagna Shant - Shanthology Ciunno Boyz - Michael Jordan John Robinson & PVD feat. Sadat X, ID 4 Windz - Slep ... - And I pay (Poverty and Nobility) Ganji Killah - Matthew Rancid / Ti swaggo teeth Soul Grabber Beatmaker Convention - Florence June 14 ... Oyoshe - Tienm Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - Deeper DBear - Street Samurai (free download) Irhu - Pearls before swine vl. II (free download) Army Of The Pharaohs - The Demon's Blade Join The Crew Zreticuli - Instrumental control Rap World Cup QSG - Sexyflowerfly (free download) Lord Madness feat. Michasoul - Dance with the Devil Snok Brown feat. Luca Brighi - Hill street blues Ryma - Time to time Pharoahe asta boston Monch - Broken Again RA The Rugged Man feat. Amalie Bruun - definitio ... Barium - Volume two (free download) VOC feat. Inoki and Esa El Prez - Free Announo with Fedez, Chicoria and Giovanardi: the opinio ... May (71) April (72) March (76) February (76) March (78) 2013 (805 ) December (73) March (71) October (78) March (62) August (38) July (55) June (62) May (76) April (71) March (74 ) February (66) March (79) 2012 (526) December (70) March (53) October (61) March (57) August (32) July (35) June (47 ) May (44) April (30) March (26) February (30) March (41) 2011 (121) December (42) March (47) October (24) March (7 ) August (1)

Giorgio Armani Beauty Giorgio Armani presents Cream Nude Nude Beauty Cream launches, the first prem

Gallo doubles: new store in Malpensa Gallo opens a new boutique in the Area Extra Schengen airport of Milan Malpensa, the second within the Milan airport. REFLEX / Atoms of creative lam kim chi reflection A light overhead Eden Park fashion surfer chic in a modern preppy Woman
Bershka presents the capsule collection "Milan" Bershka launches capsule collection "Milan", a limited edition inspired by the 70s. Olivia Palermo and Johannes Huebl guest editor lam kim chi for Tommy Hilfiger GilmarLab: luxury and sportswear in a new web platform Bottega Veneta Cruise 2016 Child
Simonetta pop-up store La Rinascente in Milan Simonetta has a pop-up store at the Rinascente in Milan May 13 to 26, on the occasion of the inaugural days of Expo 2015. The Italian lam kim chi Dad: digital, playful lam kim chi and impulsive Slippers for real Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge The look "mini me" matchless by Mango! Accessories
Superga in collaboration with AW LAB For Spring-Summer 2015, Superga introduces new models in collaboration with AW LAB The bad dream of Chloe Howl for Fendi Braintropy presents Patty Toy Baby: the bag "speaking" starring Marion Cotillard in Cannes designer shoes of Trade
Frida Gustavsson lam kim chi for Stradivarius Summer 2015: "The Moment" the new campaign lam kim chi Stradivarius presents its new campaign Summer 2015, "The Moment", starring Frida Gustavsson. Borsalino: the relaunch of the brand of hats world's most popular Le Creuset opens in Milan in Corso Garibaldi GAP inaugurates The American Dream Café for Expo Milano 2015 Beauty
