Sunday, October 20, 2013

Emirates, Australia, England, America, Germany, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Iran Hossein Amanat L

Tvylry House | Architecture Atlantic Petunias
One of the royal palaces of France, right on the edge of the Seine in Paris, and was demolished in 1871.'s Former palace understand me chief keef of the Louvre Palace was located on the west side. After the death of King Henry II, Catherine de Medici of France in 1559 his successor was decided to build a new palace.
He supervised the construction of the palace in 1564 and began leading architects Fylybrt Dvlvrm. Brick oven Tvylry name means and why it was called before the House of brick ovens in the area where they were working. House consists of a long, narrow building with a large yard and two yards long Sqfhayy was small. House and buildings were developed in the first decade of the 17th century that were connected to the southeastern side of the Palace of the Louvre Palace.
Louis XIV at Versailles Palace, residence of the House Tvylry. understand me chief keef Landscape designer Louis XIV, Andre Le Notre gardens, understand me chief keef beautiful garden and then went for Tvylry design. Tvylry After Louis XIV moved to Versailles in practice was abandoned and only use it as a theatrical turn. Its beautiful gardens and the resort was Parysyha accumulation.
At the time of the French Revolution in 1789 forced Louis XVI and the royal family moved from Versailles to Tvylry. They stay under house arrest in Tvylry Qrardashtnd revolutionaries. On 2 June 1791, ie 2 years after the initial arrest, Louis XVI and his family attempted to flee but was captured and returned to the city called inverse Tvylry moved. August 10, 1792 Tvylry palace was invaded by the mob, after General Azqtl Swiss Guard (Guard understand me chief keef Protector royalty), the palace was attacked. The royal family could have escaped through the garden to the French National Assembly and the National Assembly to request asylum.
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Emirates, Australia, England, America, Germany, Italy, Spain, Taiwan, Turkey, Iran Hossein Amanat Latrvb Euros Sarynn Benjamin Henry David Fisher House by Richard Meier, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas Renzo Piano Richard Rogers Russia Saudi French film Le Corbusier, Louis Kahn, Frank Gehry, Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture WTC Mirmiran Miss Malaysia Calatrava, Norman understand me chief keef Foster Vndrvhh Kamran Diba Canada China Japan Korea Library Greek Church Yvrn Avtzn
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