Giorgio Armani Beauty Giorgio Armani presents Cream Nude Nude Beauty Cream launches, the first premium processing that enhances the beauty of the skin. Jennifer Lawrence new face of Dior Addict Make Up Nail trends lam kim chi for Spring Mother's Day: to cuddle a shea butter Lifestyle
Carlo Cracco and Giovanni Gastel: haute cuisine meets the great photography Twelve emerging chefs in twelve shots copyright. Here's "The Ambassadors of Taste", photographic exhibition event of "Good lam kim chi Food in Good Expo". LG G4 from June in Italy: a smartphone ambitious Public lam kim chi Service: June 18 last episode Dean Potter (Daredevil) tragedy: lam kim chi fatal accident for the famous mountaineer Celebrity
Cannes Film Festival: Salma Hayek won the Croisette The voluptuous actress Mexican star of "Tale of Tales" by Matteo Garrone lam kim chi made an acclaimed Red Carpet. Almost fifty more in love than ever is never separated from her husband. That is what the secret? Cannes Film Festival: intimate confessions (gay) Cate Blanchett Rihanna for DIOR Secret Garden IV / Teaser premiered D'Amico pregnant? Buffon news for Real awaiting the final Champions Focus On
Gregg Bertoni interview with the CEO of QVC Italy / Video "We lam kim chi love transparency and so are our customers. That's why they trust us. Honesty lam kim chi and critical are two major strengths. We are Italian, I may say so myself, after all I have a Italian last name, we love to talk, chat and share experiences "Gregg Bertoni CEO of QVC Italy
My name is Kasey and I am 21 years old. I have spent the last three years living in the fast peace city of Miami, as a fashion city on the up. I am Fashion Merchandising & Retail Marketing student at Johnson & Wales University North Miami Campus. This summer I will wrap up my education with a study abroad experience That will take place in Italy for 1 month.
Fashion lam kim chi Has Been the most dominant interest in my life since I was child; I have never had a doubt That I would not pursued as a career Within the industry. Fashion lam kim chi is a true passion of mine. I have had the opportunity to participate on in a variety of events further Top That allow me to my understanding of the industry and I can not wait to experience lam kim chi the International aspect.
Aside from fashion I enjoy playing sports and being active; I played volleyball for four years and basketball for 8. I enjoy sketching However, lam kim chi he is not something I wish to pursued as such. I love to shop, sew, beach, socialize, and attend local events. I am anche a dedicated member of DECA, a co-curricular organization That prepares emerging lam kim chi leaders and entrepreneurs for Their Respective careers. I currently serve as the President of the Florida Association of Collegiate DECA.
Born in Naples, born in 1983. He studied political science at the State University of Milan until 2006, when he co-founded Fashion Times, where he held the position of Editorial Director. Among his passions: sports, politics and literature.
A French video sheds light on the end of Inception! | VIDEO Engagged! Kate Hudson shows off her diamond on the Today Show And if you regret it ?! History of a bathing suit very particular ... What color is the dress? The question

Sunday, May 17, 2015

2011 (40) June (19) May (21) The daily bread Photos from the past week Bombed by a festive se

We buy bread every day. And it may well be that the Tuscan bread praised widely in women's magazines madartikler; but I do not think that the writer has tasted the day after for breakfast or lunch, as it is usually quite dry ... And the same is often true when you are served bread on the more ordinary restaurants. But to obtain a fresh bread at the bakery, the grocer or the butcher, so it tastes really good and has the famous hard-baked crust, filled with flavor. Here we have bought a Filone Integrale and a Pane Gross.
It is both bread baked with fuldkorn- sec_error_expired_certificate or wholemeal flour in, and when we yearn little by the little coarser bread, it is the kind we are trying to get hold of. But the white bread varieties taste now also well - and they also recalls visiting grandmother when we got home baked bread with strawberry jam. A good close homemade bread, uhm!
The bread purchased by weight. They are usually very different, with so it comes to choosing the one of a suitable size - or get cut it over. It is a real ritual that baker shows you the bread so that you can assess the size (weight) you want.
One morning when we were going to Lucca to download Joan and Gert, who had been on a bombing raid, we drove to a small grocery store just outside of Lucca to buy some fresh bread. He was real and was putting it on the shelf and took it up a papirssæk - certainly one of the baker empty flour sacks. sec_error_expired_certificate
That he was not so happy! It turned out that it was his only little coarse bread, and he was a regular customer who came every day to get exactly the kind of bread. I would then not have it - but it was I supposed.
He suggested now that we got 4.3, and that he retained 1/4 bread. So could 'donna' get it together with a small bread - a panini. And so we did ... With great thanks sec_error_expired_certificate and Sephora! And breakfast and lunch bread with little fiber was guaranteed!
Hello in 2 bon vivants. How nice to follow you here on the blog. We can see in enjoying life in Lucca, and may then charts your skin becomes more and more golden in the pictures. We are perhaps a little envious, but never mind - it's not long ago we were even there. sec_error_expired_certificate Back home in Denmark, it finally seems warmer weather, you will want to enjoy the good weather the next few days and continue working on the mountain. Many loving greetings Lise & Freddy Reply Delete
2011 (40) June (19) May (21) The daily bread Photos from the past week Bombed by a festive sec_error_expired_certificate week on photo journey in Lucca's streets Pisa's leaning tower Raduno Vespa The misfonøjedes space weather forecast for Lucca, Florence - along with all the other tourists Traffic differently Rainy and Sunday Market Day in Lucca Flat hose Our house looked a little distance on the city wall around Lucca Up on a hilltop happiness in Lucca Well arrived in the hills of Lucca Aftensol in Lindau sec_error_expired_certificate and Chiavari Briefly ... When taking time
Lucca (7) the housing (4) Via Borgo Gianotti (3) goodbye (3) summer (3) Chianti (2) Gert (2) Joan (2), Vespa (2) visits (2) buskryddder (2) meteo (2) olives (2) rain (2) Forecast (2) Anne and Sven (1) Chiavari (1) Colle di Val d'Elsa (1) David (1) Leaning Tower (1) Florence (1) Fortuna (1) Frederik IV (1) Galleria Palatina (1) Giosuè Carducci (1) Greve (1) Lindau sec_error_expired_certificate (1) Lou Reed (1) Madonna (1) Minnie (1) Palazzo Pfanner (1) Panzanetto (1) Pisa (1) Pistoia ( 1) San Gimignano (1) San Michele in Foro (1) San Zeno (1) Sonja (1) Stree View (1) TV (1) Tuscany (1) evening (1) nuclear power (1) car (1) flowers (1) Blues (1) bombed (1) bread (1) buon viaggio (1) shops (1) wall (1) Cicadas (1) bicycle race (1) bikes (1) Grapes (1) angels (1) holiday sec_error_expired_certificate ( 1) lizard (1) Wild Oats (1) referendum (1) Spring (1) photo journey (1) frescoes (1) provide the time (1) cuckoo (1) Italian (1) chaos (1) Cards (1) Art ( 1) happiness (1) Malcontenti (1) Markets (1) meditation sec_error_expired_certificate (1) plaque (1) displeased (1) motion sec_error_expired_certificate (1) museum. (1) National Day (1) night (1) pane (1) Parking (1) St. John's Wort (1) porcini (1) privatization (1) hose (1) genealogy towers (1) narrow roads (1) hat (1) sunshine ( 1) summer (1) language (1) Noise (1) thunder (1) traffic (1) hot (1) the way home (1) crossroads (1) right of way (1) tasting (1)

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Two was the answer! Year 1995 and 2005. But the Danish importer, Sigurd Müller Vinhandel, was kind

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There are some invitations that arouses extra attention when they dump into the letter box. Such was the invitation from the Italian culthouse, Tenuta dell'Ornellaia since the winery would celebrate its 20th anniversary for the wine itself Ornellaia by a tasting. Oh I thought you with poinsettias in the eyes - how many generations would wonder be served by this, one of Italy's greatest wines?
Two was the answer! Year 1995 and 2005. But the Danish importer, Sigurd Müller Vinhandel, was kind enough to "fill up" with even a vintage Ornellaia and then a year of super wine Masseto. Quite a nice little handful.
Tenuta dell'Ornellaia was founded in 1981 by Ludovico Antinori, brother of the more famous enough Piero Antinori. The winery is located in Bolgheri in Tuscany and is situated next to the Sassicaia. It is today on 97 hectares of vines and is only planted with "bordeaux-grapes" as Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Merlot and Petit Verdot.
Initially got Antinori using the famous American wine expert Andre Tchelistcheff, who was convinced that the classic Bordeaux grapes would do best in the area and therefore did not have to plant Sangiovese that otherwise dominates in Tuscany. Bolgheri area reminiscent also in many ways the Bordeaux; it is relatively flat, close to the water and have (almost) the same microclimate.
The last 5-10 years have ownership of Ornellaia been a bit changeable. In 2003 sold Ludovico Antinori Tenuta dell'Ornellaia to a partnership between Robert Mondavi and Frescobaldi. When Constellation Brands in 2005 took over the Robert Mondavi Winery, bought Frescobaldi most shares, but Michael Mondavi still has a small stake. tankio Before the tasting of the "great wines" we tasted two other wines Tenuta dell'Ornellaia tankio also doing.
2006 Le Volte has just over 50% Sangiovese in it, purchased from outside Bolgeri. The rest is Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. It is intense in fragrance with cherry, currant, slightly toasted and very fresh. It is between the rich with good fruit and a lovely smooth and fresh, fruity flavor. Good ending with lots of fruit (again) and a little Tuscan acid. 89/100 - kr. 110,00 - it's actually a good price!
2005 Le Serre Nuove is the second wine of Ornellaia. It uses grapes from younger vines or plots, there are no good enough for the best wine. It is made of 50% Merlot, 35% Cabernet tankio Sauvignon, 10% Cabernet Franc and 5% Petit Verdot. It is intense with blackcurrant, pepper, a little mint. Very nice in the fragrance. Between bodied to full-bodied wine, with nice fruit and an extremely harmonious flavor with rich, soft tannins. You still taste of new oak, but it is really nice integrated. Very nice and especially very delicious wine. I smoke all the way up to 92/100 pts. The price is kr. 250.00.
So we came to 3 x Ornellaia, which are mainly Cabernet Sauvignon tankio and Merlot. tankio The individual "cuvées" stores separately in oak barrels for 18 months, after which the wine is blended and place bottled where it then stores for 12 months before it is put for sale.
2005 Ornellaia is made of 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 22% Merlot, 14% Cabernet Franc and 4% Petit Verdot. It is very dark and little closed in the nose. One senses a little blackcurrant, mint, roasted dish and tobacco. It is full-bodied tankio with tightly packed, nice fruit and an intense flavor with a good structure and an extremely perfect balance. Here are good tannins - strict yet soft - and with underlying force. Very, very nice. Must be although it can be hard! A klassevin. 96/100 pts. The price is kr. 695.00.
1998 Ornellaia is 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 35% Merlot and 5% Cabernet tankio Franc. It is the wine which in 2001 became the year's wine from Wine Spectator. It noted in color, the wine has a little age. Intense on the nose with ripe berry, plum, cedar and some animal noises. Beautiful. Between bodied tankio wine with nice fruit and a little rank taste but with nice soft and ripe tannins. The wine is very nice balanced tankio and perfectly ripe now. Elegant in style. 94/100 pts.
1995 Ornellaia has 76% Cabernet Sauvignon, 18% Merlot and 6% Cabernet Franc in itself. It is reddish brown in color. Intense aroma of black currants, animal noises, mintet. Between bodied wine with fine fruit and an excellent flavor that is mature and balanced in an elegant style. The wine is on top now and should not be longer! Nice but not excellent. 92/100 pts.
Finally came Tenuta dell'Ornellaias absolute kultvin Masseto in year 2001. Masseto 2001 is 100% Merlot from the same vineyard - yet it is not all wine here, coming in Masseto as something used in Ornellaia. Each block vinified and aged separately for 12 months in barrels. Then mix the wine and store another 12 m

Friday, May 15, 2015

Exciting talks with Birgitte. Learn include on at 15 syndrome, Cap Karla and spinsters, virgins and

You may decorate with an almond in each cake or a half. If you want this you need a little more.
Smut almonds and toast them in a dry pan until they are crisp. You can chop them coarsely or finely whichever you prefer. Beat egg whites quite stiff and whip the sugar a little at a time. Beat in the vanilla sugar. chopping block chicago Eventually turned the chopped almonds in marengsmassen.
Come marengsmassen chopping block chicago on wax paper laid on the baking sheet with a spoon - marengskagerne need size as table tennis balls. Behind them in the middle of the oven at 130-140 degrees until they are dry and brittle, it takes about half an hour. But look at them. It can vary from oven to oven.
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Exciting talks with Birgitte. Learn include on at 15 syndrome, Cap Karla and spinsters, virgins and widows
1 hour clairvoyance, personally in Hellerup or over the phone.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

If you are interested in wine and goes summer vacation to Tuscany, so treat yourself to the experie

If you are interested in wine and goes summer vacation to Tuscany, so treat yourself to the experience of visiting one or more wineries to see how some of the world's most famous wines are still produced in the traditional way.
Tuscany is famous worldwide nau an for its great hospitality and take with open arms welcome visitors, sharing nau an the area's passion for wine and viticulture. There are countless opportunities on their own to explore among known or unknown winemakers, modern or more traditional winemakers. The possibilities are manifold.
It is Tuscany, which has given its name to the wines, which today is called "Super Tuscans". A concept that originated in the 1970s as a result of a number of ambitious winemakers and for the time controversial winemakers wanted to combine traditional production methods with modern and still had high quality and good taste as their goal. Who would not like to taste some of their wines? Today created nau an some of the world's best and most talked about wines in Tuscany. Then you are in Tuscany, why not take the opportunity and explore the plethora of options available in the area.
Although many of the large commercial wineries offer organized tours with a guide that takes you on the great tour of the vineyards, wine cellar, etc., Consider whether or not you rather try to go a different, more unique and personal experience. For example if you really want to experience the Chianti region, so you should avoid the worst tourist sites and take off on their own. It may be that you are home have tasted a wine that you found really good, and as you might like to know more about. In addition, it is also not the worst taste wine straight from the source.
If you need inspiration or have no idea which wineries that would be exciting to visit, try to contact the Consorzio Chianti Classico (They speak English). There they will be able to give you contact information to some excellent wineries in the area, which is also happy to get visitors talking about their wines and of course provide samples of their wines. Do you have any questions for the winemaker, do not hold you back. To show genuine interest pays off sometimes. You may find winemaker suddenly a special wine until you taste or maybe you get an additional discount.
Three wineries that take on visitors and offers tours and tastings (often with bread, cheese, local meat and salami) is Casa Emma (also open on Sundays), Castello di Verrazzano and Castello nau an di Brolio. In Tuscany takes things the time things now even take. Although wine producers also in Tuscany are hardworking and committed when it comes to wine, so you have to set you on a tour taking the time as it is now taking. Winegrower often use the time that is necessary for you to get the best experience. It may even be that you are being offered something to eat.
If you plan your visit home then stick to one or two winemakers who you really are interested in and from whom you would like to taste wines. If your vacation is a decidedly vinferie, so it is realistic by visits to wine producers in the morning nau an and the afternoon.
Remember cash if you want to buy wine because it often results in a lower price than if you pay by credit card. Why? Well it is Italy and has nothing to do with a credit card gives an electronic trail of bookkeeping ....
Prices are accurate as of 4/5/2015 09:36. Product prices and availability are subject to change For. Any price and availablility information displayed on at the time of purchase vil Apply to the purchase of any products.
Henrik Koudahl is a genuine Italy-freak with great interest to both the authentic Italian cuisine and especially the Italian wines. nau an For Henry, it's a sport to find both new and exciting nau an wines and recipes. Additionally blogger he like about Italian culture.
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Decoding Italian Wine: A Beginner's Guide to Enjoy ... - 6.38
Prices are accurate as of 4/3/2015 14:50. Product prices and availability are subject to change For. Any price and availablility information displayed on at the time of purchase vil Apply to the purchase of any products.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

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When the food got legs that go on with droplets from Tuscany as lejfi støt'pædago '| The portal about life in the South Funen Archipelago
Grocery whitsons culinary group Avernakø has brought many new ideas to the island. Friday was all seats occupied in Avernakø Forsamlingshus as grocery couple Marianne and Paw welcomed 112 guests. whitsons culinary group Probably it was a new tradition that was added the long line, which already makes it socially engaging and nice to stay on the island, only a good half hour by boat from Faaborg.
After the welcome by Marianne, who is the better half of the grocery store while commuting to a job on Horne Land, took over the youngest generation. Louise of 12 years had been one of his many talents and composed a song especially for the occasion. Since there also lives an artist in grocery daughter, whitsons culinary group it was of course with his own illustrations. There was no sore verse feet in tribute of melody "The field is mowed" - but under the tables tripped dancing feet vocally with the obvious show.
Martin Holmberg, who is chief of Øfærgen showed other talents, as he told of his southern interest - wines from Tuscany. The variety of white, Rose- and reds were diligently trying power and since it is impossible is sommelier whitsons culinary group in the South Funen Archipelago and therefore not gurgle as the outlying town of attention at the Swedish coastline. Yes, they were magnificent drops either thrown whitsons culinary group on the glass or gurglet to the floor pan. Næeh, not least the four absolute gems from the harvest of the red vineyard was enjoyed with decorum. Prego ....
- Oh je 'be' first drå'verne of me 'kinj'tænj'erne, said my neighbor, who has good grip on Italian wine and the dark-eyed women laid down there, south of Kongeåen and Common Market. Tagdogselvbord
As the many tens bottles had gone the way, such a power must go, took Heidi Brown from Barlebo Cheese over with a true symphony of cheeses. Even more of their own fabrication, so the mood was high as what some call tapas, was presented at a huge roof-dog-for-all in the taproom. Tapas, in the southern countries are small sip-sip-contraptions were in grocery whitsons culinary group issue an orgy that could compete with Jesus and Jung man's legendary meals in the desert.
Since yours truly scribe as per program should amuse with Archipelago Stories, whitsons culinary group had this feature in the splendid evening improvised and rapidly cut down to a quarter length, Øfærgen well have found his style and immer sailing on time. So could all of Funen, Jutland and Aero reach home and wake up to International Women's whitsons culinary group Day with a good taste in your mouth. The taste of life in the South Funen Archipelago.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Everything takes on a mixture of body language, Italian and English and will of course also be tran

Home Aarhus News from Aarhus Courses Registration Aarhus Former istanbul culinary institute arr. Contact Aarhus Copenhagen News from Copenhagen Courses Registration Copenhagen Former arr. Statutes Contact Copenhagen Odense News from Odense Courses Registration Odense Former arr. Statutes Contact Odense Viborg News from Viborg Courses Registration Viborg Former arr. Statutes Contact Viborg Sydvestjylland News from Sydvestjylland Courses Registration Sydvestjylland Former arr. Statutes Contact Sydvestjylland Southeast News from Dante Southeast Courses Registration Southeast Former arr. Statutes Contact Southeast Useful links Contact Webmaster
All who love good food, wine and Italy are invited to an evening with the presentation of the beautiful Italian region LE MARCHE. Embark on a gastronomic journey, when we invite to 'Aperi-cena' (= Aperitivo-cena):
Learn to taste both olive oil and wine and discover the taste of Le Marche. For a buffet, made with organic ingredients, guests istanbul culinary institute will have an unforgettable experience and eventually stand with open mouths and filled stomachs. There will be both course, debate and plenty of food and wine - and an evening in good company!
We are visited by Loredana and Sonja Miconi, two skilled Mamme and cooks mmm from the organization LE COLLINE istanbul culinary institute DEL BUONGUSTO. They bring all the best from their local cuisine: Meats and cheese, making local pasta dish with much more and not least teaches us how to make "Olive ascolane" (a very delicious specialty from Ascoli Piceno) - stuffed, fried olives divine right !!
The evening starts with a short video presentation of some of the most beautiful places in LE MARCHE, then a small kitchen-school where they show cooking Olive ascolane, a good talk about OLIVE and OLIVE-TASTING (sic !!) and then a magnificent "Aperi-cena" (Apertivo + cena), that is a mixture of apertivo + cena (= dinner). See the amazing menu below: As organizers of NOI MARCHE says: Un menú che ten lascia a bocca aperta ea pancia piena: istanbul culinary institute A menu that leaves you open-mouthed and full stomach!
Everything takes on a mixture of body language, Italian and English and will of course also be translated into Danish. The only requirement for participation is the joy of Italy and the joy of fantastic food and wonderful wines!